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14:45, 16th February 2025 (GMT+0)

Chapter 1: A Friend In Need.

Posted by DMFor group 0
GM, 91 posts
Story Spinner
Dice Fibber
Tue 5 Nov 2024
at 00:22
  • msg #189

Chapter 1: A Friend In Need

Ooopsie I forgot Gareth preemptively made a perception 17 which finds the loot.

Tucked behind the stone chair is a small, unlocked wooden chest containing two potions of healing, 16 gp, 82 sp, and 250 cp.

(You could heal Floon now if you want, or just carry him out)
Pali Nujam
player, 50 posts
Yuan-ti Pureblood Wizard
HP 14/14 AC 12
Tue 5 Nov 2024
at 03:30
  • msg #190

Chapter 1: A Friend In Need

Pali caught the spellbook tossed by Anteris with a smirk.  "Oh wow, thanks!"    She put it into her backpack for now, deciding it was best to probably go through it later.  If he had any spells in there she didn't already have, she would have to save up some money and get the right inks and paper to copy them over to her own spellbook.  That was of course a problem for future her.

Pali eyed the area as they left.  Even in her state of mental exhaustion she was able to see the chest like the others and helped get their contents.    Potions of healing were valuable, not for cost as much as usefulness in a pinch.  She had heard many a story about how even one potion had saved the a group of adventurers when used when they needed it most.

"I would say Maybe Gareth and Ben each take a potion for future use?  You two got hurt the most in that fight."  She flicked some wet sticky stuff from her hand on the wall.  She had resigned herself to the fact she was going to need a lot of time to repeatedly cast her prestidigitation spell to get all this gunk off of her person--or a good, long, hot bath if they decided to splurge on finding an Inn with such amenities.  Oh that sounded so nice.  She helped grab up Floon's unconscious form to make their way out.

OOC:  made the perception check... and then realized it wasn't necessary.  Oh well.
22:07, Today: Pali Nujam rolled 18 using 1d20+2.  Perception check.

I can help carry Floon out--I may be a wizard but I actually have a 13 strength so I'm not totally a weakling.  LOL

Gareth Arandur
player, 51 posts
Human Fighter
AC 17/19
Tue 5 Nov 2024
at 13:47
  • msg #191

Chapter 1: A Friend In Need

Gareth nods at Pali’s suggestion and adds the offered potion to his pouch. As if the topic made him realize that he was injured he momentarily concentrated on his inner reserve and his cheeks suddenly appeared rosier.

"That’s somewhat better, nothing some food and rest won’t fix. Let me know if Floon gets to be too much and I’ll take him. Ahh, a moment."

He stepped into one of the side rooms and returned a few moments later with a couple of threadbare blankets. ”These should keep the worst of the chill off of Floon during the trip back to the tavern. Let’s get him bundled.”

Second Wind add HP. – 6
HP 22/25
Whoops Token in pocket

Ben Goldmann
player, 41 posts
Human Warlock
Tue 5 Nov 2024
at 14:01
  • msg #192

Chapter 1: A Friend In Need

Ben pauses and turns back around to face everyone. "Huh?" he says, his voice still nasally before he lets go of his nose, "A potion?" he takes the offered bottle and looks at it. "Is this some kind of fruit juice or something?"
Gareth Arandur
player, 52 posts
Human Fighter
AC 17/19
Tue 5 Nov 2024
at 14:31
  • msg #193

Chapter 1: A Friend In Need

Biting off a laugh, Gareth grins, “Fruit? Doubtful. Admittedly, my experience with potions is limited. But the few I’ve used tasted more like feet than fruit. I’m sure Pali can explain potions better than I can.”

He continues to prepare Floon to protect him against the cold outside. "Fruit! A good one that is!."

HP 22/25
Whoops Token in pocket

Anteris Monreth
dmpc, 45 posts
The Lowpriest
Tue 5 Nov 2024
at 14:48
  • msg #194

Chapter 1: A Friend In Need

"A potion is magical healing, like the syringe I stuck you with...except that was just heroine." He grins. He checks the game rating. Are we allowed to mention drugs in the all audiences version? It was just a joke, it's not drugs, it's magic.

Leading the way to room 11 with everyone, helping with Floon however he can. He stops to inspect the pillar that opened the portal. "Some kinda key goes here." But he wasn't interested in going wherever the mind flayer was.

Back at the icy ladder, "Well, plenty of ways to carry Floon up the ladder. Half of us could go up with a rope, tie it to him, then probably Gareth carries him up, but you probably can't carry your lantern, listen, I'm probably overthinking this, but you can climb a ladder in the dark with some dead weight can't ya? Of course you can. You've basically been carrying this entire team, and your shoulders ain't even hurtin'."

Perhaps its the calm way he continues to talk and talk like he doesn't care what the words are, he just likes the sound of his own voice, but the pep talk is reassuring and gives a little confidence boost.

Regardless of how we actually climb the ladder lets do an athletics check from EVERYONE.
I cast guidance on Gareth, add d4 to your roll.
Anteris and Ranaer 18+15 str

Ben Goldmann
player, 42 posts
Human Warlock
Tue 5 Nov 2024
at 14:52
  • msg #195

Chapter 1: A Friend In Need

Walking back towards the first room with a look of disgust on his face as he puts the healing potion away, he quickly plugs his nose with one hand. As they make their way to the ladder, Ben has a tough time getting up, probably because he's very intent on not releasing his nose with one hand.

Athletics - 4
Gareth Arandur
player, 53 posts
Human Fighter
AC 17/19
Tue 5 Nov 2024
at 15:06
  • msg #196

Chapter 1: A Friend In Need

Extinguishing the lantern and stowing it, Gareth slings Floon over his shoulder and climbs the ladder back to street level.

Athletics (STR) check +4 Guidance. – 26
LOL…Athletics was probably one area where Gareth didn’t need Guidance but maybe Ben did

EDIT: I screwed that roll up and added 4 for Guidance instead of a d4, subtracting the 4 still leaves me a 22, hopefully good enough. guidance. – 2 = 24 total
This message was last edited by the player at 15:25, Tue 05 Nov 2024.
Pali Nujam
player, 51 posts
Yuan-ti Pureblood Wizard
HP 14/14 AC 12
Tue 5 Nov 2024
at 19:11
  • msg #197

Chapter 1: A Friend In Need

Pali climbed the ladder without any problem--just held back by Ben who seemed to be struggling.  Rather than be impatient or condescending, she tried to help him as best she could to get back up and out of the sewers.  "Careful Ben, keep going, you got this...  Watch your foot!" She was coming up the ladder closer to him trying to help him keep his grip.

OOC: rolled a natural 20 on my skill check.

14:03, Today: Pali Nujam rolled 21 using 1d20+1.  Athletics Check.

Any chance I can help Ben up the ladder?

GM, 92 posts
Story Spinner
Dice Fibber
Tue 5 Nov 2024
at 19:38
  • msg #198

Chapter 1: A Friend In Need

Team check dc 50. Team total: 49. IT WAS CLOSE.

Anteris and Ranaer pull while Gareth pushes and we manage to get the Floon bundle up into the warehouse. Surprisingly, Captain Staget and his men are still here. Well, half his men. A few crates are the City Watch confiscating out of season sandals?

However, Ben has some trouble on the slippery metal rungs of the ladder and bangs his shin quite bad.
Ben take 2dmg. We will long rest soon, there aren't any other dangers, so don't worry about it other than role play.

Captain Staget, "Well that was pretty quick. You found your guy, eh? What was it, Star Syndicate? What happened down there?"
Anteris Monreth
dmpc, 46 posts
The Lowpriest
Tue 5 Nov 2024
at 19:41
  • msg #199

Chapter 1: A Friend In Need

The Eladrin who usually fronts as the team leader is uncharacteristically silent in regard to Captain Staget. He merely lights up a cigar and puffs on it.

"We should get to the Yawning Portal. We can probably get a discount on a room there, maybe Volo is still up."
Gareth Arandur
player, 54 posts
Human Fighter
AC 17/19
Thu 7 Nov 2024
at 13:28
  • msg #200

Chapter 1: A Friend In Need

Gareth paused a beat to see if anyone else was going to speak up before giving Captain Staget the Cliff Notes version of their foray into the sewer. As he wrapped up, a thought occurred to him, ”Captain, you don’t by chance have a healer with your team do you? Mr. Blagmaar could stand some attention before we take him back to his friend Volothamp and neither our group nor young Lord Neverember have the means at hand.

"Much easier to move him under his own power than to carry through the streets.”

Pali Nujam
player, 52 posts
Yuan-ti Pureblood Wizard
HP 14/14 AC 12
Thu 7 Nov 2024
at 13:34
  • msg #201

Chapter 1: A Friend In Need

"The Spellbound Syndicate." Pali corrected the captain of the guard with a grin. "We found Floon and rescued him… it’s what we do.  He does need a healer of course like my comrade said but he’s alive. We just had to deal with the… resistance to our rescue." She might have been still covered in intellect devourer goo but she tried to put on a confident expression as she nodded to Gareth.  "It’s no big surprise that kidnappers were not too keen on just letting us take him back." She chuckled.
This message was last edited by the player at 13:36, Thu 07 Nov 2024.
GM, 93 posts
Story Spinner
Dice Fibber
Thu 7 Nov 2024
at 14:50
  • msg #202

Chapter 1: A Friend In Need

Staget's bushy eyebrows go halfway up his forehead, "That's a really good idea! We should have healers on our team. We would be able to do so much more than just punish criminals, we could help the victims too. You Spellbound Syndicate are sharp! I'll run this one by the supers and see what they say. More'n likely it'll be tons of red tape."

You said cliff notes version, but that doesn't tell me what you told. I'm specifically wanting to know if you leave out the mind flayer and intellect devourer from your report.
Gareth Arandur
player, 55 posts
Human Fighter
AC 17/19
Thu 7 Nov 2024
at 16:12
  • msg #203

Chapter 1: A Friend In Need

As the captain probed for details, Gareth did the best he could but his recollection of the fight was somewhat muddled. He explained there was an orc, maybe it was a half-orc, and a mind flayer. But the mind flayer floated away into the next room. Then the orc was dead and the mind flayer was gone. Probably through the secret door they’d used to enter; from there it could have gone anywhere down the sewers.

OOC: I don’t believe that Gareth could have seen the Mind Flayer activate the pillar since he was Charmed and fighting in another room. His experience is the MF floated from Q7 to Q11 and disappeared. His best guess it went through the secret door and since it apparently didn’t come up into the warehouse, it must have gone somewhere using the sewer.
GM, 94 posts
Story Spinner
Dice Fibber
Thu 7 Nov 2024
at 16:23
  • msg #204

Chapter 1: A Friend In Need

That's fine I just wanted to know if you mention it or not.
Ben Goldmann
player, 43 posts
Human Warlock
Thu 7 Nov 2024
at 18:16
  • msg #205

Chapter 1: A Friend In Need

Ben lets the others do the talking, one hand coming up to wipe away the starting to dry blood that leaked earlier from his eyes and ears away. He seems a bit withdrawn into himself at the moment, only half paying attention to what's going on around him.
Pali Nujam
player, 53 posts
Yuan-ti Pureblood Wizard
HP 14/14 AC 12
Fri 8 Nov 2024
at 12:46
  • msg #206

Chapter 1: A Friend In Need

"It had an intellect devourer with it, but not anymore." Pali added as she idly picked another chunk of… well she wasn’t even sure what it was but it was wet and sticky and not hers so she just assumed it was from the intellect devourer and flicked it onto the floor in front of the captain.  She had held back information by instinct but realizing Gareth had gone ahead and told him, she decided she should just come out with it.  "Gareth probably couldn’t see it but the Mind Flayer used some sort of portal in that other room and teleported away so, really it could be anywhere now." the tall white haired woman sighed looking at her companions especially Ben with his injuries and then finally turning back to the guard leader. She straightened her posture while putting on a polite smile but almost regal stance as if she had practice at it.  She spoke with a matching tone and all despite her disheveled appearance.  "Captain we are a little beat up as you can see and should be going.  I know I could use some rest… well, at least for me, a bath… I feel gross but then rest.  If you need us for something we will be at the Yawning Portal for the time being. May we go now?"
GM, 95 posts
Story Spinner
Dice Fibber
Sat 9 Nov 2024
at 18:23
  • msg #207

Chapter 1: A Friend In Need

Staget is shocked to learn about the mind flayer. "All the more reason for the guard to stay busy topside and not interfere down there. Could you imagine if a mind flayer infiltrated the City Watch? Bad news bears. You are dismissed. I'll likely be seeing you around."


You take turns dragging the Floon bundle back to the Yawning Portal, it's nearly 1am and Anteris is a popsicle, but the fire inside the Tavern is hot and Volo greets you warmly! "You did it! And Ranaer too! moment..." Volo digs through his magical bag of holding and withdraws a violin that is far bigger than the bag. He plucks it and butterflies magically grow off the vibrations of the strings and flutter over Floon. Soon the lad wakes up.

Floon, "Ahhhh! Ohhhh! I'm saved! Thank you all."

The grateful trio hug each other, the three amigos. Your new best friends. The celebrations don't die soon. Ranaer orders a round of drinks for everyone, before they arrive Volo awkwardly interrupts.

“I confess that I have but few coins to spare. But never let it be said that Volo reneges on a promise. Allow me to present something much more valuable.” He holds out a scroll tube. “The deed to a remarkable property here in Waterdeep! We’ll need a magistrate to witness the transfer of ownership. I’ll arrange a meeting with one after you’ve inspected the estate and deemed it satisfactory.”
Anteris Monreth
dmpc, 47 posts
The Lowpriest
Sat 9 Nov 2024
at 18:27
  • msg #208

Chapter 1: A Friend In Need

Anteris takes the tube and inspects the deed. He nods his head. "Not bad. This sure beats renting tavern rooms, but if the place is a dump it will cost us more to fix up. 'Specially during the winter. Why don't we check it out in the mornin' before doing the transfer?"
Ben Goldmann
player, 44 posts
Human Warlock
Sat 9 Nov 2024
at 21:39
  • msg #209

Chapter 1: A Friend In Need

Ben has stayed mostly quiet the whole walk back, and even now the most you get from him is a "Sure, sounds good," before he returns to just kinda staring off into the middle distance. His hand's not even tapping against the tabletop right now.
Pali Nujam
player, 54 posts
Yuan-ti Pureblood Wizard
HP 14/14 AC 12
Sun 10 Nov 2024
at 20:30
  • msg #210

Chapter 1: A Friend In Need

Pali was never a heavy drinker so she decided she was staying only a short time--long enough to hear the announcement of their apparent new house.  She was polite but mostly kept to herself not engaging with their benefactors much.  They seemed friendly enough, but she wasn't feeling very social. "Yeah I agree, rest now, and then in the morning go check out the estate."  She sighed.  "Now if you will excuse me, I'm going to go scrub this... ick off and get some rest."  Pali went to the innkeeper and asked if he had a bath in the place to use.

OOC:  bath time and then she's going off to a room to memorize her spells and then sleep.
Ben Goldmann
player, 45 posts
Human Warlock
Sun 10 Nov 2024
at 21:01
  • msg #211

Chapter 1: A Friend In Need

As Pali leaves he blinks and then looks around, only then noticing Pali's left, and one hand reaches down to a pouch at his waist. He makes his way over to the innkeeper as well once Pali is gone and asks if he'd be able to use the kitchen for a bit. He explains that he just needs the stove and counter space, he has all the ingredients and cooking utensils he needs already.
Gareth Arandur
player, 56 posts
Human Fighter
AC 17/19
Mon 11 Nov 2024
at 22:05
  • msg #212

Chapter 1: A Friend In Need

As the breaks up for the others to deal with their personal business, Gareth sits for a few minutes, watching the goings on in the tavern.

His drink empty and feeling a bit worse for the wear, he rises, "Some rest is probably the best thing for it. I'll see you on the morrow." Stiffing a yawn, he moves toward the stairway and makes his way to the room he'd arranged for when he first arrived.

OOC: sorry folks, been totally nuts at work and will be so the rest of the week, traveling and meetings
GM, 96 posts
Story Spinner
Dice Fibber
Tue 12 Nov 2024
at 16:21
  • msg #213

Chapter 1: A Friend In Need

A few hours ago it felt like we spent days in this tavern, yucking it up with each other, getting to know one another.

Now, having had our brains thoroughly inspected for intellect, and puking our guts out, there's no desire for revelry part two.

Durnan the innkeeper helps Pali to a hot bath and helps Ben to the kitchen with less character than a door knob. Your passive insight suggests he might not be Durnan at all, he might not even be human. But that's a problem for the morning.

Sleep well my friends!

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