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18:50, 16th February 2025 (GMT+0)

Chapter 1: A Friend In Need.

Posted by DMFor group 0
GM, 2 posts
Story Spinner
Dice Fibber
Sat 5 Oct 2024
at 15:32
  • msg #1

Chapter 1: A Friend In Need

You sit in the tavern and feel the seasons literally change. From what it was then, to winter now.

A slight shift in the lighting. The expressions on the faces of everyone that previously ignored you turn to faces of interest.

You just slayed a troll like it was no big deal. Free drinks was the reward. A bit of name cheering for the Spellbound Syndicate, but it died just as quickly as the troll.

But now there is interest. Specifically from a certain bardist fellow with a glorious mustache (History check dc15 to recognize Volo Geddarm, who is considered by some to be a con-artist, and considered by others to be famous and trustworthy.) “You be adventurers, am I right? I could use your help. Let’s find a table to talk, shall we?”

The figure who approached you strokes his mustache, adjusts his floppy hat, and tightens his scarf. “Volothamp Geddarm, chronicler, wizard, and celebrity, at your service. I trust you’ve noted the violence in our fair city these past tendays. I haven’t seen so much blood since my last visit to Baldur’s Gate! But now I fear I have misplaced a friend amid this odious malevolence.

“My friend’s name is Floon Blagmaar. He’s got more beauty than brains, and I worry he took a bad way home a couple nights ago and was kidnapped — or worse. If you agree to track him down with all due haste, I can offer you ten dragons apiece now, and I can give you each ten times that when you find Floon. May I prevail upon you in my hour of need?”

Pali Nujam
player, 1 post
Yuan-ti Pureblood Wizard
HP 14/14 AC 12
Sun 6 Oct 2024
at 03:55
  • msg #2

Chapter 1: A Friend In Need

Pali eyed the man with a look of concentration on her face.  She seemed to be studying his face, trying to discern something.  After a moment she seemed momentarily disappointed however and sat back in silence and listened to the guy make his offer.  "A paying job."  She said with a smile.  She looked to her companions around the table.  "Well, I did say I would need some income to accomplish goals in the future So I will do it so long as the rest of you want to here.  What say you guys?"

OOC: Rolled a 13 on my history check so close but just missed it.  LOL
Ben Goldmann
player, 1 post
Sun 6 Oct 2024
at 14:01
  • msg #3

Chapter 1: A Friend In Need

Ben shrugs, "Might as well, don't have anything better to do, and there's no real reason not to."

There's absolutely no way Ben would know who this is, so no point in even rolling, lol
Gareth Arandur
player, 1 post
Human Fighter
AC 17/19
Sun 6 Oct 2024
at 15:29
  • msg #4

Chapter 1: A Friend In Need

Not being much of a reader, Gareth has no earthly clue who the mustachioed fellow is, but his interest is piqued at the mention of cash. ”Always willing to lend a hand. But the size of your offer makes me wonder if there isn’t more to the story. A hundred dragons to each of us simply to find a wandering friend seems like quite a lot.”

History check dc15. – 4
Pali Nujam
player, 2 posts
Yuan-ti Pureblood Wizard
HP 14/14 AC 12
Mon 7 Oct 2024
at 00:11
  • msg #5

Chapter 1: A Friend In Need

Pali's smile faltered and was replaced by a more serious look on her face.  She had no idea who he was but this guy offered some very good pay for a rescue mission.  A little too good and that was reflected by her companion.  Pali nodded to the burly fighter.  "Gareth has a point.  What is the catch?"  Her stern frown broke into a smirk.  "I mean, let's face it, we will probably still do it, but knowing what we are getting into might be helpful."
Anteris Monreth
dmpc, 1 post
The Lowpriest
Mon 7 Oct 2024
at 03:55
  • msg #6

Chapter 1: A Friend In Need

A strange sensation washed over him. Did the others feel it? They seemed not to react. Was it just him? Like the entire universe switching hands, or being split into two but the old one was irrelevant and all that mattered was now.

Volo practically wrote the book that Anteris lived. The guy was famous and Anteris did his best not to geek out.

"Spellbound Syndicate at your service, sir. Er...I'd ask for your autograph but..."

But what? Something was weird.
GM, 11 posts
Story Spinner
Dice Fibber
Mon 7 Oct 2024
at 04:03
  • msg #7

Chapter 1: A Friend In Need

"My pleasure!" Volo produces a feather quill out of thin air and writes his signature with magical ink on a cloth napkin.

He hands it to Anteris. To everyone else he gives a small pouch with 10gp each.

Volo ignores any questions of concern and continues on, after all, you accepted the job already!!!

Volo describes Floon as a handsome human male in his early thirties with wavy red-blond hair. He was dressed in princely garb when Volo last saw him. Two nights ago, before Floon disappeared, he and Volo were drinking and merrymaking at the Skewered Dragon, a dark, bawdy tavern in the Dock Ward. Volo recommends that the characters start their search there.

But something is strange. Maybe an insight check???
This message was last edited by the GM at 04:04, Mon 07 Oct 2024.
Gareth Arandur
player, 3 posts
Human Fighter
AC 17/19
Mon 7 Oct 2024
at 12:48
  • msg #8

Chapter 1: A Friend In Need

He raised an eyebrow at the way Anteris seemed to almost gush over the odd fellow. Autograph? What's that all about?! Was there some spell at work here?

When the pouches were passed around, Gareth simply allowed his to rest on the table. ”Alright Mr. Volvo or whatever that mouthful was, I’ve watched enough negotiations to know that putting the rush on folks is a sure sign of trying to hide something. I for one prefer to go into a venture knowing what I’m up against. So, let’s have the whole story so that we can properly get to work finding your friend.” His voice is even but there is an underlying edge to it.

Insight (WIS) check. – 22
Ben Goldmann
player, 2 posts
Mon 7 Oct 2024
at 13:11
  • msg #9

Chapter 1: A Friend In Need

Ben nods at Gareth's words, too distracted by the conversation to really do anything with the pouch of gold yet. "Exactly, misdirection and fast talking are easy ways to hide something, and since there's no time limit I wanna hear the whole story. That means your entire pathing as well as anyone and everyone you passed and when you passed them. As well as any grudges there might be," Ben's voice is decisive and confident, and he talks with an ease that belies he's no stranger to this sort of demand, in fact he seems fairly comfortable with it.

Insight check 17

09:06, Today: Ben Goldmann rolled 17 using 1d20+4.  Insight Check

Anteris Monreth
dmpc, 2 posts
The Lowpriest
Mon 7 Oct 2024
at 16:24
  • msg #10

Chapter 1: A Friend In Need

19 insight

By his calculations, the napkin with Volo's signature on it was not worth 10gp. And Volo didn't off Anteris a bag of gold.

"You don't have a hundred gold to pay even one of us, let alone each of us, do you?"
Volo Geddarm
Mon 7 Oct 2024
at 16:30
  • msg #11

Chapter 1: A Friend In Need

Everyone that insight rolled higher than 10 knows Volo is being honest about Floon, but lying about being able to pay you.

"I'm so sorry, my friends! I should have known better than to stretch the truth about my financial status. The thirty gold I gave your group is all that I have. For now! Once I sell a few copies of my latest book: Volo's Guide to Monsters, I will be able to pay you forthwith in full!"

He produces a copy of said book from a very fancy bag of holding.

"Look! Why don't I sign the book for you and give you this one? It's better than a napkin! I'm also working on a new book, Volo's Guide to Spirits and Specters, but at the moment I know more about the alcoholic variety of spirits. Please! I beg you to trust me! Floon is in danger. I'll get you the money, or I'll be your servant, or whatever you want!"

He doesn't tell you about his pathing or his passers because only a maniac would keep track of such madness, or expect a DM to make up so much when it's not important. :)
Gareth Arandur
player, 7 posts
Human Fighter
AC 17/19
Mon 7 Oct 2024
at 18:59
  • msg #12

Chapter 1: A Friend In Need

He nods, “Much better, we’re making some progress.” Gareth picks up the pouch from the table in front of him. He verifies that it does indeed contain ten gold dragons before it disappears into his tunic.

He glances at Ben with a slightly bemused look and wonders,Pathing? What is that about? Are you and Anteris both bespelled?

He turns to Volo and pushes a glass of ale in front of him, “Quench your thirst now, you were about to recount the circumstances of when and where you last saw your friend. Please leave out no detail, anything could be important and help lead us to him all the quicker.”
Mon 7 Oct 2024
at 19:23
  • msg #13

Chapter 1: A Friend In Need

The relieved Volo drinks greedily and starts at the beginning:

Volo is embarrassed to admit he might have gotten his friend Floon in trouble. Beset by writer’s block, Volo met Floon Blagmaar for drinks at the Skewered Dragon two nights ago. They drank and gambled for a few hours, and then Volo left. That’s the last he saw of Floon.
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