Chapter 2: Trollskull Alley

You make a big show of hiding the bodies, you'll have to dispose of them later, but for now you make sure Dasher is watching as you stuff the remains of his friends into the closet. Then you bundle up and head out, following his directions.
Surprise, surprise, you're taking the familiar path that led you to Floon when you rescued him a few days ago. So much has happened since. (See the sewer map with the Qs)
You come down the ladder, hold in your vomit, and follow Dasher south to Q12. You're ready for anything, expecting an ambush, expecting him to lie, expecting to have to slit his throat.
A narrow passage leads to the cellar of a halfling-owned hostel on Spices Street in the Dock Ward. Medium characters must squeeze to reach this area from the tunnel. The hostel is used as a base by the Shard Shunners, a gang of halfling wererats. They are aware of the Xanathar Guild hideout, and the two gangs are tenuous allies.
Roscoe Underbough, a Shard Shunner in hybrid form, guards the cellar. "Dasher!?!?! WHAT THE HELL???" But the wererat knows better than to try to challenge the four of you.
Dasher, "Listen Roscoe, they need the 50 g's Emmek paid us."
Roscoe, "Oh no. Okay you guys, follow me, the money's upstairs."
You can hear voices and merriment upstairs. Lots of it. There's probably a dozen wererats upstairs. What do you do?