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14:37, 16th February 2025 (GMT+0)

Chapter 2: Trollskull Alley.

Posted by DMFor group 0
GM, 204 posts
Story Spinner
Dice Fibber
Mon 20 Jan 2025
at 16:56
  • msg #144

Chapter 2: Trollskull Alley

Perhaps its Pali's noble upbringing, something about the halflings screams RAT.

GM, 205 posts
Story Spinner
Dice Fibber
Mon 20 Jan 2025
at 16:58
  • msg #145

Chapter 2: Trollskull Alley

The halflings have endless compliments towards each others cooking abilities. They compliment Ben as well, of course, informing him that his food is much better and so different from the standard Waterdavian cuisine.
Pali Nujam
player, 103 posts
Yuan-ti Pureblood Wizard
HP 20/20 AC 12
Tue 21 Jan 2025
at 02:21
  • msg #146

Chapter 2: Trollskull Alley

Pali watched them a little more intently as they ate and chatted.  She had of course read about such creatures afflicted with their form of Lycanthropy.  The idea of having them work here was a little bit of a dilemma now.  Did she confront them?  Would that cause a fight?  Should she call for her companions to the other room or upstairs to talk?  Would it be wise to leave these guys alone?

None of those ideas sounded like a smart idea.  Then the inspiration hit, she should try something a little more diplomatic.

Diplomacy seemed the wiser choice and so it won that little debate in her mind.  She smiled at the halflings, "Well, while I like the idea of not having to run the place every day, but, there is a problem."  She glanced to her companions, an apologetic look on her face as she decided to drop a truth bomb.  "We are really cash poor right now.  Maybe we can table the idea of hiring you and if you tell us how to contact you we could call on you when we get the money to actually hire anyone.  What do you say?"
Ben Goldmann
player, 110 posts
Human Warlock
Tue 21 Jan 2025
at 03:18
  • msg #147

Chapter 2: Trollskull Alley

Ben takes the comments about his cooking with a pleasant but detached air, and nods along to them proclaiming themselves good at cooking, "That's all well and good, but I'd need to actually taste your cooking before hiring you," he says, "Even if the rest of this city doesn't seem to, I have standards," he looks over towards Pali and nods, "That's also true," he says, looking back towards the halflings, "We don't have the money to pay a wage right now, so the point's moot"
Gareth Arandur
player, 114 posts
Human Fighter
AC 17/19
Tue 21 Jan 2025
at 13:56
  • msg #148

Chapter 2: Trollskull Alley

Since Pali basically just said the same thing that he had, though in a much nicer manner, Gareth nods his agreement and looks on patiently.

As they wait, he mentions, ”Should either of you be given a task such as you helped me with and I can be of assistance, please don’t hesitate to ask. I’d be pleased to help.”
This message was last edited by the player at 14:43, Tue 21 Jan.
Ben Goldmann
player, 111 posts
Human Warlock
Tue 21 Jan 2025
at 14:04
  • msg #149

Chapter 2: Trollskull Alley

Ben looks over towards Gareth. "Huh? Oh, thanks," he says before muttering "I really should look into unlocking some extra side content huh?"
Anteris Monreth
dmpc, 84 posts
The Lowpriest
Tue 21 Jan 2025
at 14:42
  • msg #150

Chapter 2: Trollskull Alley

Anteris had a feeling. The effects of his elixir would wear off soon, but for now the halflings might try something "irrational."

He moved to the door to keep small people from leaving in a hurry.

"Let me guess, you are also low on money and cant pay for this meal???"
Gareth Arandur
player, 115 posts
Human Fighter
AC 17/19
Tue 21 Jan 2025
at 14:52
  • msg #151

Chapter 2: Trollskull Alley

Gareth notes Anteris positioning and maneuvers to act as back up.
GM, 207 posts
Story Spinner
Dice Fibber
Tue 21 Jan 2025
at 18:06
  • msg #152

Chapter 2: Trollskull Alley

The four halflings seem to have been offended.

"Outrageous. Is this how you treat all of your guests??? Insults to injury??? Questioning our cooking skills and then assuming we are poor?????" As if on cue all four of them throw their plates onto the floor.


Damnit. Those plates were some of the last unbroken dishware.


Four pairs of clothes drape over the seats and four giant rats scurry into the kitchen.

FIRST, everyone but Pali must make a dex save dc10 to be able to react this round, or you're surprised and can't help  yet.
Giant rat AC12 round 1.


This message was last edited by the GM at 19:00, Tue 21 Jan.
Ben Goldmann
player, 112 posts
Human Warlock
Tue 21 Jan 2025
at 18:45
  • msg #153

Chapter 2: Trollskull Alley

Ben's brow is furrowed, "What do you mean? You're looking to get hired, of course I'm going to inquire as to your cooking ski-- Hey!" he shouts as they throw the plates down on the ground. He stumbles back in shock as they turn into giant rats and scurry into the kitchen. "Hey! Get out of the kitchen! This isn't רָטָטוּי!"

Unfortunately Ben is surprised, rolled a 5
Anteris Monreth
dmpc, 85 posts
The Lowpriest
Tue 21 Jan 2025
at 18:59
  • msg #154

Chapter 2: Trollskull Alley

The Lowpriest was a book of regrets. Currently the chapter he was writing was called "I regret not learning the mending cantrip." More broken plates. Well, he would take it out of their wererat hides.

He drew his light crossbow that looked more like a sawed-off 12 gauge, after magical modifications it no longer needed a cross or a bow. What do you call a light crossbow without a crossbow? Just light??? It was pretty much a long magic wand. A magical bolt shot through the tavern and pinned a rat to the wall. The rat screamed and thrashed about, but wasn't going anywhere.
This message was last edited by the player at 19:01, Tue 21 Jan.
Gareth Arandur
player, 116 posts
Human Fighter
AC 17/19
Tue 21 Jan 2025
at 19:35
  • msg #155

Chapter 2: Trollskull Alley

A simulacrum of Gareth appears in the path of the wererats and it immediately swings at the nearest of the group, smashing its sword pommel into the rat’s face and knocking it into unconsciousness.

It then pivots and bashes the next wererat with its shield, knocking it to the floor.

To Hit–Longsword. VS AC12 – 13
Athletics (STR) check- Shove vs STR10. – 16

Pali Nujam
player, 105 posts
Yuan-ti Pureblood Wizard
HP 20/20 AC 12
Tue 21 Jan 2025
at 20:55
  • msg #156

Chapter 2: Trollskull Alley

"Frakking wererats!" Pali cursed as they transformed.  She saw her companions stop three of them without killing them which made her frown.  Not for the NOT killing them, she wasn't a psychotic killer after all.  It was more that she had a large array or spells--but most of them were very likely to be lethal if used.  She had a very limited non-lethal array.  She gripped her amulet with one hand and focused her power on the one not yet halted in their fleeing.  Her hand made a gesture and a hissing language came from her lips as she incanted the spell.

Then Pali spoke with a sudden reverb to her voice caused by the magical enhancement.  "You should stop running and transform back to halfling form so we can negotiate.  Start with telling us why you really came here."

OOC:  Casting Suggestion  so he has to make a DC 13 Wisdom save or he has to follow my suggestion. 
GM, 212 posts
Story Spinner
Dice Fibber
Wed 22 Jan 2025
at 16:46
  • msg #157

Chapter 2: Trollskull Alley

The Kelso wererat is pinned, Danika wererat is knocked out, Dasher wererat stops and stares at Pali, then shapeshifts back into a naked little halfling. He doesn't even cover his fruits. He just starts talking and won't shut up. It's hard to pay attention though when Brynn wererat screams, leaps up at Ben trying to bite him, then skedaddles toward the front door...

BEN: if 12 hits take 5dmg and make a con save dc11 or you're cursed with wererat lycanthropy.

Everyone can make a ranged attack on the final wererat to keep it from escaping. AC12.

The naked Dasher continues, "Emmek Frewn paid us 50gp to sabotage you. For starters we're supposed to try to get jobs here, then cause all kinds of problems..."
Pali Nujam
player, 108 posts
Yuan-ti Pureblood Wizard
HP 20/20 AC 12
Wed 22 Jan 2025
at 17:41
  • msg #158

Chapter 2: Trollskull Alley

Pali was trying to listen to her when the wererat jumped up to try to bite Ben.  Her face twisted in anger as she witnessed the thing try to hurt her friend.  She did something out of instinct as she gave chase only to bare her fangs and spit venom on it.  The creature hit by the inborn magic she had thanks to her species, began writhing in pain as it collapsed.  The thing let out a pathetic gurgling squeal, its tiny hands clawing at it's throat.  In seconds it was silent, no longer able to breathe but desperately still trying to gasp for air.

Soon enough the gruesome display was done when it went still.  Its eyes and mouth fixed open in horror as it transformed back to naked halfling.  A very dead naked halfling.  "Now, who the hells is Emmek Frewn?  I think you owe us the 50 gold they gave you and if any of you are thinking of trying to attack us, just know I and the others here have more death ready to give out to you should that be needed."  Pali growled, doing her best to be intimidating.

OOC:  Rolled a 20 AC hit (not a natural 20) but using the free license granted to deal death.  Using innate magic Poison Spray attack with a custom flair as she spits the venom like a spitting cobra.

Rolled a 16 on intimidation attempt.

I wanted to use the DM inspiration for my intimidation display just in case the die roller doesn't cooperate, but wasn't sure what to roll for that.  Having killed one of them, wasn't sure if that was enough to give advantage or some bonus either.

12:39, Today: Pali Nujam rolled 16 using 1d20+3.  Intimidation roll. – 16

12:22, Today: Pali Nujam rolled 20 using 1d20+6.  Attack! – 20

This message was last edited by the player at 17:43, Wed 22 Jan.
GM, 213 posts
Story Spinner
Dice Fibber
Wed 22 Jan 2025
at 18:03
  • msg #159

Chapter 2: Trollskull Alley

DM inspiration gives you advantage on any roll. I say with that 16 and having just killed one of them you're intimidation succeeds. SAave the insp for later

Dasher backs up into the nearest corner, his eyes as round as the plates before they broken them. "I'm sorry I'm sorry!!!! ...sure, we'll give you the money but we didn't bring it with us...I...Frewn opened a tavern on the other end of Trollskull Alley. It sucks, he did a bunch of repairs without the guild's permission and now he's in deep doodoo with them, plus his beer sucks--by the way your experimental bourbon was amazing--so...yeah he's trying to ruin you guys instead of fix his own problems."

He points to his clothes at the table.

"I've got 5 gp in my pants over there. The rest of the money is yours but its at our hideout in the sewers."
Ben Goldmann
player, 114 posts
Human Warlock
Thu 23 Jan 2025
at 01:41
  • msg #160

Chapter 2: Trollskull Alley

Ben stumbles back as the wererat lunges at him and bites down on the arm he raises up in front of himself in an attempt to ward it off. "Ow what the fuck! Oh god, am I gonna get כַּלֶבֶת now?" he shouts, blood dripping from the bite mark on his arm. He seems too preoccupied with his arm to be paying attention to what the last wererat (now transformed back to a naked halfling) is saying.

Con save 10 + 3 from Pact of the Talisman for a total of 13
Thank god for Pact of the Talisman

Anteris Monreth
dmpc, 86 posts
The Lowpriest
Thu 23 Jan 2025
at 17:36
  • msg #161

Chapter 2: Trollskull Alley

Anteris gawked at the dead female. It was easy to kill them when they were giant disgusting rats. When they were in halfling form it was he who felt disgusting. Mostly because when they were in a dungeon or at a tavern that they didn't own they never had to deal with clean up. One of us was going to have to dispose of these bodies. Or worse, deal with the City Guard.

Was it too soon to start calling on Zhentarim favors???

He put another bolt into the head of the rat he had pinned to the wall. She morphed into another dead naked halfling. Anteris choked back the bile rising up his throat.

"Relax, Ben. It didn't break through to your major blood tubes." He said, inspecting Ben's arm. Arteries and veins were the proper words. He stuck a needle into Ben's shoulder, without any warning, but rather than pain Ben felt healing.

 12 healing.
GM, 215 posts
Story Spinner
Dice Fibber
Thu 23 Jan 2025
at 17:38
  • msg #162

Chapter 2: Trollskull Alley

One unconscious wererat, and one very intimidated halfling are all that remain of the saboteurs.

Dasher continues to spout exposition, "Listen, listen, let me live or you'll never get the rest of the money. You've gotta take me to the sewers if you want it. You gotta keep me alive!!!"
GM, 225 posts
Story Spinner
Dice Fibber
Tue 28 Jan 2025
at 17:04
  • msg #163

Chapter 2: Trollskull Alley

At the end of ten days you've done what rennovations you're allowed to do, but now if you do anything without hiring guilds you'll be ruined. Time to start saving, at least the tavern is officially open for business and you can make a bit of money.

The jobs you've done for your factions will also help.

Here's what you'll eventually need to afford:

One Time Expenses
1,000 gp to renovate the tavern over 12 days
250 gp for guild licenses and contracts (paid up front)

Regular Expenses
50 gp per tenday for maintenance and wages of hirelings
10 gp per tenday for all other guild expenses

At the end of every tenday, roll a d100 + 10 and consult the Running a Business table in chapter 6 of the Dungeon Master’s Guide to determine whether the tavern lost money or earned profit. If the characters spent coin on promoting their business during that tenday, add 1 to the roll for each 1 gp they spent. If the characters have unpaid expenses, subtract 1 from the roll for each 1 gp they owe.

We didn't spend any money advertising because we didn't know about that yet. Likewise I won't count unpaid expenses.
16 and 9=25=You must pay the full maintenance cost

So this chapter cost us 50gp.

This message was last edited by the GM at 17:11, Tue 28 Jan.
GM, 227 posts
Story Spinner
Dice Fibber
Tue 28 Jan 2025
at 17:14
  • msg #164

Chapter 2: Trollskull Alley

Do we want to go to the wererats hideout for possibly 50gp?
GM, 231 posts
Story Spinner
Dice Fibber
Thu 30 Jan 2025
at 17:21
  • msg #165

Chapter 2: Trollskull Alley

You make a big show of hiding the bodies, you'll have to dispose of them later, but for now you make sure Dasher is watching as you stuff the remains of his friends into the closet. Then you bundle up and head out, following his directions.

Surprise, surprise, you're taking the familiar path that led you to Floon when you rescued him a few days ago. So much has happened since. (See the sewer map with the Qs)

You come down the ladder, hold in your vomit, and follow Dasher south to Q12. You're ready for anything, expecting an ambush, expecting him to lie, expecting to have to slit his throat.

A narrow passage leads to the cellar of a halfling-owned hostel on Spices Street in the Dock Ward. Medium characters must squeeze to reach this area from the tunnel. The hostel is used as a base by the Shard Shunners, a gang of halfling wererats. They are aware of the Xanathar Guild hideout, and the two gangs are tenuous allies.

Roscoe Underbough, a Shard Shunner in hybrid form, guards the cellar. "Dasher!?!?! WHAT THE HELL???" But the wererat knows better than to try to challenge the four of you.

Dasher, "Listen Roscoe, they need the 50 g's Emmek paid us."

Roscoe, "Oh no. Okay you guys, follow me, the money's upstairs."

You can hear voices and merriment upstairs. Lots of it. There's probably a dozen wererats upstairs. What do you do?
Ben Goldmann
player, 128 posts
Human Warlock
Sat 1 Feb 2025
at 02:45
  • msg #166

Chapter 2: Trollskull Alley

Ben is not happy to be returning to the sewers, and once its clear they're just going up into another building using the sewer he says, "And why did we have to enter from the sewers instead of the street?" Although he's following the others, he's absolutely ready for this to go bad.
Pali Nujam
player, 114 posts
Yuan-ti Pureblood Wizard
HP 20/20 AC 12
Mon 3 Feb 2025
at 03:36
  • msg #167

Chapter 2: Trollskull Alley

Pali scowled at the Halfling waving her hand very similarly to how she cast her spell which killed Brynn.  She stops at the critical point which the poison would be welling up in her mouth to be spit out however and simply growled at him.  She shook her head looking to her companions.  "I agree with Ben and say we go in from the street." She looked at the wererats.  "Which building is this going into?"
GM, 236 posts
Story Spinner
Dice Fibber
Mon 3 Feb 2025
at 16:16
  • msg #168

Chapter 2: Trollskull Alley

Dasher puts his hands up, "Woah woah, you think I'm tryna ambush ya??? AFTER what you did to my friends and sista??? Yeah right I ain't stupid. Roscoe, go upstairs and get them Emmek's money. If Emmek says anything tell him we found a better employer."

You get the 50gp and decide to get back home, surely the Shard Runners won't be trying anything again.

Or else.

THIS takes care of the 50gp bill for this chapter, any other money earned from factions and stuff is yours to do whatever. You can invest it into the tavern if you want, or just keep it.
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