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18:08, 16th February 2025 (GMT+0)

Chapter 2: Trollskull Alley.

Posted by DMFor group 0
GM, 101 posts
Story Spinner
Dice Fibber
Tue 12 Nov 2024
at 20:32
  • msg #1

Chapter 2: Trollskull Alley

The next day you find yourselves stronger than ever before. Perhaps we can spend some time digressing about how each of us levels up in our private rooms at the Yawning Portal?
Gareth Arandur
player, 60 posts
Human Fighter
AC 17/19
Tue 12 Nov 2024
at 21:45
  • msg #2

Chapter 2: Trollskull Alley

Gareth lay in a small, dim room tucked away in the back of the Yawning Portal, the sounds of revelry muffled by thick walls and heavy curtains. He was exhausted, his body aching from the wounds left by Renaer’s blade, and his mind clouded with fragments of unsettling visions left by the mind flayer’s touch. His head throbbed as he drifted in and out of a fitful sleep.

At last, sleep overtook him fully, and Gareth found himself in a dreamscape unlike any other—a shadowed reflection of the Yawning Portal. This version was silent and still, lit by an eerie, silver glow. As he moved, his own shadow stretched and twisted, forming strange, flickering shapes that pulsed with dark energy. But it wasn’t just one shadow anymore; there were many, shifting and blending, all carrying some essence of himself.

In the silence, Gareth’s shadow began to take shape in front of him, not as a flat figure on the wall but as a figure stepping forward, cloaked in the same dark armor, moving with his gait and stance. It was as if he were staring into a living mirror, a vision of himself conjured from some other realm.

The dream grew sharper, the echoes multiplying around him, each version of himself ready for battle. They bore expressions of anger, courage, and weariness that matched his own feelings after the fight in the sewers. He could feel their purpose—to protect, to fight, to survive.

Then Gareth awoke with a start, and morning light seeped through the drawn curtains. He shifted painfully, the aches from his wounds still real, but something else had changed. Instinctively, he reached out, and beside him, a faint, shadowy echo began to take form—a solid, spectral version of himself, mirroring his movements, born from that vision.

Gareth understood, with a quiet and grim satisfaction, that his close encounter with death and the mind flayer’s psionics had unlocked something within him. He could now call upon his echoes, warriors from other possible paths, to fight beside him in this world.

Gareth pulled himself out of bed, wincing as he tested his sore muscles. Each movement brought a reminder of the encounter in the sewers, but today the pain was tempered by a strange, grounding power he felt within. He dressed, strapping on his armor and adjusting his weapons with steady hands, an odd sense of calm settling over him as he caught a glimpse of his reflection. For just a heartbeat, he thought he saw a shadow move on its own, a whisper of the echo he’d summoned before.

With a steady breath, Gareth made his way down the narrow, creaking stairwell to the common room of the Yawning Portal. The tavern was alive with the morning crowd—merchants, adventurers, and locals alike, mingling as the smell of fresh bread and sizzling meat filled the air. Gareth wove his way through the tables, settling into a booth with a clear view of the door, his old habits for caution still strong.

Durnan, the innkeeper, gave Gareth a knowing nod from behind the bar and soon sent a barmaid over with a simple breakfast: warm, hearty stew, a hunk of bread, and a tankard of water. As Gareth took his first bite, he felt an unusual awareness settle over him, a sense of connection beyond himself. Even here, among the lively clamor, he sensed the edges of his newfound power, like an instinct waiting to be called upon.

Gareth finished his meal slowly, savoring the return of his strength, and leaned back, keeping a watchful eye on the stairs. He knew his friends would be arriving soon—his fellow adventurers, who’d risked their lives in those damp, dangerous sewers by his side. As he waited, he flexed his hand experimentally under the table, and a faint, flickering outline of his echo appeared briefly at his side. It faded as quickly as it came, but Gareth could feel its presence, loyal and ready, like a reflection drawn from his soul.

Today, he was stronger than he had been yesterday—and he was not alone.
Pali Nujam
player, 56 posts
Yuan-ti Pureblood Wizard
HP 14/14 AC 12
Wed 13 Nov 2024
at 00:42
  • msg #3

Chapter 2: Trollskull Alley

Pali was ever grateful of the hot bath.  Taking her long white hair out of the braid which had taken a beating in their adventure so far, she let it hang down where it covered her entire torso as she climbed into the hot water with the soap.  She began scrubbing the nasty bits out of her hair and then off her person.  She only wore her amulet in the bath—her arcane focus and heirloom from her grandmother.  She paid special attention to making sure it was clean as well.

While she looked superficially human, she clearly was not to anyone who paid full attention.  For example, her skin was actually made of tiny tight knit scales.  This meant more work actually in getting clean as she had to work more diligently in getting anything out which might have gotten stuck between them.  She removed her makeup as well leaving her look even more pale than before.  Yawning her forked tongue flicked out of her mouth between her fangs.  She always felt like she needed to pretend to be human due to prejudice her kind warranted by some.

A necessary habit due to the fact her family was not from a Yuan-ti colony but a village which mixed a variety of people.  They were not wealthy—at least at first.  Her family being the only of their species and some ignorance of a few led to some run ins which were… unpleasant to say the least.  This left her family to work harder to blend in with the rest.    Her family worked hard to prove themselves to be more than the harsh but not all-together unwarranted rumors of their kind.  In earning trust had earned some wealth—while not royalty rich, they were quite comfortable.  They of course instilled a good work ethic in their children and did not provide a cushy ride through life.  That included no allowance or stipen to get her started.  She would have to do it on her own as per the instructions of her family.  That was one of the main reasons Pali was out in the world adventuring was to find a way to pay her own way through life.

The deed Volo had offered them was a major stepping stone towards that goal.

Sighing the white-haired woman would love to stay and enjoy the warmth of the bath until it cooled on its own.  However luxurious as it was, Pali had work to do.  She stood up dripping in the tub.  Grasping her amulet a moment praying to the god she worshipped.  While religion was not her main focus, she did maintain a faith—though her faith was probably not shared by many so she kept it to herself. Much as her focus of her magic was not popular with some, so she kept that to herself as well.

The bare mage woman then let it go before performing a repetitive motion and muttering of arcane words like a meditative mantra, she used her cantrip to dry herself.  While the spell can clean her as well, she never fully felt clean unless she was able to have a bath.  Starting head down to her feet she used magic to remove all the water she turned her attention to laundering her clothing.  The fabric was a little worn, but still serviceable and a wash in the bath water followed by her spell and she was soon dressed.  Her hair back in a braid much more presentable—and now without intellect devourer guts!

The private room she had gotten was well worth the gold.  Fluttering her fingers she summoned Gregor who perched on the headboard of her bed and seemed to set himself as a sentry standing guard.  She took out her spellbook and perused it then set to memorizing spells for the next day as she often did.  She felt the pull of arcane weave as it swirled around her as she always did while performing this, but tonight it was different.  Stronger.  Pulling her in a certain direction.  Pali smiled as she gave into the urge to follow the pull turned the pages until she felt the pull stop.  Her green eyes widened as did her grin:  she had two new spells in her spellbook!

This was not unheard of actually, just a rare but a welcomed surprise.  The arcane users of her family had spoken of how magic itself would come to a well prepared and skilled wizard as a reward for their hard work.  Actually, her brother had initially told her that it was a magical goblin who would sneak into your room and put the spells there, but pretty much the same thing.  After looking them over, she realized they were not superpowerful spells in their own right, but if used properly, they could help in a pinch.  Pali set to adding them both to her repertoire for the coming day.

After her preparations were complete, Pali finally setting in for a rest.  Gregor standing guard she felt exhausted not realizing how much fending off the attacks by the intellect devourer had really stressed her both mind and body.  Sleep came soon enough.

Waking up Pali was momentarily disoriented—a side affect of the stressful day—or brain damage from fending off the attacks.  She decided it was the former because the latter was… too terrifying to entertain any longer with her thoughts.  After the momentary existential crisis, she unsummoned Gregor to keep the little owl both safe, and in reserve as a surprise should he be needed.  The little familiar had been quite helpful last night and she intended to use his help for more of the same.  Quickly she applied her eye makeup—a dull gray around her eyes which really made them stand out—and took the focus off the areas where he scales were more visible such as on the angles of her jaw.

Walking downstairs Pali was greeted with the noise of the already busy morning.  She winced feeling a little residual headache but her stomach growled as the scent of the food met her nose.  That took precedent and the headache was all but forgotten.

Being tall had advantages like being able to scan a room for her companions without many blocking her view.  Seeing Gareth she smiled and approached signaling a breakfast for herself to the passing wait staff.  Sitting down she glanced to the burly human not wanting to interrupt his meal she just nodded in greeting.  She paused doing a double take.  A moment passed as her her grin widened a bit.  Finally, she laughed.  “I see I’m not the only one who is feeling… better.”  Soon enough her food and an ale were placed before her and she too dug in eating her fill.

OOC:  I was just RPing the fact that wizards get two free spells per level, I chose my two which are…  finger of death and disintegrate!

…just kidding.  They will be revealed in game for the group later.  LOL

Ben Goldmann
player, 49 posts
Human Warlock
Wed 13 Nov 2024
at 02:08
  • msg #4

Chapter 2: Trollskull Alley

As Ben is led into the kitchen, he glances around the space, taking in his surroundings. In fact, this seems to be the first time he's actually paying full attention to his surroundings since they went down into the sewers, including not actively noticing the weirdness around Durnan. He nods to the man as the innkeeper turns to go and just stands there for a second, his eyes closed, and he lets out a deep breath. Even though it seems like no one really wants the chicken soup he offered earlier, he's still going to cook some thing, or maybe even many things.

Opening his eyes, he begins to move, a quick golden brown glow encasing his hands as he Prestidigitates them clean before beginning to pull all sorts of dishes and trays out of his pack and set them out on the counter. That done, he reaches into a pouch at his waist and mutters something as he pulls out a potato, followed shortly by another one. Setting those on the counter, he swiftly begins peeling them before slicing them into thin strips. Setting the strips of potato into a bowl, he reaches into the pouch at his waist and pulls out a bottle of olive oil and a salt shaker, which he uses to thoroughly coat the potato strips. Once that is done he pauses for a second before turning to the trays and concentrating as he reaches a hand out towards them, a golden brown light tinting over them as he heats them up. He then begins to lay the potato strips along the trays, ensuring each one lies flat against the tray before reaching into his pouch once more and pulling out a handful of sesame seeds, which he sprinkles atop the potato strips before using an oven mitt to place the trays into the oven.

As those begin to bake, Ben reaches down into his pouch and begins to pull out yet more things, muttering something each time he pulls something out. This time he pulls out a bottle of soy sauce, a small container of brown sugar, a clove of garlic, a ginger root, a small bottle of cooking oil, and skinless chicken thighs, setting everything down on the counter. Grabbing a clean bowl, he begins grating the ginger root, measuring out a teaspoon and putting the rest back in the pouch before adding it to the bowl. Next he begins to quickly and expertly mince the garlic clove, scooping that into the bowl as well once he is done. He pours in measured amounts of the soy sauce, brown sugar, and cooking oil into the bowl as well, putting each back in the pouch when he is done, before pulling out a container of water from the pouch and adding some of that to the bowl as well, mixing it all together. He grabs a shallow bowl and places the chicken thighs in it before pouring the mixture from the bowl over top of it and turning it over, making every bit of it gets covered in the mixture before he leaves it to sit.

Turning back to the oven, Ben grabs the trays out of the oven with oven mitts and sets them on the counter, using a spatula to pry the potato chips off the trays, piling them up on a plate. Another set of golden brown glows come over the trays as Ben casts Prestidigitate to cool them down and clean them off, setting them off to the side and out of the way. Grabbing a pot, Ben pulls another container of water out of his pouch and pours it in, as well as a container of small granules of dashi, muttering "דָּאשִׁי" as he does so. He pours the water into the pot and shakes the dashi into the water, before setting the pot over a flame. As he waits for the pot to boil, he pulls out some tofu, which he dices, and 2 green onions, which he slices diagonally into 1/2 inch pieces. He then brings the plate of potato chips over and snacks on them as he waits, periodically turning the chicken to ensure it marinates equally.

Once the pot begins to boil, he reaches into his pouch and mutters "מִשְׁחַת מִסּוֹ" and pulls out a container of orangish brown miso paste, which he begins to whisk into the pot. Once the color of the liquid has evened out, he scoops up the tofu and stirs that into the pot, followed soon after by the green onion. He reduces the heat and lets the contents of the pot just simmer for a few minutes, stirring occasionally, before taking it off the fire as he finishes the last potato chip and pours it into a clean bowl. Casting Prestidigitation once more, he cools down and cleans the pot before setting it off to the side out of the way and pulling a spoon out of his pack. He uses prestidigitate once more to ensure the soup won't scald his tongue and then digs in, sitting down on the floor with his bowl of soup. Once he finishes, he uses Prestidigitation once more to clean the bowl before putting it away.

Standing back up, he pulls out a skillet and pours some cooking oil into it before setting it over the fire. Once the oil is hot, he prestidigitates his hands clean again and picks up the chicken, setting it down in the hot oil. He cooks each side of the chicken in the oil for about 5 minutes, resulting in a light coating of glaze, before pulling it out and setting it on a cutting board. He then prestidigitates the skillet cool and clean and puts it away. He then sets about cleaning up his workstation, scooping any left over ingredients back into his pouch and prestidigitating everything clean and putting all the dishes and utensils away. He leaves out a single plate, a sharp knife, and a fork. Having finished with the clean up, he cuts the chicken up into strips and smaller pieces, putting everything on the plate before prestidigitating the cutting board clean and putting that away as well. He then tucks into the chicken, quickly polishing it off before cleaning up the last of his dishes using Prestidigitation one last time and putting those away as well.

At this point it's been about an hour, and with a full belly, Ben finally stumbles upstairs to his room. Not having the mental energy for a bath right now, he just prestidigitates himself clean and strips out of his clothes, folding them and setting them alongside a necklace with a weird golden coin next to an oil lamp before collapsing into bed and promptly passing out. As Ben sleeps the sleep of the exhausted, the oil lamp gleams slightly with a golden brown light, smoke of the same color beginning to emit from the spout of the lamp. This smoke pools around the necklace for a good while, infusing it until it also gleams a slight golden brown before beginning to pool around Ben's sleeping body. The smoke pools not just around Ben's body, but also inside of it, being breathed in and out as he slumbers. Rather than choke or cough on it though, Ben relaxes, a slight tension that was present in his muscles relaxing as the smoke absorbs into him, his bruises fading slightly as he settles into an even deeper sleep.

Unlike the others who got up with the rising of the sun, Ben continues to sleep for another hour or so. By the time he wakes up, the smoke has completely gone, and he sits up with a stretch, pulling his clothes back on before pulling out a piece of paper and writing "Be Back Soon" on it. He then taps the side of the oil lamp and turns into smoke, being pulled into the lamp itself. The inside of the lamp is about 20 feet tall and 40 feet across in a cylindrical shape. There's a chair and a desk set up, and what we might recognize as a computer and 2 monitors as well as a microphone set up by it. Cracking his neck, he makes his way over to the desk and sits down, booting the computer up and getting things set up. Pulling on a pair of gold colored headphones, he clicks the mouse, and the webcam set atop one of the monitors blinks to life. "Hey guys," he says in a language that if the others had been around they wouldn't have been able to understand, "How's everyone doing today? Sorry I've been a bit absent lately, things have been a bit hectic. And unfortunately today might have to be a bit of a shorter stream, as I'm having a repairman come by later, so depending on when they get here I'll have to end stream. In the meantime though, let's get started!" and he beings to chat and game with his stream.

Downstairs the rest of his party sits, how long they're willing to wait for him is yet to be seen, but even if it's an hour or two, he still shows no signs of coming downstairs.
Anteris Monreth
dmpc, 48 posts
The Lowpriest
Wed 13 Nov 2024
at 05:22
  • msg #5

Chapter 2: Trollskull Alley

The room was adequate. He had nothing to compare it to, he knew only this morning up until now was real. Anything before-memories-all made up. He threw his armor and weapons, hat and boots onto the bed, he would not use it, he did not sleep. Kneeling barefoot and shirtless on the wood floor he prepared for meditation, placing a chrome rearview mirror from a 1969 Shelby Mustang in mid-air where he could have the best view of the past. Two fuzzy dice hang from it. He spins them. Stares at them.

After time he gazes at his reflection, his golden eyes burning back as the room went dark and The Lowpriest appears behind him.

It was himself, about 12 hours ago.

"And you are?" The Lowpriest asked.

"I was you earlier today. You're aware it burned and-"

"Yeah." The Lowpriest interrupted his former reflection. "It burned, so I built this one. Report?"

"There are currently three of you, the other two are fighting Vecna. One group loves you, the other group hates you."

"Fifty-fifty? Better than we usually do."

"Just do your job and don't break the news to your new friends, will ya? I doubt they'll care much about your backstory."

"Hey amigo, it's been ages since I haven't had to worry about saving the world, the universe, or the multiverse. It will be nice to just get rich and have fun. Why would I spoil it?"

The reflection looks off at something in the distance. Something he cannot see, something that isn't there, but in a way is. Not something. Someone. You. He looks at you and gives you a classic Jim Halpert shoulder shrug. "In a way you kinda just did."

The Lowpriest spins the fuzzy dice again and his past goes behind him. He tosses the mirror onto the bed. Four hours gone by in an elven trance, meeting with his ancestors and drawing upon their knowledge.

The Lowpriest has far too much time to kill. Too much time to kill...was this flask always there?

Crystal doorknob. Paper bird. Think. Ideas. Was this flask always empty? Priorities.

An hour passes. Brewers supplies and alchemist's tools take up the entire room. The flask is empty. The doorknob flies now. The flask is empty.

The flask is empty.
Anteris stumbles down the stairs and immediately spots Gareth and Pali. He makes his way over and you notice his skin is pale, his eyes are icy blue. The cold doesn't seem to be an issue anymore.

He slams his flask onto the table in front of Gareth and Pali. "TRY THIS!!!!" He's much louder than need be.

The crystal doorknob homunculus servant flaps its real white papery-feathery wings (definitely inspired by Greggy) and emerges from Anteris's hat.

This message was last edited by the player at 15:39, Wed 13 Nov 2024.
Gareth Arandur
player, 62 posts
Human Fighter
AC 17/19
Thu 14 Nov 2024
at 20:24
  • msg #6

Chapter 2: Trollskull Alley

Gareth looks at Anteris, the flask and then back at Anteris, ”What the hell is it and why should I drink it?” Shut up and sit down. You’re entirely too loud for breakfast.”
This message was lightly edited by the player at 23:34, Thu 14 Nov 2024.
Anteris Monreth
dmpc, 49 posts
The Lowpriest
Thu 14 Nov 2024
at 23:29
  • msg #7

Chapter 2: Trollskull Alley

"Shhhhh. Not so loud. This is an experimental brew I made last night. We are gonna be so rich!!!!"
Pali Nujam
player, 57 posts
Yuan-ti Pureblood Wizard
HP 14/14 AC 12
Sat 16 Nov 2024
at 01:56
  • msg #8

Chapter 2: Trollskull Alley

"Experimental?" Pali asked as she finished chewing a bit of the food before her.  She had just taken a sip of her morning ale but then broke out laughing some of the drink coming out of her nose.  Gareth's comment at his lack of proper volume for breakfast time having hit the proper nerve to make her spit-take.  She spent the next few moments wiping her face with the cloth of her jacket, her eyes watering from the effect of snarfing her breakfast beer.

When she composed herself Pali sighed.  "Don't supposed you will share just what are the side effects of this brew?"
Anteris Monreth
dmpc, 50 posts
The Lowpriest
Sat 16 Nov 2024
at 03:58
  • msg #9

Chapter 2: Trollskull Alley

Anteris unscrews the lid from the metal flask and takes a sip to prove its no prank.

"It's a combination of stout and blueberry wheat, very smooth, very filling. But there's added perks. Thing is, they are random and only once a day, and this being day one, I have yet to know what the results are."

(technically this only works on one person but i'm sure you guys wont argue with me letting everyone get a buff. there are no downsides but i wont tell you what the boons are till you  sip and roll)
GM, 107 posts
Story Spinner
Dice Fibber
Sat 16 Nov 2024
at 04:00
  • msg #10

Chapter 2: Trollskull Alley

There is a knock at Ben's door.


I assume he can't hear?
Ben Goldmann
player, 52 posts
Human Warlock
Sat 16 Nov 2024
at 04:51
  • msg #11

Chapter 2: Trollskull Alley

There is no response from inside the room.

Technically he can hear: While inside, you can hear the area around your vessel as if you were in its space.
GM, 108 posts
Story Spinner
Dice Fibber
Sat 16 Nov 2024
at 05:27
  • msg #12

Chapter 2: Trollskull Alley

With no response, the maid enters the room and starts tidying.

She thinks its odd that a lamp would be sitting where it is. She'll just pick it up and put it on the shelf where it makes more sense...
GM, 109 posts
Story Spinner
Dice Fibber
Sat 16 Nov 2024
at 05:28
  • msg #13

Chapter 2: Trollskull Alley

Also: Ben charisma check for your livestream.
Gareth Arandur
player, 63 posts
Human Fighter
AC 17/19
Sat 16 Nov 2024
at 16:28
  • msg #14

Chapter 2: Trollskull Alley

Taking a sip, Gareth nods appreciatively, ”Blueberries aren’t my favorite but that’s not half bad. Roasted malt from the stout with a hint of smoke and the berries bring a bit of sweet, brightness, while the wheat smooths the whole.”

After a few moments, he grimaces and takes a long draw from his tankard,“My god man either my taste buds need tuning or you’ll need to do something about that after taste! It’s like a blueberry muffin burnt in a bonfire and served with last week’s coffee!”

Sip from the flask. – 6
GM, 110 posts
Story Spinner
Dice Fibber
Sat 16 Nov 2024
at 17:12
  • msg #15

Chapter 2: Trollskull Alley

Transformation. The drinker’s body is transformed as if by the alter self spell. The drinker determines the transformation caused by the spell, the effects of which last for 10 minutes.

Gareth's body begins to change... (you pick the new alteration. 10 minutes will wear off before we leave the tavern).
Ben Goldmann
player, 53 posts
Human Warlock
Sat 16 Nov 2024
at 18:22
  • msg #16

Chapter 2: Trollskull Alley

Ben hears the cleaning lady pick the lamp up and set it on the shelf and begin to putter around, but he ignores it.
"Hah! I told you guys I could get to the top in less than 3 tries, mods, pay out the believers!" There's a huge grin on his face, and not only is his voice animated, but so is his body. If the others were here now it might take them a second to equate the current Ben with the one they've been dealing with up to now, it's like a switch has flipped and he's almost become a different person. "Ooo, the new engines just finished crafting, I think it's time to check out that next planet that's been taunting us for weeks now!" This is the most relaxed and energetic Ben has been in a good bit, and although its only subconsciously, a part of him is glad for this return to familiarity in a strange new world. If he is uninterrupted, Ben continues on with his stream, loud, goofy, wild, and animated, getting into plenty of shenanigans, much to the faked consternation of his chat, everyone involved having a good time.

Performance Check - 13
GM, 111 posts
Story Spinner
Dice Fibber
Sun 17 Nov 2024
at 03:41
  • msg #17

Chapter 2: Trollskull Alley

Ben notices that weird ball he picked up at Xoblob's is on the desk. Not where he put it?

The audience responds to his gaming with all the love and attention he could dream of, but it doesn't feel real. Suddenly the ball is more important.
Gareth Arandur
player, 64 posts
Human Fighter
AC 17/19
Sun 17 Nov 2024
at 14:28
  • msg #18

Chapter 2: Trollskull Alley

As Gareth rinsed the last of the taste of Arteris’ brew from his mouth, a strange feeling overcame him. The shimmering energy of transformation rippled over his body like heat waves on a summer's horizon. His limbs subtly shifted, thinning and shrinking to match the stature of an elderly scholar. His hands became wiry and articulate, like those of a man who had spent years turning the pages of ancient tomes. The skin on his face tightened and wrinkled, crow's feet framing his eyes with an air of wisdom and weariness.

A wild mane of silver-white hair sprouted from his head, unkempt and slightly frazzled, giving him the distinctive look of someone constantly consumed by thought. A thick mustache emerged above his lip, matching the white of his hair, while his nose became slightly bulbous, and his expressive brown eyes twinkled with an almost childlike curiosity. The transformation completed itself with a sense of presence that suggested brilliance tempered by eccentricity.

When Gareth spoke, even his voice carried a subtle shift—rich with a slight academic cadence, as though every word were carefully chosen, yet delivered with a whimsical charm. “Has anyone seen Ben this morning? Ve really should be moving, ja? Ze property at Trollskull Alley vill not examine itself—ve must determine its value!”
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