We'll be using the DnD 3.5 core rules basically as is. There are no house rules to keep in mind other than these:
Rule #1:
Be good to each other - self explanatory, really.
Rule #2:
I am always right - PbP games are too slow to allow time for debate. I commit to trying to be as fair as possible. If you disagree with a GM ruling, accept it in good faith and keep the game rolling.
Expectations of Players
Be active - games live or die based on players' activity. Players should be able to make a post at least once every three days. If you're going to be away for a while, give us a heads up.
Keep it simple - the aim is to run a game, not write a collaborative novel. Straightforward descriptions of what you want to do are better than flowery prose.
Take the bait - there's no overriding objective in this game beyond "go and have adventures." Adventure hooks will be numerous, it's on you as players to bite some. If your character is not motivated to do so, you made the wrong character.
Character creation
Characters should be created using the DnD 3.5 core rules. All races and classes from the PHB are allowed, but nothing from any splatbooks, as I don't have them. Ability scores are generated using Standard Point Buy method (ie. all scores start at 8, and you have 25 points to spend on increasing them based on the below costs)
Ability Score | Points Cost |
9 | 1 |
10 | 2 |
11 | 3 |
12 | 4 |
13 | 5 |
14 | 6 |
15 | 8 |
16 | 10 |
17 | 13 |
18 | 16 |
You will start as lowly, level 1 adventurers, equipped with the standard starting gear for your class (changes can be made on request, subject to GM approval). Don't worry about a complex backstory. Short and simple is fine, as your adventures lie in your future, not your past. The party will all know each other before we begin, so you'll have the chance to fill in a bit more when you meet the other players.
Characters should not be evil. You don't need to be morally perfect and pure, but you're supposed to be playing the heroes, not the villains.
The most important thing a character needs is a motivation for adventure. This need not be complex. "I want to get rich" and "I want to protect the weak" are both perfectly fine motivations. The main thing is to have something driving you on to face dark horrors beneath the earth.
Please use
this character sheet.
This message was last edited by the GM at 11:59, Tue 15 Oct 2024.