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, welcome to Road's End

21:13, 11th February 2025 (GMT+0)

The Setting.

Posted by The GMFor group public
The GM
GM, 2 posts
Tue 15 Oct 2024
at 10:00
  • msg #1

The Setting

An Emperor still sits on the throne of far away Callan, but his authority does not extend far from Callan's walls and the empire these days exists only in name. The Duchies and Republics of the old Empire rule themselves as petty states, some giving lip service to the Emperor, some paying him no mind at all.

Among the latter is Road's End. Situated at the end of the Royal Road to Callan, by the mouth of the river Culbreath, Road's End is perfectly positioned to control trade by both sea and land, and the merchant families that run the town have grown rich from this. Outsiders are common here, and the mercantile Senate' laissez-faire approach to everything not directly concerning their own wealth attracts dissenters and outcasts from elsewhere. One outcome of this is the growth of one of the largest centres of magical research in the old Empire.

The valley of the Culbreath is filled with small farming villages that are mostly left to manage their own affairs. North of the city lies the Bramblewood, a wild and sometimes dangerous place, and beyond that the wilderness of the Bleak Hills. The Bleak Hills are far from the protective arm of Road's End's patrols, but merchant caravans are still sometimes willing to brave journeys through them in place of the safer, but much longer, coastal road.

Road's End is a human city, but it boasts a decent demi-human population as well.

The Gods

Dozens of deities are revered throughout the Empire (so feel free to ask the GM if you want one with domains not listed here), but these are the most commonly worshipped in Road's End:

Freyja, Goddess of Love and Fertility. Most popular deity in Road's End and the surrounding farmlands.
Alignment: NG
Symbols: The falcon, feathers
Domains: Plant, Earth, Water

Vallana, Goddess of Justice. The official patron deity of the Empire.
Alignment: LG
Symbols: A warhammer, the scales ofjustice
Domains: Law, Protection, War

Shams, God of the Sun, popular among some of the foreigners resident in the city.
Alignment: NG
Symbols: The Sun Disk, an open palm
Domains: Sun, Strength, Healing

Jamboor, god of trickery and magic. Has a sizable following among both the Wizard's Academy and the criminal underworld
Alignment: N
Symbols: A black obelisk, a tangled rosebush
Domains: Knowledge, Magic, Trickery
This message was last edited by the GM at 12:10, Tue 15 Oct 2024.
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