OOC Chat
Interesting group seems nice
Now "red flag" question but I've been burned by not discussing it in the ooc, what does Core mean for this game. Only PHB, only PHB+DMG+MM, the d20srd (so hypothetically that plus the ogl books, Deities and Demigods, Expanded Psionics Handbook, Epic Level Handbook, Unearthed Arcana...)
Difference of definition on this topic has led to uneven expectations in the past in groups I've found is all
Edit: I joined a "Core" game which swiftly started allowing the Complete series for player characters, for instance, which is completely different from the advertised restrictions. On the personal level for Bea, Core (core books only) vs Core (srd) is the difference between needing a 13 intelligence or not in the point buy. Not that I mind making Bea smarter than the average bear, just means her wisdom and charisma gotta suffer!
This message was last edited by the player at 15:27, Wed 16 Oct 2024.