Bea swings down at the rat by her side, overbalancing and slipping on the loose pebbles. Shorm nimbly sidesteps as she tumbles down the stairs back towards the entrance of the cave
(taking 7 pts of non-lethal damage). Shorm swung down with his mace at the rat in front of him, but it easily scurried underneath the blow, scratching and clawing at Shorm's feet
(Shorm takes 1 point of damage, and needs to make a Fort save).
Zed managaes to skip away from the rat biting him, but only to feel the sharp teeth of the other clamp down on his ankle
(dealing 3 points of damage). Pulling away he, too, slips on the loose stones and tumbles down the steps, bowling over Alysande as she rushes to help him. Shorm is left standing alone, mace in one hand and torch in the other, as all three rats begin to scurry towards him.
Zed takes 4 points of non-lethal damage, Alysande takes 3. Everyone but Shorm is prone.