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22:37, 11th February 2025 (GMT+0)

2: Into the Caves.

Posted by The GMFor group 0
The GM
GM, 82 posts
Mon 23 Dec 2024
at 10:49
  • msg #1

2: Into the Caves

The entrance to the cave is large, easily ten feet in height, and opens up into a space at least 30 feet across. Wide steps have been crudely carved into the rock, forming a staircase which winds upwards into the side of the hill. The faint light from outside only illuminates the first few steps, beyond which they ascend into total darkness.
Bea Milldottr
player, 51 posts
Tue 24 Dec 2024
at 03:36
  • msg #2

2: Into the Caves

"I suppose we need to go boldly then, Shrom can you spare a light somewhere so we can see?"

Bea kept her guisarme at the ready in front of her, hoping for that split second to react if something leapt from the dark
Shorm P'trak
player, 57 posts
HP: 10 / AC: 16
Tue 24 Dec 2024
at 08:36
  • msg #3

2: Into the Caves

"Right, of course." Shorm reaches into his backpack and readies another torch.
player, 53 posts
Tue 24 Dec 2024
at 11:19
  • msg #4

2: Into the Caves

"Caves... I hate caves." the sorceress muttered as she retrieved a hooded lantern from her pack. Lighting it provided a different light than the torch.
player, 45 posts
Rogue is rogue is rogue
With a multitude of sins
Tue 24 Dec 2024
at 13:53
  • msg #5

2: Into the Caves

Zed kept his weapons sheathed.  He was using his senses for now and if anything came that might need fighting, he would hit the dark.  For now though he moved cautiously as he checked corner after corner. He said not a word.  He was working now.
The GM
GM, 83 posts
Tue 24 Dec 2024
at 14:29
  • msg #6

2: Into the Caves

With the light from Shorm's torch, you can make our more clearly the staircase which winds upwards into the hillside. The floors are scattered with debris; broken pieces of stone and pebbles, making footing somewhat slippery and requiring you to advance cautiously to avoid falling.

You've advanced about 50 ft up the steps, the outside now completely lost from sight below you, when you suddenly notice movement among the stacked piles of stones. Too late to react, three furry forms are upon you in a flurry of teeth and claws. Somthing about the size of small dogs, their slate grey fur blending with the rocks in which they hid. One scratches ineffectually at Bea's leather clad legs; while the other two launch themselves at Zed in front; teeth sinking deep into his leg.

Zed takes 4 points of damage, and needs to make a Fort save.
Bea Milldottr
player, 52 posts
Tue 24 Dec 2024
at 16:09
  • msg #7

2: Into the Caves

Bea tried to circle so that she could put the rat attacking her in reach of her guisarme, but failing that resorted to her cestus

OOC: won't matter which, rolled a 6 to attack, but is there enough room to use my reach weapon, or should I use my spiked gauntlet? Can I with a 5ft step place myself in such a way as to give Zed flanking with his rat if my guisarme is inside that reach area? Also, usual "if the targets move out of my threat range with my guisarme, I try to trip them" attack of opportunity stuff
The GM
GM, 85 posts
Tue 24 Dec 2024
at 16:34
  • msg #8

2: Into the Caves

The stairways is wide and the ceiling is about 10ft overhead, you can use your big weapon in here. However, you can't take a 5-ft step as the unstable pebbles you're balancing on count as difficult terrain. Also, please make a DC 12 Reflex save to try and keep your footing on the slippery surface while you swing ineffectually at the rat next to you.

Map below for clarity.

Shorm P'trak
player, 59 posts
HP: 10 / AC: 16
Tue 24 Dec 2024
at 16:51
  • msg #9

2: Into the Caves

Shorm closes in with the enemy to Bea's right and attacks with a single blow of his heavy mace.

17:50, Today: Shorm P'trak rolled 7 using 1d8+1.  damage heavy mace
17:49, Today: Shorm P'trak rolled 10 using 1d20+1.  attack.

player, 46 posts
Rogue is rogue is rogue
With a multitude of sins
Tue 24 Dec 2024
at 17:24
  • msg #10

2: Into the Caves

Zed tried ineffectually to pull a rat from where its teeth gripped him.  Wouldn't have mattered anyway there were two of them.
rolled 11 fortitude and 5 to hit.
Shorm P'trak
player, 60 posts
HP: 10 / AC: 16
Tue 24 Dec 2024
at 20:58
  • msg #11

2: Into the Caves

21:56, Today: Shorm P'trak rolled 18 using 1d20 ((18)).
while attacking he is doing a flic flac, standing on one hand, doing push ups (on one hand)
well, maybe not
player, 47 posts
Rogue is rogue is rogue
With a multitude of sins
Tue 24 Dec 2024
at 21:45
  • msg #12

2: Into the Caves

In reply to Shorm P'trak (msg # 11):

21:44, Today: Zed rolled 7 using 1d20+2.  Balance.
Zed goes rolling down the stairs and the rats eat him... if they survive the ride
player, 55 posts
Wed 25 Dec 2024
at 01:41
  • msg #13

2: Into the Caves

Trying to rush at Zed's side, to aid fending of the large rodents, Alysande lost her footing and followed the rogue into the depths of the cavern.

ooc: Balance 5.
The GM
GM, 87 posts
Wed 25 Dec 2024
at 11:58
  • msg #14

2: Into the Caves

Bea swings down at the rat by her side, overbalancing and slipping on the loose pebbles. Shorm nimbly sidesteps as she tumbles down the stairs back towards the entrance of the cave (taking 7 pts of non-lethal damage). Shorm swung down with his mace at the rat in front of him, but it easily scurried underneath the blow, scratching and clawing at Shorm's feet (Shorm takes 1 point of damage, and needs to make a Fort save).

Zed managaes to skip away from the rat biting him, but only to feel the sharp teeth of the other clamp down on his ankle (dealing 3 points of damage). Pulling away he, too, slips on the loose stones and tumbles down the steps, bowling over Alysande as she rushes to help him. Shorm is left standing alone, mace in one hand and torch in the other, as all three rats begin to scurry towards him.

Zed takes 4 points of non-lethal damage, Alysande takes 3. Everyone but Shorm is prone.

Bea Milldottr
player, 54 posts
AC 15/12/13 hp 10/10
F +4 R +4 W +1 7 nl
Wed 25 Dec 2024
at 13:35
  • msg #15

2: Into the Caves

Bea got to her feet with a groan, moving back towards the rats with her guisarme to menace them

OOC: stand as move action, walk towards the rats as move action, half speed is needed as difficult terrain I'll go behind Shrom to the left trying to keep them contained with reach and combat reflexes
Shorm P'trak
player, 61 posts
HP: 10 / AC: 16
Thu 26 Dec 2024
at 18:33
  • msg #16

2: Into the Caves

Shorm retreats slowly, step for step, waving the burning torch from left to right and back again.
As far as he knows wild animals are highly afraid of an open fire.
"Guys, get up, I need a diversion, then I can heal you."
The GM
GM, 89 posts
Fri 27 Dec 2024
at 09:59
  • msg #17

2: Into the Caves

One of the rats shrinks back nervously from the flickering flame, but the other two scamper fearlessly forward. One leaps straight at Shorm, though its frantic gnawing cannot pierce Shorm's metal armour. The second dashes right past Shorm, making its way hungrily towards the motionless form of Zed. Bea lashes down with her guisarme, but it moves too quickly, nipping underneath the weapon and leaping up to take a nip at Bea's arm.

Bea takes 2 points of damage

The GM, on behalf of Bea Milldottr, rolled 12 using 1d20+3.  Opportunity Attack.

player, 56 posts
Tue 31 Dec 2024
at 01:12
  • msg #18

2: Into the Caves

The half-elf was more embarrassed than hurt when she slid down the stairs, letting out a decidedly unladylike curse. Looking at her companions, Alysande realized that the rats would soon turn them into a fine meal if they didn't take out one or two of the unusually large rodents immediately. With a sigh she grabbed some of the dust on the ground and began an incantation, slowly letting it run through her fingers...

ooc: Cast Sleep, Will DC13 to negate. 10ft burst centered so Shorm is not affected.
This message was last edited by the player at 14:29, Tue 31 Dec 2024.
The GM
GM, 92 posts
Wed 1 Jan 2025
at 12:43
  • msg #19

2: Into the Caves

The rat frantically scrabbling at Shorm's armour suddenly stops and lies down on the step, it's eyes closing.
Bea Milldottr
player, 60 posts
AC 15/12/13 hp 8/10
F +4 R +4 W +1 7 nl
Thu 2 Jan 2025
at 00:09
  • msg #20

2: Into the Caves

Bea responded to the bite from the rat with a punch, her cestus slamming into the rodent of unusual size with a desperation not usually seen on the joyful farmgirl

OOC: attack roll 17, damage 5 piercing, Balance check 15. If that's enough to drop it, I'll step up to menace the awake one in the back with my reach to keep the party warded
The GM
GM, 94 posts
Thu 2 Jan 2025
at 14:00
  • msg #21

2: Into the Caves

There's a sickening crunch as the rat's back snaps with the force of Bea's impact. Withou hesitation she heads steadily back up the step towards the last rodent still standing.
This message was last edited by the GM at 19:43, Fri 03 Jan.
Shorm P'trak
player, 64 posts
HP: 10 / AC: 16
Fri 3 Jan 2025
at 12:13
  • msg #22

2: Into the Caves

Without hesitation Shorm turns around to the unconscious Zed and touches him on his breast: "Rise, my friend, your wounds may heal."

13:11, Today: Shorm P'trak rolled 12 using 2d8+2 ((4,6)).
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