Death (Modified Rules)
Death is a significant and emotional event for both players and the story. The story of one's escape from death is equally important. Below are the mechanics of how character death will be handled in this game.
Death Saving Throw
Roll a d20 (plus CON Modifier)
Death Challenge Rating
Normal DC is 10. However, if the character died and was raised, the DC increases by +1 with each occurrence. (See Bring Back to Life modified guidelines below)
Three Successes/Failures
RAW per PHB 2024
Instant Death
RAW per PHB 2024
Critical Situations
Massive Damage: Spells or attacks like Power Word Kill or falling into lava can instantly kill a character without saving throws.
Environment: Traps, drowning, starvation, and other conditions may bypass standard mechanics, depending on the DM's judgment.
This message was last edited by the GM at 21:36, Thu 02 Jan.