[02]. Creation Guide

[01.Stats]: I have been experimenting with various dice to see how well they will work, you will start with a base stat of 10 roll 1d8 per stat These will be your stats.
[02.Alignment]: Any good
[03.Races]: See Post Two in this thread about Races.
[04.Classes]- See Post Three in this thread about Classes.
[05.Hit Points] Max level 1-5 roll for the rest of them.
[06.Gold] -880,000 gp
[07. Feats] You have 20 free feats from me in addition to anything you get. If you give me a character with all combat feats I will speak to you about it. These feats are meant to color your character's experience and background. Not just make you a min/max terror.
[08. Min/Maxing]-Don't do it.
[09. Background Skills] No.
[10. Alternate Creation] No.
[11. Third Party Material] No.
[12. Other Books Allowed] See post Four in this thread.
[13. Traits] You may choose 1 trait, and choose 1 trait from this game (see post Five in this thread]
[14. Drawbacks] No.
[15. Leadership] If you take Leadership understand the character is my creation and under my control they are not your slave or servants to do you bidding alone, Cohorts have a life of their own please keep this in mind.
[16. Adventuring Group ]-You will be a member of the Company of the Golden Star. ( All members know each other this is for smoother connections for the group. )