[03]. Disclaimer

This game will be a 20th level game. Which means you are at the pentacle of your character. So you will have history. I am looking for role-players over roll players. I am looking for people who are willing to write with each other. I am looking for those who are not antagonistic or arrogant.
I recently got ill over the holiday and I am still recovering after the fact. So I might be a little slow on days I am lacking energy. I do check in.
So--that said--Quick Rules.
01. If I say no to something it is a hard no, don't ask around it. It will not change my answer.
02. This will be role-play heavy, and it will have a plot that may well take you beyond 20th level.
03. You may not forge items before play. (You may work at it once game starts )
04. If you take all combat feats for my free feats you and I will have words, some of these feats are meant to add flavor not make you a combat monster.
05. You may take feats from the Forgotten Realms books.
06. I will allow stuff from 3.5 books and you can find that in the RTJ post.
07. I use critical hits and critical misses.
08. If you can not work as a group do not apply to my game. I will remove you if you cause issues, This is not my job, I do this for fun.
09. Please read the RTJ the time it takes you to ask me if I am still accepting players could be better spent looking to see if the game is accepting players,
10. Do not ask me what I need, submit what you're interested in playing, submit two or three ideas if you like.
11. I will take the characters I think fit best.
12. If you join and then never post, I will remove you. This game is looking at a semi-fast pace.
13. You can always ask questions just be aware you might not like the answers.