Expanded Language Group Options

You'd probably want to make the existing game your meeting hub and as archive for all the existing old game threads, and set up 9 more game threads, one for each actual game, duplicating GMs, players and characters.
Probably keep all the character sheets in the meeting hub as it'd be a pain to coordinate updates.
A bit more navigation as players would have to bounce between different games externally, rather than internally, but that's only a couple of extra clicks, and it'd certainly make it easier to navigate with a particular game world/setting, since each separate games would only contain the relevant threads (ie they wouldn't have to scroll past the other 8 games threads to get to the relevant one for that particular game).
Characters can still interact across different games - Fred the Fighter is still Fred the Fighter and played by the same player, whether he's posting in several threads in one game or in several games.
That might solve other potential problems too - eg as well as your languages issue with private groups, you'd potentially run out of groups to accommodate different threads within the one game (eg where the party splits up). I'd also be worried that if the database got corrupted (happens occasionally) the way it is now, you could take out 9 games, instead of just one if it was split up.
I think there needs to be some upper limits on groups/private groups ... else what's to stop someone starting 20, 30, 40 and on up separate games within the one 'community thread'.