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Welcome to Daily Life in Ponyville

10:00, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)


Name: Wordsmith
Age: Young Adult
Gender: Male
Species: Unicorn

Cutie Mark: A quill, the feather slightly canted to towards his flank, in front of a blacksmith's anvil

Special Talent: his special power is the ability to make illusions from the pictures in his mind.  Seeing what he is picturing for a something he is writing helps him nail the description, use the proper words and give a better story.

Occupation: Writer, currently unemployed/unpublished

Appearance: Since I don't think they've given heights for the characters, I'm going to have to use comparisons, at least for height.  Wordsmith is in between AJ and Big Mac in height.  He's a little chunky/hefty in body, a powdery blue coat with a blue-and-white mane, tail and "beard" that are... well "terminally disheveled" would be the best way to describe it, due to his absent-mindedness.  He has white hooves, which you can see since his coat is trimmed a bit short near his hooves.  He has three white freckles on each cheek and a white wedge-shape of white on his forehead, his horn poking out the center of this wedge shape.  Lastly he has a notch cut into his left ear (there's a story there, he's just not talking) and he wears steel rim glasses.
Usually wears a cargo vest so he can carry a notepad and quill or pencil to write at a moments notice.

Personality: Wordsmith is a quiet fellow, prefering to keep to himself out of a fear of embarrassing himself born from a lack of self-confidence/self-esteem.  This is a direct contrast to his actual ability to speak.  In truth he's a very caring and friendly person who is constantly thinking of others and more than willing to help out and would offer the vest off his back if he thought it'd help.  His lack of self-confidence and self-esteem however has led to bouts of 'darkness' where he is depressed and very down and harsh on himself and cynical on most everything else... though that kind, shy, dork that he truely is shines through even then.
He's reall rather sharp, has a bit of an odd and ribald sense of humor though.  He's a fairly simple and down to earth young stallion who would be happiest if he had honest and true friends he could trust whole-heartedly.

History: One could say that Wordsmith's story begins at a fork in the road.  He could have easily been a cook/chef as easily as he is/can be a writer.  Making that choice molded his life.  Wordsmith is a pony of too many ideas, if you asked him, as he has scrolls upon scrolls of different ideas... all of them unfished stories, or notes for those stories... or older versions of those stories that he liked elements off but can't stand how he wrote it.  His constant cycle of having an idea, writing until he runs out of steam, or getting an idea for something else and writing on that... well, there's a reason he's never finished a story and it's gotten really annoying for him.

With no accomplishments to his name, and tired of being stagnant in his life Wordsmith decided that he needed a change.  Some fresh scenery, a radical change that would force him to take care of himself and grow up into a stallion he and his parents could be proud of.  The idea is that having to do all of that would trickle down into actually finishing a story.  How could he be a published author and make a living/career out of writing if he never finishes anything?

To that end, he moved out of his parents home in Canterlot and moved to Ponyville, intent on doing something he's fairly certain no one's done... travel -through- the Everfree Forest, writing his journey from step one.

• one of Wordsmith's quirks is that he is absent-minded.  He's always thinking of something in the back of his mind so he sometimes has trouble focusing on things, even when someone is talking to him.  This absent-minded-ness has also led to his scruffy appearance.  While not unclean... combing his mane and tail, shaving his beard... are sometimes beyond him.

• wordsmith loves to cook (and absolutely loves spicy food).  it may not be what got him his cutie mark, but it's a passion of his all the same and he uses it as a hobby and break from writing (be sure to hit him up for his latest baked goods!  or fresh bread!).  He's been dying to make his own hard cider and his own mead.

• he hates, hates, HATES bugs.  they scared the ever-loving horse apples out of him.  small, or worse large, buzzing things that zoom past him, spooking him?  Stinging, biting, poisonous things?  annoying buggers

• one of his dreams (and partly why his special magic is what it is) is to open a traveler's inn, or tavern, or a Scandineighvian Long Stable.  Those big houses that have the communial fire and offers food and board to travelers, you know the kind... in RPs its where all the PCs meet up.  Why?  Travelers have stories, and he's a writer who loves to cook.  Hoof in hoof if you ask him.

• Wordsmith does have family!  a mother and father, aunts, uncles, grandparents, cousins... but no siblings.  Until recently he lived with his mother (a unicorn) and father (a pegasus).  His father, Longwing, is late of the ADE, Arieal Defense of Equestria.  While not related to his service in the ADE, or why he left, Longwing had to have his rear legs amputated due to disease and now has two prostetics.

== STATS ==
Body: 1
Mind: 3
Skill: 3
Wit: 2

Cutie Mark Bonus: +3 (... I actually have no idea)