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Welcome to The Beach

19:16, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)

Leanne Neeson

Leanne's past is far from pretty. Her parents died in a car wreck when she was 13, her only living relative.. her aunt was not contactable, so.. she went into fostercare. It was there that she had her first, and only sexual interaction with a male.. it was there that she fell pregnant. Not long after, her aunt finally came out of the woodwork, took her in.. but by that stage she was 6 months pregnant with twins.. his face burnt in her mind, and it would never leave.

Her children were her life though, Jasmine and Aiden, having them so young, only 15 when she had them, she and her aunt fought the system to keep them. Her aunt died when her children were teens, leaving her to fend for herself, though, with both having a good head on their shoulders she did not struggle. Now.. 20 years on, her daughter at college, studying law, her son already a qualified builder with his own business. Only her life, seemed to come to a screaming halt, she had no-one. No real friends, no family besides her kids, her job, well, it paid the bills but it was leading no-where. She had never been in love, never been kissed, never worn lingerie, been on a date. She watched those romantic movies, wondering what it all felt like, and while part of her wanted to know what it was like, part of her just wanted to let loose. To party, to try drugs.. why, because she could. She did not want to be completely reckless, but she did want to live, to have fun.

Leanne was not a young woman anymore.. she had wrinkles, parts of her were not as pert as they used to be. Though she did not look her age. Her bright red hair lit up her pale skin and freckles dotted her flesh. Her wrinkles were not frown lines or worry lines, but laughterlines that were more visible as she smiled and giggled. She had to wear glasses when reading, and could not bend down and touch her toes, but, she was blessed with her figure. Losing her pregnancy weigth quickly, and chasing after 2 energetic children had left her with rounded hips, a slender waist, full, rounded breasts (which had not shrunk while breastfeeding). Though, she did not see it, she saw a washed up mother of 2 who got knocked up young. She needs someone to show her otherwise.