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Welcome to The Beach

08:03, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)

Luke Pines

Luke Pines wasn't born particularly different from most. A little earthier, less sophisticated, more interested in exploring the woodlands around his hometown than hanging around the streets and mall than most kids. There was something straightforward about him, and interest in the natural world and physical activities that honed his body into a fit, powerful machine. It was on one of his treks through the wilds that everything changed. He came across a wounded lone wolf, far from its territory and caught in a farmer's snare. In its weakened state, hew as able to approach it and binds its jaws shut with his belt, before freeing it and cleaning its wounded paw as best he could. When he was done and preparing to loosen the beast's jaws and get out of its way, the wolf made eye contact with Luke... and he felt a jolt, some kind of energy passing into him. He blacked out. When he awoke, the wolf was gone. He returned home to the farm he worked on, but felt uneasy and out of sorts for the rest of the month. It was only when the full moon rose and he underwent his first transformation that he discovered why.

Since then, Luke has lived a strange life, both drawn to people by the social nature of the wolf spirit that inhabits him and forcing himself to stay away for their safety. Only recently has he met someone who has fully drawn him back into the world of humanity, a woman clever, funny, vivacious and beautiful enough to make him overcome his alienation.

Luke is a big, rangy young man, standing 6'4” and built long limbed and rugged. His hair is tawny blond-brown, longish and unkempt but thick and pleasantly soft... almost mane-like... to the touch. Bright hazel eyes shine with watchfulness, and can display deadly aggression or loyal friendship.