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Welcome to The Beach

16:43, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)

Quinn Welles

Quinn was a clever kid, but raised in a family where intellect wasn't highly valued. His ex-soldier father was endlessly critical of the unathletic, bookish boy, which made Quinn grow up nervous and retiring. At school, he was likewise the victim of bullying, for being the tallest and skinniest boy in the class, for wearing glasses... and just because. To avoid his petty-tyrant father and the bullies, Quinn spent a lot of time in the library reading, or in is room learning to program software and build hardware... and down at the neighbourhood rec centre, learning how to climb the rockwall and other adventure sports.

He left home as soon as possible, earning a prestigious scholarship and attending a top-flight university. He spent three years getting an honours degree in computer science and electronics, growing into his own man. He worked for the school's IT department to earn some extra cash, and made a side-profit selling iPhone apps he created. At 20, he got his first girlfriend, and awkwardly lost his virginity. The relationship didn't last much longer than a month, and nor did the next; he was still too shy, too reticent, too abashed. Since graduating, he has been looking at job offers from a number of large computer firms, while running free computer education classes at the community centre.

It took him most of his teenage years to grow into his body. In the last year or two, his rake-thin frame has started to fill out with a bit of lean muscle; he'll never be big and buff, but he is toned and his long limbs well-defined. His 6'3” body no longer looks gangly, and his adolescent acne has cleared up, revealing smooth, vibrant skin. Quinn's hands are large and deft, trained by working on tiny circuitboard components. He is almost blind without his steel-rimmed glasses, barely able to see past the end of his nose. Physically, he's fearless, a fan of extreme sports from sky-diving to freeclimbing, but ask him to talk to an attractive woman, and he trips over his own tongue.