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Welcome to Infinite Odyssey- The First

12:36, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)

Victor Diotrephes

Name: Victor Diotrephes
Gender: Male
Age: 34
Height: 6'5"
Weight: 147 lbs.
Hair: Brown
Eyes: Hazel

The image shown to the right depicts Victor in his combat armor, a UEG issue Ranger Uniform designed for combat effectiveness and freedom of movement.  His civilian clothing tends towards dark colors and Trench-coats; both lend themselves well to blending into a crowd in the bad part of the SSOI as well as concealing a bottle of liquor from a grubby homeless guy.

Extent of training/abilities:
As a former member of the UEG 75th Deep Space Regiment, Victor is a fully trained Ranger, capable of operating in small units or alone in unexplored areas of the cosmos.  Part of that training involved obtaining a military grade Pilot Certification, including deep space navigation.  His training naturally also included details in traversing derelict or abandoned vessels.

Fighting/weapons preference/equipment:
Victor is skilled melee combatant, trained in the use of both hand-held combat knives and simple hand-to-hand.  His weaponry of choice tend towards Combat Rifles, knives with Extend-O! mod(s), and a special set of armor gauntlets he acquired during his service.  Referred to in the military as Thunder Claps, they utilize technology similar to the Glock Thunder mods, generating a concussive blast from the palm.  The technology in Thunder Claps is slightly more sophisticated, making it safer for the User, but their charge is much less robust than the Glock mod.


Back story:
Victor was born and raised on good old fashioned Earth 1, squallor and gangs included.  His parents were shit at their jobs, so when he was old enough he enlisted in military, just to get away from home.  As things turned out, he took well to the whole Authority figure thing, and ended up turning into a career Military man.  His third tour of duty, Victor enrolled in the Ranger training program, the only unmodified human in his unit.  He graduated top of class, with honors, and was promoted to Sergeant within 3 years of his first assignment.

He did two more tours of duty as a Ranger, exploring new sectors of the Galaxy where the UEG expected potential resistance from indigenous lifeforms.  His most vicious mission to date is known to the public as the Yithid Blitz, a publicity stunt by the government to showcase their recent forays into alternative planet-side resource gathering, promoted as more environment friendly.  As it turned out, the planet they had chosen was perhaps the most inhospitable place to send a living human.  Atrop IX was primarily a greenhouse planet, so the atmosphere was naturally humid and heavy.  The indigenous lifeforms had an alkaline based body structure, which made them intensely poisonous to humans.  And, evidently, they liked the way we tasted.  300 men died in the first 2 hours planet side, and Victor was forced to plot a path to an extraction point for his squad.

Naturally, because of the publicity involved, Atrop IX's failure was foisted onto incompetence in the workers, and Victor shouldered some of that blame.  As a punishment, Victor was assigned to oversee the integration of a new SSOI in a system as far removed from Earth 1 as they could find.  Some months after SSOI arrived, Victor began suffering from severe nightmares, and was diagnosed with a severe case of PTSD.  He was put on medical leave, but when he showed no improvement, he was discharged from his unit.  He now lives on Trium, and has gone so stir crazy that he's resorted to looking for mercenary work.  Anything to stop his brain from itching like it has been.

Victor is probably the most stubborn man you'll ever meet in your life.  He doesn't take shit from anyone, anywhere, and he's more than willing to give it out to someone who deserves it.  That said, he never owes someone a favor without owning up to it, and always gives 110%.  He's never resorted to breaking the law, until recently out of desperation, so he hasn't quite gotten used to potentially being on the wrong side of the law.

Still, his severe military attitude suits him well when people get up in his face, or need to have someone get up in theirs.  His behavior has gotten slightly erratic thanks to bouts of copious drinking, drug use, and the like in an attempt to deal with his PTSD.  He's hoping that getting back out into space will help more than the booze or the stims.