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16:53, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)


Name: Lilly
Age: Approx. 24
Appearance: Lily is of a slightly taller height with a bit of an athletic build, maintained most frequently by workouts in her room or her cell in solitary. Her hair is longer and a dark chocolate brown that falls to just below her shoulders and her bangs often times cover her blue-green eyes.

Main Ability:
Telepathy & Telekinetics
Lilly's primary power(s) are the ability to read the thoughts of other people and the ability to control the movement of other objects and individuals. Her telepathic ability is stronger because it was the first ability she was found to have. She can read the minds of those within 2 cell radius of her at any particular time and unless precautions are taken against it she can pry and manipulate the thoughts of anyone in that area. Her abilities in telekinetics are also developed but not as refined. She can lift a full grown man approximately 4 inches off the ground and hold them for a full 40 seconds before fatiguing. Her telekinetic ability is also far more explosive and damaging, most often triggered at its worst in moments of high stress and anger.
Prolonged use of a telepathic connection can cause a massive migraine for Lilly. She is also limited to a diameter of two cells on either side of hers, exact measurement is unknown before voices remain in the background as whispers. She cannot turn them off, simply dull them out causing stress the more people are added into an area. The only time she can tune them out enough to sleep fully is under sedation which could be why she is such an upstart, causing problems in order to access sedatives.
Her ability to access her fullest telekinetic power is limited only to moments of severe stress and anger and often times result in destructive outcomes. Grip on larger and heavier objects is limited and is held to about 40 seconds for a full grown man before a searing pain shoots through her head and causes her to drop whatever she's holding.

Animal: Leopard

Physical: Enhanced Vision, Hearing, Smell. Heightened Balance, Coordination and Flexibility. Some climbing ability and speed.

Personality: Lilly is an island most of the time. She loathes most of the staff at the compound and because of that she does her best to defy them and make their lives miserable. To most she is gruff and exhibits a tough exterior filled with smarmy comebacks and insults and an oppositional/defiant streak that has become legendary. Any pain she feels is most often masked, keeping it to herself and burying it. Her anger however, has been known to come in quick, sometimes violent bursts. She is most-often viewed as self-centered yet highly determined and is not dismayed by multiple failures.

She is bright, highly intelligent to a dangerous degree when it comes to reading people and strategy which she believes makes life interesting for security at the compound. Due to her relationship wih Doctor Cayne and most of the male orderlies and other doctors being abusive in one form or another she distrusts men, yet at the same time had an odd drive towards them, often time using her sexuality as a joke or bargaining chip to lure the newer male staff into traps before an escape attempt. Her ego and self-confidence are also unusually high for the women of the compound. She exhibits pride in her failures and successes and views herself to be above most of the staff and security even though she is the one in chains.

Lilly's only true family and resulting soft spot is for he other girls and women at the compound. She is softer spoken with them and supportive in the best ways she can be. Often times she's been known to take the fall for incidents committed by other women so that the weaker girls wouldn't have to suffer through punishements. She knows her place and her image in the compound and utilizes it in every way she can.

Bio: Lilly has grown up at the compound, having been adopted and brought there as an infant she has known no other life. As a child she learned quickly that she was not a person, not a human but a lab rat and that is when her downward spiral began.

She hadn't always been as she is currently known. As a young child she tried very hard to do as she was told and rewarded for it with small things like books and longer time outside. She wanted to please the Doctor, the only real man she viewed as a father figure but he always seemed distant, unimpressed. She was well behaved for he most part, keeping to herself and reading, only really complaining durning the more painful tests and even then she was promised the reward of books for behavior.

Eventually though the staff changed and they began to discover more about her. Flame showed up, and was immediately adopted by Dr. Cayne. She was treated with kindness and compassion and levels of respect Lilly had only dreamed of. This fanned her desire for his affections and caused her to work even harder for them, always being denied and the anger growing within her as a result.

She eventually snapped one afternoon, a new segment of her ability coming to form that they hadn't expected as the room tore itself apart while she stood silently in the center of it. From then on more tests were ordered, orderlies told to hit her and break her in other ways, to cause stress, fear and rage in the most raw of forms. She was 12 when it started and for awhile she was unaware, afraid and gave them what they wanted. Raw displays of power spawned by anger and fear that could destroy a room. That, seemed to please the doctor, but only so much that he ordered such abuses to continue, adding more to the list every time.

By the time she was 14 she'd shut down, having become smart to what'd they wanted and what they were doing. She turned defiant. Her rage controlled. The outbursts stopped, rage burried within her to control the outbursts. She also began to focus her energies and practice, brining on some level of control to her destructive abilities. She would cooperate though, as long as the reward of books was on the table, and most of the time they would oblige.

At 16 she began to plan escapes and at 17 she began executing them. The response from staff and security were always swift and varried. Sometimes she'd be left alone in her room or a cell for days without any real food or people nearby to converse with. Other times they'd beat her bloody, torture her in other ways to break her spirit. Again, for while it would work. Until she adapted again, starting to use her gifts to her own advantage and get into the heads of those around her. She drove a few orderlies, the crueler ones mad that way.

Life since 17 has been a blur of good periods and poor. Her attitude shifting from a base,cold compliance to outright defiance and malice. She's attempted no fewer than 300 escapes in that time. Some simple, some more eccentric but she's always managed to get caught. She keeps trying however, in the hopes that should she escape, she could get help for the other women trapped with her and that promise is enough to keep her going through even the longest periods of solitary confinement.
