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Welcome to Daily Life in Ponyville

17:35, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)

Shai Ni

Name: Shai Ni
Age: Adult
Gender: Female
Species: Unicorn
Cutie Mark: A trio of shining gold orbs
Special Talent: Light/Healing Magic
Occupation: Acupuncturist

Mother: Wéifēng (Gentle Breeze), called "Mā" by Shai Ni
Father: Tiěmǎ (Iron Horse), called "Bà" by Shai Ni

Appearance: Shai Ni is a rather small pony with striking Chineighs features, her silky, raven black mane and slender build, as well as the shape of her eyes, making her stand out among the native ponies.  Her height is closer to that of an adolescent, and at first glance many mistake her to be one, but her exotic beauty and build prove her to be a full grown mare.  She keeps her mane held up in what looks to be a rather simple style, but is actually rather complex, what with the loop of hair on the back of her head.  Her eyes are a brilliant purple, and she has a strange habit of wearing her silk slippers everywhere, whereas most ponies go barehooved.  She also wears a simple, yet elegant silk dress that matches her slippers.

Personality: Spiritual and serene at first glance, Shai Ni is, in truth, highly excitable when it comes to certain subjects, such as astronomy, natural magical flow, and medicine.  She is fond of books, but focuses more on books of lore and legends than more contemporary fiction.  She has developed a weakness for Sweet Apple Acres' famed cider, but is otherwise known to prefer green or black tea.

She always has tea ready for guests and clients in her clinic, and often has home-made rice candies to offer as well.

Few know it, but she also has quite the active imagination sometimes, although it seems to still be lacking when it comes to romance.

History: Born and raised in the far off city of Shanghay in Chineigh, Shai Ni grew up learning the traditions and culture of her homeland.  Unfortunately for her, despite her clear talent for magic and medicine, as the daughter of the family, her duty, so said tradition, was to find a husband and support him while he worked.  To her, it was not wrong, nor oppressive, but just how things were, and she was still encouraged to follow her studies and learn what she could.  Her family loved her and did not wish to force her to marry, and she loved them back and did not wish to make them sad.  However, she just never seemed to have any luck meeting anyone as she spent far too much time in her studies.

It was only recently that an ambassador from Equestria passed through Shanghay to meet with the Emperor, and she happened to stop by Shai Ni's family's clinic to get a cold treated.  Shai Ni treated her with her acupuncture (which took some persuading and ensuring that it will, in fact, not hurt) and gave her an herbal remedy infused with a bit of magic, and the ambassador felt better than she had in years.  Impressed, she invited Shai Ni to come to Equestria and spread the knowledge of her culture and medicine, and with the blessings of her parents, Shai Ni packed her things and enthusiastically came along, essentially learning the language on the way in a heavy crash course.  When she arrived in Equestria, she had a brief meeting with Princess Celestia, which then in turn ended with her being told that Ponyville would be a perfect place for her to start.  Of course, this happened after she was finally convinced that she did not have to bow the entire time or avert her eyes from royalty so as not to shame them.

And so, for the past year and a half, Shai Ni has run a small acupuncture clinic on the outskirts of Ponyville, where she also lives.  At least, she did until it lost the roof from a sudden ball of fire.  Now she's relocated to be in Ponyville proper, with her home and clinic in the business district.

Other: Being from the distant city of Shanghay, Shai Ni is still very new to Equestria, and even newer to Ponyville, so while she may have mastered the language, she is still unaware of many colloquialisms, customs, and everyday habits of Equestrian ponies.  She is also rather gullible because of this.  She always has a set of her medical tools on hand, just in case someone looks like they need their natural flow adjusted to relieve pain or encourage healing.

Her clinic is a recently opened business, and many ponies are still adjusting to her presence, but she seems to be getting by well enough.

Body: 1
Mind: 3
Skill: 3
Wit: 2
Cutie Mark Bonus: Healing and Light Magic


All you truly need to know about her can be summed up in these images.

Discord was a butt:

She may have time traveled as a filly just to be adorable:

Free candy is a siren's call: