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10:25, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)

Sabrina Tempest

Character Information

Name: Sabrina Tempest
Aliases: Shiva, Sabby (nick)
Race: Neko
Age: 24
Gender: female

Appearance: Sabrina stands at precisely five foot even with the typical features attributed to a feline hybrid; the large furry pointed ears, retractable claws on hands and feet with a long prehensile tail that brushes against her ankles with an almost seemingly life of its own. Her physiology allows for comfortable mobility either walking on all fours or upright like a human. Appearance wise Sabrina is more to the humanoid spectrum of hybrids. Her face is most decidedly humanesque in appearance; long shape face with arched brows, high cheekbones and a pair of full lips blending with the feline influence of slightly slanted slitted eyes the color and intensity of a deep clear sapphires, a slender pert nose with a nearly distinct feline shape. Her mane of hair falls from the top of her head to the middle of her back, a soft snow white in color with silvery blue tint and highlights, her tail is a glossy raven black with a white tip, a wonderful contrast to her naturally lightly tanned skin and sapphire eyes. At her peak before her hospitalization it was apparent to those knowledgeable that she had a sleek athletically trim and toned physique from training and a active lifestyle but still managed to retain generously proportioned curves and protrusions. But because of her coma and chronic lack of exercise she has lost most of her muscle tone and mass reducing her from a feline Amazon to a dainty, airy slip of a female neko, much to her chagrin.. She also has a fair sized birth mark on the small of her back, right above her tail in the shape crescent moon that look more like a tattoo with it silver white coloring.

Current Attire: Plain black cotton wide bottom drawstring pants with a matching tank top tied off just beneath her bust.

Personality: Because of her past Sabrina finds it hard to immediately open up to people though she is very friendly and helpful upon first meeting, suffering the loss of a bond with her former owner is something she trying to overcome. Outwardly she is on the quiet, preferring to observe but once you get past her defenses it is easy to see that she is quiet the playful, affectionate feline - so full of sassiness and wicked humor. On better days she is full of sassiness and wicked humor, with a competitive streak. Sabrina isn't afraid of standing up for herself or taking the lumps that come with it. She isn't one to run from a fight; she'll never start one if she can help it but neither will she back down if she feels the reasons are just enough.

Background: Sabrina has had more than her fair shares of ups and down in her young life. Raised in the small town of Cedersbrook in the southern regions of Valos, Sabrina came from a long line of reputable hybrid fighters, she grew up learning to fight in the hopes of one day reaching her goal to surpass her mother and win the Grand Dream Tournament. Her mother's owner, Jacob, and by extension her owner, was a retired fighter who now invested as as sponsor looking for new talent. He was a kind, jovial man - he treated Sabrina like his own daughter, but he could easily be a stern taskmaster when needed. He saw too it that not only did Sabrina learn how to fight but that she also obtained a basic formal education. They enjoyed a good life until their owner unexpectedly passed away from a heart just shy of Sabrina reaching her adolescence.

Worried about being separated from her mother when it came time for them to be sent to the pet shop, they were surprised to learn that Jacob had planned ahead granting custody of them over to his son Emil. It was unfortunate that Jacob hadn't seen his son in a few years so he wasn't aware of how much his son had changed or the troubling vices the young man enjoyed partaking in or otherwise Jacob would have made other arrangements. Sabrina spent the next several fighting in the various circuits - both sanctioned and the less than legal underground rings under the assumed name of "Shiva" for both. Since her mother was getting up in the years, Emil had traded her in for two younger hybrids. The majority of the money they/she earned form these competitions went straight to Emil(without much of a choice) to support his vices (drinking and gambling) and to keep him kept in the lifestyle to which he had become accustomed. More than once it had been up to Sabrina or her pack sister to settle Emil's debts when he got too in over his head, in any fashion the victor chooses.

Her eventual fall from grace happened on a day like on any other, it was another underground competition; a real no-holds-bar cage fight held right outside the city limits of Critter City. She had managed to make it the semi-final round when out of the the blue, Emil told her to take a dive in her upcoming match. Sabby been surprised and conflicted to say the least when she went out into the arena. She didn't know that her owner had accepted a rather substantial payoff from some not so nicely reputable men so her opponent could advance to the finals. But then again it wasn't her fault the other fighter lost their footing and fell head first into hard feint.

What happened after that is anyone's guess. 'Shiva' disappeared from the public that day and a few days later a badly battered, bloodied and unconscious neko found was found in a back alley. She was rushed to Silver Mercy Hospital and later released to Lady Zin's Pet Shop when the police were unable to identify her through missing hybrid reports or find her possible owner.

Sabrina spent nearly a year in pet shop's Quiet Hallway, before being moved to isolation and then eventually released into the Pet Shop.

Known History: For all intents and purposes Sabrina was just a rescue hybrid taken in by Lady Zin's Pet Shop. She spent the better part of a year in the Quiet Hall slowly recuperating. When she eventually awoke from her coma she found out that she was clinically blind (incapable of seeing anything beyond two feet without the aid of glasses) a condition that may or may not be permanent, only time would tell. After several months of rehab followed by some time in isolation under the matronsÂ’ care she was released into the shop. So far she has spent most of her time trying learn the lay of the store as she adjusts to her visual impairment as not to continuously bump into things or people. She sets aside time each day to train in the Pet Shop's training room to rebuild her strength to. Since her awakening she hasn't offered or volunteered information about her past beyond the Matron's questioning. As far as the other hybrid's are concerned she doesn't really remember. Asides from being a bit of a loner she does like to make time socialize with hybrids (and customers at times) and help out around the shop where she can.

Experience Tracker
Free Experience:
Bonus Experience:



Focused SkillsRank
Strength Strike

Other SkillsRank

Electric and Ice


Defensive Gear:

Equipped: None
Bag: Basic



Dwellings: Lady Zin's - Kennel #12

Vehicles: None

Meals Eaten: 0
Favorite: Bird
Liked: Tea, Meat
Disliked: Beer, Wine
Allergic: Seeds
Arousing: Fish
Calming: Dairy

Alltongue - Perfect Infliction

Work Information
Current Jobs:
- None

Owner: None
Collar Type: None

Persistence 3


Shiva's Embrace
Rank 2 Offensive Ice Technique
Status Effects: Physical Fortitude, 21 Resist
Channeling: Either Hand (2 ep)
Limitation: Gesturing 1, Uses 3/phase, Chant 1
Effects: Magical Damage (Base technique deals 45 magical damage), Hypothermia 3, Duration 3, Increase Damage 1, Increase Range 3 (75), Slow 1, Status Difficulty 2
Description: Sabrina evokes an incantation calling forth chilling mist to rise from from the ground,swirling around her to correlesce between her hands forming a glowing freezing ball of energy. Reaching the end of the chant she calls out the technique's title and throws the attack her opponent encasing them ice