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Welcome to Once Upon a Time in El Paso - [Adult Freeform Western]

19:58, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)

Summer Reynolds

Name:  Summer Reynolds (aka Meadow Gallagher)
Occupation: Drifter, thief

Age: 25
Sexual Orientation: Bisexual, prefers women but will sleep with men if there's something to gain from it.
Sexual Style: Dom/sub switch, depends on partner
Sexual Likes: spontaneity, voyeurism/exhibitionist
Sexual Dislikes: Too rough and too gentle
Residence: currently none

Description: Summer is a pretty girl, slim and well built. Her hair goes down to her mid back and despite her drifting nature she tries to keep her appearance up unless she's trying to remain incognito. While she's 25 years old she actually looks closer to 19 or 20 and she often uses her youthful appearance to get her way.
Height: 5'5"
Weight: 105lbs
Hair: light brown
Eyes: brown

Personality: Because of the fact she's been on her own for a very long time, Summer has grown a little pessimistic in most things. She has a wild sense of humour and while she seems friendly on the outside she remains guarded and reserved on the inside. She'd love to find somewhere she could finds home, but so far she's had to keep moving. She's confident and often cocky when dealing with men, unless she's trying to get something from them, in those cases she can be soft, kind and generous. She could also be described as selfish, and this comes from being on her own for so long. She's not big on sharing.

Skills: thievery (lock picking and pick pocketing), horsemanship/groomsmanship, stealthy (hiding and sneaking), pistols, knife fighting/throwing, survival (hunting/trapping), swimming.

History/Background: Summer remembers very little of where she came from or of her parents. Her father had been a drifter like her, and he stuck around with her mother long enough to gift the woman with his seed before he drifted off again. Her mother did her best, but she was unable to care for the girl, so before long Summer found herself in an orphanage.

Orphanage life was not the life for Summer. Even before she was a teenager she left the care of the sisters and began to live on the streets, stealing and begging, doing whatever she needed to get by. She learned many skills this way but before long her thievery was discovered and she'd been forced to run. She soon found herself traveling with a Ranger who decided to keep her around until he could find a suitable place to leave her. While camping beneath the stars one night he got drunk and took advantage of the lovely young woman. By morning he was dead in the New Mexico desert and she was once more on the run.

She drifted from one town to the next, usually only until someone accused her of something. She has so far always managed to escape and flee. She's always suspected no one would bother looking for her, figuring she wasn't worth the trouble. Regardless she kept heading in the direction of Mexico, just in case. Finally low on money, Summer decided to stop in El Paso to see what profit could be hadÂ…

Currently Wearing:

Other Possessions:
Horse (Damien), saddle, saddle blanket and saddle bags (all stolen)
2 extra pairs of trousers and 2 extra shirts with several pairs of socks and undergarment
One lady's outfit, common, below average quality light blue dress with stockings and shoes
Lady's vanity pack: razors, make up, combs soap and perfume
Pistol, holster and belt with thirty odd bullets
Large hunting knife
Duster/rain coat, oversized with the hem cut to her size/height
Tin cup, plate, spoon, fork set for one
Knife, Pocket
matches (box of 240)