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Welcome to City of Heroes and Villains

21:56, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)


Name: Emerald Haynsworth
Alias: Shortnote
Age: 35

Physical Description:
A red fox. Typical of a fox, she has a white muzzle, black fur at the tips of her ears, black fur on her hands and on her feet. Unlike a real fox, though, Emerald stands on her hind legs, has a humanoid look to her body. Her hair (which is also red like her fur) goes shoulder-length and curls slightly. On the front, her hair fluffs over into bangs. Her emerald-green eyes suggest a bright soul in that body. What she wears is so different from one day to the next, it isn't worth mentioning here.

Lazy Description:

Hair color: Red
Fur color: Red
Height: 3'10"
Weight: 40 Lbs
Clothing preference:
Short skirt, shoulderless blouse. Usually purple or blue, but sometimes other colors.
Every once in a while, Emerald wears a grey jacket.

Emerald was born in The Flop in St Martial of the Rogue Isles, with poor parents who were addicted to gambling at casinos. When Emerald was about 10 years old, addiction took her parents beyond being broke and they wound up having to sell her to the Casino as a slave. Emerald's adventures began. She soon managed to escape the Casino slave life and wound up living on the streets of Port Oaks and Cap Au, scrounging for food and having to learn how to pick pockets. While fleeing one of her pursuers, Emerald sneaked aboard a boat to Bloody Bay.

The girl was quite scared once there and did a lot of running, only to wind up in the hands of Longbow. As a child and orphan, she was taken back to Atlas Park to be processed. Scared, Emerald managed to flee and roamed the streets for a bit, doing what she knew best; pick-pocketing and stealing food. Emerald had been spotted, but with a lot of luck and fate seeming to be on her side, she was never actually caught. Thanks to this fact, Emerald got very good at thievery and was soon swallowed up by the local thieves' guild.

Her life as a thief was lonely. But she befriended a boy her age (named Reed) in the park in Hyperion Way. Reed's parents took pity on Emerald, they adopted her and the thieves' guild decided to leave it be since the two had strong ties to the community. Emerald was registered at the Paragon City Hall by the same man she escaped when she first arrived in Atlas. Emerald was slow to trust again thanks to being sold out just a couple years back, but her new brother helped her trust again thanks to being a peer. Between the love of her new brother and parents, Emerald was kept from becoming entirely selfish like most thieves raised on the street. In fact, as her faith in her new parents grew, Emerald even went the path of cheer and love. She cared about people, especially the poor and downtrodden thanks to her ability to connect with them on a personal level. But unknown to her parents, Emerald soon returned to the thieves' guild and continued serving them as a member. Although Emerald's ties to the thieves' guild were never fully severed, Emerald gradually got to where she only did favors for them very seldomly.

More and more, Emerald got into archaeology. She found she had a fascination for ancient civilizations; the people, their culture, their architecture... all of it.

When the Rikti invaded, Emerald was determined to help how she could. Remembering an artifact she found once that apparently helped against the Rikti, Emerald went to more archaeological digs in hopes of finding more. It was the beginning of her trek into becoming a super hero as she soon found the secret of using music to manipulate ether. With time, Emerald unlocked more secrets and became one of the more formidable heroes who were not part of the Freedom Phalanx. And yet, the name of Shortnote is still only known at large as a cute little fox who uses music magic... only those in the know realize she is Security Level 50. And fewer still know she has pushed past that a bit...

Emerald has a bright and cheerful personality, but a level head. When things get serious, Emerald likes to use cunning and smarts to survive or win. She is quite friendly and adapts to the people around her quite well without being simply a "yes" girl. With a background that involved betrayal, desperation, great loss and being on the wrong side of the law, Emerald has a kinship with shadier characters. She understands the darker side of people just as much as the brighter side. That said, Emerald plans to do what she can to spread the message that love is, in fact, real and only those who don't want it at all will never have it.

Emerald has great pride in her skill as a thief and when it comes to the streets, she can stand her ground and talk big with the best of them. But on the other hand, where everything else in concerned, Emerald is oddly humble and seems to think little of herself, believing herself too corrupt or too weak to be compared to "greater heroes". Therefor, Emerald is never afraid to ask for help except when it comes to her thievery.

Emerald is slow to trust people, but quick to act like she trusts them.

 If a fox can do it, so can Emerald. Good sniffer, good ears, nice reflexes, so on.
 Emerald can understand any language, speaking and writing it fluently.
Forbidden Knowledge
 Due to having learned some secrets about the universe and how it works, Emerald is able to manipulate the fabric of reality to some degree. She only knows SOME, but what she does know is able to give her the ability to shield herself, strengthen herself and allies, weaken foes, cause general kabooms and zaps, summon objects, and mold magic using music. (Flavor for all the archetypes Emerald covers)

Temporary Vulnerability
 Whenever Emerald goes to sleep, or is knocked out in combat, many of her magical buffs are turned off. It takes a little bit to get them going again, so since the source of her power isn't inherent, she is vulnerable when not awake / conscious.

Small and Fluffy
 Emerald is pretty much as small as they come in Paragon City. While she can use magics to protect herself and can be nimble and all that, being small still comes with many other challenges, such as when she is mistaken as a child, or people say insensitive things about her height or comment about her being a good "pet".

 Emerald had a dark adolescence and became a rather good thief. Infiltration and pick-pocketing became specialties of hers. She can steal the watch off your wrist if you aren't looking. But she doesn't steal from people she respects unless by some miracle it's for their own good. Also, experience as a thief has taught her to have a knife on her at all times, and a lockpick hidden in her fur.
 Emerald is a great singer and performer! She writes her own music, but likes singing hers AND other people's music all the time. She also can't help but go into a dance when she does. Thankfully, she knows how to dance decent too.
Winter Survival
 Emerald knows how to survive extreme cold conditions. Where a normal person would not know what to do in a wintery area, Emerald would at least know what steps to take. While she doesn't know how to build an igloo, Emerald at least knows how to do the rest such as fish, forage, find the right place to stay temporarily and most importantly how to keep as warm as possible.
Good Liar
 Emerald can fool the average person and even a somewhat perceptive person most times. Her acting skills go along with being a thief and having to give convincing lies sometimes when caught, but Emerald is no master at this. Good enough to get along, though and keep most in the dark as to her intentions and such.

Other Stuff:
 Emerald found a great fascination with the cultures of the past when learning about culture in general. It, along with her sniffing out magic, got her interested in archaeology.
Casino Familiarity
 Emerald knows all about Casinos and all the games in them. She is decent (But not great) at Poker and other such gambling games. This is handy for socializing with the kind of people who are into casino activities and gambling.

Strength: About as strong as a 6-year-old
Intelligence: Emerald is not a genius, but somewhere between that and average. Able to pick up on things swiftly, and solve puzzles easier than most.
Endurance: Emmy can last a long time running or doing long-term enduring things, but does not have much endurance when it comes to being hurt (without buffs) or forced to exert a lot all at once.
Agility: Emerald is extremely agile. Able to walk tightropes with relative ease and is an acrobat.
Awareness: Emerald has good senses and is easily alerted to anything in her surroundings. She also has very good sense on what people are feeling or trying to communicate. She has very good awareness.
Charisma: Emerald is very personable and extremely easy to get along with. She is approachable and tends to know the right thing to say to most. Emerald is a charmer. She tends to lead from the rear, though, so she only takes the leadership position when it is necessary.
Willpower: Emerald normally has average willpower, but has certain weaknesses that can really crush her.