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Welcome to Star Trek: Gamma Quadrant

00:05, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)

Lt. Leonardo Sigma Lyrae

Name: Leonardo "Leo" Sigma Lyrae

Race: Genetically Altered Human

Age: 24

Physique: Leo has a broad toned chest. He carries himself at attention whenever on duty, very attentively. He has short cut brown hair and strong chiseled features. He looks the most casual in his uniform and his casual clothes tend to be the casual uniforms recommended rather than any creative clothing. Tattooed on the back of his neck is a lion.

Personality: Leonardo has a hard time being anything but business. He likes rules and command structure and structures in general. His room is pristinely clean and all of his possessions (of which he only has what he needs) are kept in perfect order. He follows all Star Fleet regulations, even the obscure ones. His loyalty would never waiver unless it was for the greater good. When he was a cadet he had a hard time making friends though he enjoyed the logical thinking of Vulcans and made a few friends from among that rank. He has an excellent head for numbers since his brain he claims works to  roughly 126% of a standard humans. When making decisions he quickly weighs the probabilities and benefits of each outcome. That and his general lack of strong emotion has made him excellent at poker which, besides for training and studying, is his only real hobby. His friends that he has made find him to be impersonal but they all know that he would do anything for them and he can be completely trusted.

Background: 'Born' on Sigma Lyrae in the year 2356, Leonardo never really had a childhood. He was nearly a test tube baby as his parents surrendered their fetus to the experimental growth program on the planet. He experienced accelerated growth whilst he had knowledge directly implanted in his mind. He was removed from his stasis only to train his body and experience human contact with several tutors since they had found these things helped to formulate more secure mental pathways. He met his parents a couple of times but they were just strangers. He had a more parental like connection to his mentor. He was fully matured and grown to an adult body and mental capacity by the age of 12, his body has not aged appreciably since then.

He was given the choice of what to do with his life and instead of choosing to be an inventor or theorist like most of his race he decided that he would prefer to help the populace of the galaxy and join Star fleet. He attended and graduated from the academy  in record time, taking only the minimal number of years as he took as many classes as possible, excelling in each. He left the academy in 2373, just as the Dominion war began. He is marked for exceptional service.

History aboard the USS Delaware: In the process of being transferred to the Delaware his shuttle was taken captive by slavers. Although badly tortured the ensign lead a rebellion against his captors, taking the planet so that the Delaware could liberate them from orbit. Later Lyrae would be assigned the captainship of a ship filled with former slaves. There he met Bractor, a bright young ferengi who served as his temporary science officer.

Lyrae vouched for Bractor who would later go on to become a Starfleet cadet and stalwart friend. Despite his reserved demeanor he has made many friends among the lower officers and the respect of his superiors. Leo feels most comfortable steering a shuttle though he loves the smooth feel of the Delaware helm. Brave and determined, Leonardo will take any mission.

Command Skills
  3- Command
  3- Ship Tactics (Star Ship Combat)
  2- Administration
  1- Diplomacy
  1- Espionage (stealth, use of devices, picking locks, bypassing security)
  1- Planetary Tactics

Ship Operation Skills
  2-Tactical Systems (shields, phasers, torpedoes, ablative armor)
  1-Cloaking Devices
  1-Communication Systems
  1-Computers (Operation, Repair, and Programming)
  1-Engineering (warp core, warp nacelles, impulse, fusion reactors)
  1-Security Procedures
  1-Starship Sensors
  1-Utility Systems (replicators, transporters, life support)

Science Skills
  2-Medical Treatments
  3-Space Sciences (astronomy, astro-metrics, solar behavior, anomalies)

Personal Combat Skills
  3-Energy Weapons
  2-Unarmed Combat

Other Skills
  3- Racial Ability: Calculations
  1- Racial Ability: Enhanced Strength/Constitution

DP: 0/19