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Welcome to Sixguns & Spellslingers: The Last Sons [Deadlands: Reloaded]

19:20, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)

Art C. Wiley

Art stands several inches over six feet, but would never be described as anything but lanky. His musculature is not well-defined, though many of his bones are.

His head is covered in red hair (which he keeps at varying lengths, though currently it goes just past his shoulders), giving him some interesting nicknames from the Native Americans. Their favorite is some variation of 'fire-crotch' though given his pale skin and tendency to freckle rather than tan, he is sometimes referred to as 'albino' or 'speckled man'.

Once you get past the red hair covering his scalp, you would notice large, greenish eyes under light red eyebrows, a small nose, and a narrower than average mouth. His lips are thin, though his chin is prominent. A dimple forms on his left cheek when he smiles, which he does quite often.

His ears are the most peculiar aspect of Art's appearance, as they seem to be the ears of a coyote rather than that of a man. Their coloration roughly matched that of Art's hair, though the reddish fur is a slightly different hue, with a few strands of brown and black mixed among the red. Tufts of white sprout from the interior of the ears. Art often swivels his ears about to better hear distant sounds, or flattens them against his head when he is startled by a loud noise.

His clothes are obviously cared for but old, and are always various shades of brown. Generally his torso is covered with either a roughspun khaki-colored tunic, or buckskin, and his legs with dark-brown trousers. He is never really seen in boots (preferring moccasins) and whenever he is riding a horse, it is bareback.