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08:45, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)

Gilant (4e)

Gilant, Githyanki Level 2 Hybrid Swordmage/Warlock
Theme: Order Adept Age: 20yrs. Height: 6’2” Weight: 172lbs.
Initiative +3, Perception 12, Insight 12, normal vision
HP 36; Bloodied 18; Surges 11; Surge value: 9
AC 21; Fortitude 16; Reflex 16; Will 16
+2 Defenses vs cursed enemies
+2 Saving Throws vs Charm Effects
Speed 6

[M] Eldritch Strike (Standard; at will) * Basic Melee, Arcane, Weapon (Con vs. AC)
Sunblade Longsword +1 w/ Siberys Shard of Radiance +10 vs. AC; 1d8+5 damage
(Or 1d8+6 when Radiant dmg with sunblade active) and slide target 1 square.
+1d6+1d6(Psychic) damage once per turn (Warlock's Curse)

[C] Sword Burst (Standard; at will) * Arcane, Force, Implement, Close Burst 1
Targets each enemy in range, +7 vs. Reflex; 1d6+5 Force damage
(Or 1d6+6 Radiant dmg with Sunblade+1 active)

[C] Sword of Sigils (Standard; encounter) * Arcane, Force, Weapon Burst 1
Each enemy in burst: +10 vs. AC; 1d8+5 damage and target is marked until end of Gilant's
next turn. Until the mark ends, if the target makes an attack that doesn't include Gilant
as a target, it takes 4 force damage after the target is resolved. Also if the target marked
by this power hits a creature within 10 squares of Gilant with an attack that doesn't include
Gilant as a target, Gilant can use an immediate interrupt to reduce the damage dealt by that
attack to any single creature by 3 points.
(Change dmg type to Radiant and add +1 damage if Sunblade is active.)

[A] Argent Rain (Standard; encounter) * Arcane, Fire, Implement, Zone Burst 1 within 10 squares
Each creature in the burst, +7 vs Reflex; 1d10+6 fire damage.
(If Sunblade is active damage becomes 1d10+6 radiant.)
Effect: The burst creates a zone lasting until the start of Gilant's next turn.
Any creature that enters the zone or ends its turn there takes 5 fire damage.
(Changes to radiant damage if sunblade is active.)
A creature can only take this damage once per turn.

Arcane Mutterings(Free Action; encounter) * Personal
Trigger: Gilant would make a Bluff, a Diplomacy, or an Intimidation check
Effect: Gilant makes an Arcana check in place of the Bluff, Diplomacy, or Intimidation check.

[M] Dimensional Thunder (Standard; daily) * Arcane, Teleportation, Thunder, Weapon
Attack: +10 vs. Fortitude against one target.
Effect: Teleport 4 squares.
Hit: 2d8+7 thunder damage.
Effect: Each enemy adjacent to you gains ongoing 5 thunder damage (save ends).

[C] Aegis of Shielding (Minor; At-Will) * Arcane, Close Burst 2
Target is one creature in burst. The target becomes marked remains marked
until you use this power against another target. If you mark other creatures
using other powers, the target is still marked. A creature can be subject to
only one mark at a time. A new mark supersedes a mark that was already in place.
If your marked target makes an attack that doesn’t include you as a target, it
takes a –2 penalty to attack rolls. If that attack hits and the marked target
is within 10 squares of you, you can use an immediate interrupt to reduce the
damage dealt by that attack to any one creature by 9 points of damage.
This power recharges when the target dies or when the aegis mark is overwritten.

Telekinetic Leap(Move; encounter) * racial ability, Ranged 10
Target: Self or one ally, Target can fly up to 5 squares. If this power is
used on an ally, that ally must remain in your line of sight at all times during the effect.

Sunblade Longsword +1(free action) * Radiant
All damage dealt by this weapon is radiant damage.
Another free action returns the damage to normal.
Sunblade Longsword +1 * Radiant (Standard; daily)
You cause motes of light to burst out and attach to your enemies.
Make an attack: Close burst 1; targets enemies; Str+1 vs Reflex;
On a hit target takes 1d8+1 radiant damage.

Leather Armor of Dark Majesty +1 * (Minor; daily)
Place your warlock's curse on any enemy you can see, rather than the nearest enemy.

Alignment: Unaligned Languages: Common, Deep Speech
1 Acrobatics, 10 Arcana, 2 Athletics, 1 Bluff, 0 Diplomacy, 2 Dungeoneering,
10 Endurance, 2 Heal, 12 History, 2 Insight, 1 Intimidate, 2 Nature, 2 Percep,
5 Religion, 1 Stealth, 0 Streetwise, 1 Thievery
Str 12(1)[2] Con 18(4)[5] Dex 10(0)[1] Wis 12(1)[2] Int 18(4)[5] Cha 8(-1)[0]
Sunblade Longsword+1(Can shed bright/dim light up to 20 squares.)
Leather Armor of Dark Majesty+1 (Enchantment boost to bluff and intimidate) Boosts defenses vs cursed foes.
Badge of the Berserker +1: Movement made as part of a charge does not provoke
opportunity attacks.
Siberys Shard of Radiance: +1 bonus to damage rolls with radiant attacks using
the Sunblade Longsword+1 (attached to it) When not affixed to a weapon, this
shard illuminates a 10-square radius with bright light.
Backpack containing: Bedroll, flint and steel, trail rations for 10 days, 50ft
of silk rope, tent, and a waterskin
Climbing Kit (in backpack)
Fine Clothing (worn)
2 Belt pouches (worn on belt)

Racial attributes:
Ability Scores: +2 Con, +2 Int
Skill Bonuses: +2 History
Danger Sense: +2 Initiative
Githyanki Willpower: +1 bonus to Will Defense and +2 bonus to saving throws against charm effects.
Telekinetic Leap: Can use telekinetic leap as an encounter power.

Class attributes:
Armor Proficiency: Cloth, Leather
Weapon Proficiency: Simple Melee, Simple Ranged, Military Light Blades, Military Heavy Blades
Implement: Any Light Blade or Heavy Blade, wand, rod (Prof. bonuses are not used when using a blade as an implement)
Bonus to Defense: +2 Will
Skill Training: Arcane, History, Endurance
Class Features:
Swordbond: Can call sword from short distances or repair it.
Swordmage Aegis (Hybrid): Aegis of Shielding, but only once at a time.
Swordmage Warding: +1 AC, which increases to +3 if welding a blade with
one hand and nothing in the other. Lost while knocked unconscious.
Sorceror-King Pact (Hybrid):Warlock pact minus the at-will attack power and pact boon.
Warlock’s Curse (Hybrid): Once per turn as a minor action, Gilant can place a Warlock’s curse on
the nearest enemy that Gilant can see. Once per round when using a warlock power, Gilant can deal an
extra +1d6 damage +1d6 Psychic damage to a cursed target that he hits with an attack after making the damage roll.

'Free Expertise boost' (+1 bonus to hit for all attacks)
Hybrid Talent: Swordmage Warding
Mindbite Scorn: Adds +1d6 psychic damage to curse damage.

Regional Benefit/Background: High Imaskar - Can reroll any Arcana check, but must accept 2nd result even if lower. Also knows Deep Speech.

Character description/personality:
Social Interactions:
-How do others perceive you in social interactions? Reserved but determined.
-How optimistic are you? Grim and brooding.
-How trusting are you? Trust must be earned, not given. As when given freely it
will be abused. As such Gilant is skeptical and suspicious.

Decision Points:
-How assertive are you at a decision point? Adaptable but fearful.
-How conscientious are you about following rules? Flexible, for rules have
shackled me... now I only follow rules I feel are worth following.
-How empathic are you? Due to my childhood I am hard-hearted as there is little
room for kindness in Githyanki society.

Dire Straits
-How courageous are you in dire straits? Cautious but Steady, as hasty action
can lead to worse situations, but sometimes delaying can be just as costly.
-How do you feel when faced by setbacks? Vengeful
-How are your nerves? Unshakable as cowardliness has no place on the battlefield.

Gilant considers the blade he has bonded with to be the only 'family' he has,
since his cadre, he treats his sword as if it was part of him.

Gilant is a tall and gaunt humanoid with almost skeletal features. Unlike the
garb of other Githyanki, Gilant's attire seems fine, but simple, instead of ornate.
As Gilant knows most people don't like Githyanki due to their aggressive ways,
Gilant uses a hooded cloak and concealing clothing to make it harder to
determine his species from a distance. Gilant keeps his dark silvery hair cut
to shoulder length but braided back so it stays out of his face.  His dark eyes
look cold and uncaring, but that is only because as a child Gilant never
learned much about friends or friendship, and he always felt that diplomacy
should be left to diplomats.

Character background:
Gilant grew up in a small cadre of Swordmages in Githyanki outpost. Early on in
his training it was quickly discovered that Gilant had a natural aptitude for
both training as a Swordmage and as a Warlock. However, as part of a Swordmage
Cadre, training as a Warlock was discouraged, but Gilant continued it in secret.
Swordmage training. However Gilant's devotion to weaving magic though his blade
overshadowed everything else, as he cared little for the xenophobic tendencies
shared by the others in his cadre. Instead Gilant secretly wished to seek out
people of other races who might be able to teach how to improve as both a
Swordmage and a Warlock. Gilant was disillusioned with Githyanki society after
he realized that it was no better than the Illithid society that had enslaved
their ancestors. And while Gilant has no love for Mind Flayers or Githzerai, he
feels no need to seek the blood of others who have done him and Githyanki
civilization no harm. This held Gilant back in the eyes of the others in his
Cadre as they felt it was a weakness on Gilant's part as they felt he feared
actual combat. However as Gilant would prove, his devotion to furthering his
arcane skills was far more important to him than even his Cadre. Although his
Cadre did not hinder him as it was in the Cadre's best interest that Gilant
progress, they did ridicule him for a lack of focus. They knew that Gilant did
not care for anything that hindered his progress. To Gilant, unnecessary
cruelty and bloodthirsty tendencies impede ones skill with the blade. As such
Gilant did not view his Cadre as highly as mot others viewed their Cadres. It
was for this reason that Gilant was not treated well by his Cadre. However this
would come back to haunt them later, for when they could have used his help, it
was too late and they had already driven him away.

Gilant's escape from Githyanki society came when he was still training to
blend his skills as a Swordmage and a Warlock. His Cadre was included as part
of an assault from the Astral Sea using an astral ship. But they had
overstepped their reach and the ship was destroyed by those the Cadre had
attacked. Most of the Cadre that had survived the destruction of their ship,
but they planned only to slate their thirst for blood and conquest. The few who
planned far enough ahead to wish to return to the Astral sea had ordered Gilant
to gather supplies and wood for use in repairing the astral ship. While Gilant
followed the request respectfully, he knew it was an insult for a warrior to
have to carry out such a task when there were others more suited to it. When
Gilant returned to the ship he found the last remnants of his Cadre dead as a
result of being overpowered by local militia. In gratitude for what they had
taught him, Gilant buried them as best he could. Afterwords he wandered off
seeking knowledge on how to improve his arcane skills, unhindered by the
xenophobic ways of the culture that now thought he was dead along with the rest
of his Cadre.

As such in somewhat ironic that Gilant's view on the world has become somewhat
similar to the teachings of Zerthimon, that the Githzerai often follow. For
Gilant seeks strength by better understanding himself and the world around him.
He feels those who close themselves off to knowledge due to its source are
weak. He views those who seeks only part of the truth, but not all of it are
blinded by their beliefs. From realizing how in the end his Cadre fought
separated and were destroyed, he knows that only when people work together can
they have the strength to overcome obstacles. It was only after surviving the
destruction of his Cadre, Gilant has come to the realization that the Githyanki
have lost sight of their original goal to be free. Instead of freedom, he knows
that they now enslaved to seek out and attack any who might someday threaten
their freedom as living in such a paranoid state is not true freedom, and
instead they have become exactly that which they revolted against. Since Gilant
knows that the doom that destroyed his Cadre was their haste to act in a dire
situation, Gilant has learned patience in order to not share their fate. Gilant
knows that that he should stick to his strengths and if possibly rely on the
strengths of others to help him instead of trying to handle everything on his
own, for if he tries to do that, then he would end up weak and destroyed, just
like his Cadre. Now Gilant seeks knowledge, and through his personal quest, he
might discover far more than he sought out to learn.

Money: 0pp 0gp. Weight carried: 77 pounds.