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06:18, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)


Matt, Level 14 Human Fighter
Theme: Elemental Initiate (Punch as good as Club, know Nature, +1 Will)
Paragon: Pit Fighter

Initiative +12, Perception 32, Insight 32, Normal Vision.
HP: 107; Bloodied 53; Surges 12, Value 26
AC: 32; Fort 34, Reflex 27, Will 32
Save+: +2 Vs ALL
Auto Vs. Ongoing Poison DMG.
Save Special: Start Of Turn Save vs Daze and Stun, even if it's not a Save Vs.
Resists: Ongoing 6. Psychic 5.
Speed 5 (Because armor).
+4 DMG Rolls Vs All Bloodied, +6 DMG Rolls Vs Melee Bloodied.
+WIS(5) DMG rolls Once per turn vs Marked targets.

[M] Melee Basic (Standard; At-Will) Lv 1 * Weapon
Warhammer: +21 Vs. AC; 1d10+13 DMG.
Dagger: +22 Vs. AC; 1d4+13 DMG.
Unarmed: +21 Vs. AC; 1d6+13 DMG.

[R] Ranged Basic (Standard; At-Will) Lv 1 * Weapon
Warhammer: +21 Vs. AC; 1d10+11 DMG, Range 6/12

[M] Combat Superiority (Interrupt) Lv 1 * AoO
Warhammer: +26 Vs. AC; 1d10+18 DMG.
Triggers: Basic AoO.  Adjacent Marked by Me Targets shifting,
or making an attack that does not include me as a target.
Hit: If Move triggered, target stops moving.
Remaining actions may be used to resume moving.

Calculations: To-Hit; Prof+STR+WIS+Ench+Half LV+Expert+class perk
*Gasp fpr breath*...  MATH EXPLODES.
Shorthand for calcs: Add Wis mod hit and DMG of melee basic.
+21+(5)= +26 Vs AC; +13+(5)= 1d10+18 DMG.

[M] Cleave (Standard; At-Will) Lv 1 * Martial, Weapon
Warhammer: +21 Vs. AC; 1d10+13 DMG.
Hit: Enemy adjacent to me other than Target takes (STR)6 DMG.

[M] Shield Feint (Standard: At-Will) Lv 1 * Martial, Weapon
Warhammer: +21 Vs. AC; 1d10+13 DMG.
Hit: +3 Power bonus To-Hit against Target, for my next
Attack roll before the End Of My Next Turn.

[M] Tide Of Iron (Standard; At-Will) Lv 1 * Martial, Weapon
Warhammer: +21 Vs. AC; 1d10+13 DMG.
Hit: Can Push Target of Large Size or smaller 1 tile.
Can Shift into tile Target was in.
Requirement: Must be wielding shield.

[M] Steel Serpent Strike (Standard; Encounter) LV 1 * Martial, Weapon
Warhammer: +21 Vs. AC; 2d10+13 DMG.
Hit:  Target is Slowed and Can't Shift until End of My Next Turn

[M] Avil of DOOM (Standard; Encounter) Lv 13 (Lv13 Pick) * Martial, Weapon
Warhammer: +21 Vs. AC; 2d10+13 DMG.
Hit: Target is STUNNED, if using a Hammer or Mace (Dazed otherwise).

[CB1] Hydra Charge (Standard; Encounter) Lv 7 * Martial, Weapon
Target: each Enemy in Close Burst 1.
Warhammer: +21 Vs. AC; 2d10+13 DMG.
Hit: Targets take -2 To-Hit, Until End of My Next Turn.
Special: Can be used for a charge.

[THEME] [M] Disciplined Counter (Reaction; Encounter) Lv 1 * Elemental, Psionic, Weapon
Trigger: Enemy misses me with Melee attack.
Warhammer: +21 Vs. AC; 2d10+3 DMG. (1W Per Tier, No STR mod).
Hit: Slide Target up to 2, Target Grants CA to all until End Of My Next Turn.

[M] Comeback Strike (Standard; Day) Lv 1 * Healing, Martial, Reliable, Weapon
Warhammer: +21 Vs. AC; 2d10+13 DMG.
Hit: I can spend a Heal Surge
Reliable: If I miss, I do not expend power.

[Stance] Rain Of Steel (Minor; Day) Lv 5 * Martial, Stance, Weapon
Effect: Until Stance ends, any Enemy that STARTS adjacent
takes 1W (1d10+3) DMG, if I can make Opportunity Actions.

[M] Victorious Surge(Standard; Day) Lv 9 * Healing, Martial, Reliable, Weapon
Warhammer: +21 Vs. AC; 3d10+13 DMG.
Hit: I can regain my surge value in HP (don't spend surge).
Reliable: If I miss, I do not expend power.

[UTILITY] Pass Forward (Move; At-Will) * Martial
Effect: I pick an adjacent target and move up to my Spd, I do not
provoke AoO from that enemy with Move if I end move adjacent to target.

[UTILITY] Kord's Force (Personal; No action)
Trigger: You would make a Strength Check.
Effect: Use Athletics Check instead.

[UTILITY] Enter The Crucible (Daily; Minor)* Personal
Requirement: Must have at least one heal surge.
Effect: Lose a surge. Until End Of Encounter, have
Immunity to Weakness, Resist 10 ALL Damage.

Alignment: Good
Languages; Common, Dwarven
 9 Acrobatics, 7 Arcana, 20 Athletics*, 6 Bluff, 6 Diplomacy, 12 Dungeoneering,
 14 Endurance*, 12 Heal, 7 Hist, 22 Insight*, 6 Intimidate, 17 Nature*, 22 Percep*,
 7 Religion, 8 Stealth, 6 Streetwise, 8 Thievery
 NOTE: -2 Physical Skills while Heavy Shield Equipped.
STR 22(+5/+13)  DEX 12(+1/+8 )  WIS 20(+5/+12)
CON 14(+2/+9 )  INT 11(+0/+7 )  CHA  9(+0/+6 )
Equipment: Dwarven Thrower Warhammer(Lv12)+3. Immunizing WyvernScale Armor(Lv12)+3.
Amulet Of Protection(Lv11)+3. Iron Armbands Of Power(Lv16).
Diadem of Acuity(lv8). Dwarven Throwers(lv10). Tattoo of Shared Vengeance(lv10).
Acrobat Boots(Lv2). Heavy Shield. Light Shield.

* All Attack Powers are listed assuming a One Handed attack.

Deity: Tread, Goddess of Tanking.  May, Goddess of Weapons.

Racial Attributes: Human. +2 STR.  6 square speed.  2nd language Dwarven.  +1 to Reflex, Fortitude, Will.  Bonus feat, class skill, At-will power.

Class Attributes:
Armor Proficiencies: Cloth, leather, hide, Chainmail, scale; light shield, heavy shield
Weapon Proficiencies: Simple Melee, Simple Ranged, Military Melee, Military Ranged
Defense Bonus: +2 Fortitude
Combat Challenge:  Every time I attack an enemy, Hit/Miss, I can choose to Mark that Target.  Mark lasts until End of my Next Turn.  Marked Target suffers -2 To-Hit vs. All but me.  Whenever Marked Target Adjacent to me Shifts, or attacks any but me, I can make an Immediate Interrupt AoO.
Combat Superiority:  AoO Bonus To-Hit = Wis Mod (+5).  If AoO hits, Target stops moving if Move provoked attack.
Fighter Weapon Talent:  +1 To-Hit One Handed weapons. (A versatile weapon is classed depending on how many hands you are using).

Paragon Path:
Pit Fighter
Level 11: +1 AC, when wearing any kind of armor.
Level 11 AP: When I spend an AP, I gain a power bonus to DMG rolls of Standard Action Attacks that turn. Bonus is Half Level (7).
Level 16: Fighter and Pit Fighter Weapon attacks have +WIS DMG rolls.
  All Bets Are Off: Lv 11: Encounter; Standard. Melee Weapon. Martial * Weapon.
+??? Vs. AC; 2d10+??? DMG.  On HIT, make Secondary attack vs Target. ???+2= ??? Vs. AC; 1d6+??? DMG, Target is Dazed until End Of My Next Turn.
  Deadly Payback: Lv 12: Daily; Reaction.
Trigger; Enemy damages me with Melee.  Effect; Until end of my next turn, +2 Hit and DMG rolls vs Trigger.
  Lion Of Battle; Lv 20: Daily; Standard. * Martial, weapon.
Primary Attack; +17 Vs. AC; 4d10+??? DMG, If Bloodied 6d10+???.  Miss; Half DMG.
Effect; If target is reduced to 0 HP by attack, Make secondary attack.
  Secondary Attack; Fear, Martial, Weapon. Close Burst 5. Each Enemy in Burst.
??? Vs. Will; Secondary Targets must take a free action to move their speed to a square as far from me as possible.

Theme Benefits
Elemental Initiate
Level 1: Unarmed +2 Prof, 1d6 DMG. Ki Focus Prof.  Disciplined Counter Power (see above) 1W per tier.
Level 5: Gain training from one of Arcana, History, Nature, Religion. (Picked Nature).
Level 10: +1 Power bonus to Will.

Regional Benefit: Sunshine Villa Benefit; Homebrew.  You may choose an extra Background Benefit instead of a Regional Benefit, thus allowing you to have 2 Background Benefits. You may not stack the same benefit on itself, however.

Background Benefit:  Detective; Dragon 366, P. 56;  Add Insight, Perception to C list.  +1 Insight, Perception.

WarSmith; Dragon 366, P. 54-55
(Benefit: You can construct your own weapons and armor, given proper tools and raw materials. Making a weapon takes two days, and making armor takes four days. Doing so confers no economic advantage, however. The item ultimately costs the same as it would if you�d purchased it directly. And you can cast Creation rituals as if you had the Ritual Caster feat.)

Critical: Dwarven Thrower(Warhammer) +3d6
Ghost Strike Ki, +3d6
Devastating Ki, +3d8
Iron Body Ki, +3d10

  Combat Superiority Stuff (Class).
  Can use Warhammer for 6/12 Heavy Thrown, DAY;Free Trigger, I hit a large or Larger Target, deal +6 DMG(Hammer).
  Auto-Succeed Saves Vs Ongoing Poison, Enc Reaction; When I gain Ongoing Poison DMG, Ongoing DMG ends (Armor).
  +2 Item Bonus to Save vs Poison, Weakened, Slowed, or Immobilized (Neck).
  +2 Item Basic Melee DMG (Arm).
  Stand up as a Minor Action, +1 Item Bonus to Acro (Boots).
  If an enemy crits against me, anybody else with the same tattoo can take a basic attack vs that enemy (Tattoo).

  +5(Wis) DMG with AoO(Feat 1).
  Wis Mod for Initiative, +2 Feat to Perc, Insight (Feat H).
  +2/3/4 Feat bonus per Tier to Reflex (Feat 2).
  +2/3/4 Feat bonus per tier to Fort. +3/6/9 Per Tier Ondoing DMG Resistance (Feat 4).
  +2/3/4 Feat Bonus per tier to Will. When Dazed or Stunned, Save Throw at START of turn, even if normally can't save vs. (Feat 6).
  Shield bonus applies to Will (Feat 8).
  Shield bonus applies to Fort (Feat 10).

  Once per Round (Round is the duration of everyone's turns) Vs targets I have marked, I can add +WIS(5) DMG (Feat 11).
  FLAT (Feat) +2 Melee DMG rolls Vs Bloodied (Feat 12).
  +2 Feat bonus to ALL SAVE THROWS (Feat 14).

Feats:  Wary Fighter(Human). Focused Superiority(Lv1). Lightning Reflexes(Lv2). Superior Fortitude(Lv4). Superior Will(Lv6). Encouraging Shield(Lv8). Stout Shield(Lv10).

  Marked Scourge(lv11). Blood Thirst(lv12). Resilient Focus(lv14)


  Crimson Determination; Lv 14: +4 Flat Bonus to DMG Rolls, Vs Bloodied.

  Flickers Of Faith; Lv4: +1 Surge total.
  Daily; Interrupt: * Healing.
Trigger; I drop below 1 HP but do not die.  Effect; Roll 1d6. On a 3 or higher, Regain HP as if you had spent a surge, plus your 1d6 roll.

  Kord's Mighty Strength; Lv 3: +2 Item bonus to Athletics. +5 Item bonus to STR checks made to Break things (And I get to use Athletics for STR checks).
  Daily; Minor: Until the end of the Encounter, +1 Item bonus to Melee DMG rolls.

  Closed Mind; Lv3: Resist 5 Psychic.
  Daily; Interrupt:  Trigger; An attack targets my Will.  Effect; +2 power bonus to Will, until Start of my Next Turn.

  Moradin's Blessing Of Iron; Lv3: Can reduce push distance by 2. If enemy pull leaves me adjacent to them, I am allowed to make an AoO attack against that enemy.
  Daily; Interrupt: Trigger; I take DMG.  Effect; Reduce damage by 5.

  Pelor's Sun Blessing; Lv3: If target is Vulnerable to Radiant, Deal extra +WIS/CON DMG.
  Minor Action; Emit bright light 5.
  Daily; Minor: * Healing. An ally within 5 can spend a heal surge, and gains +1 item bonus to Save Throws until End Of Encounter.

Additional Equipment: Dagger.
Tattoo of shared vengeance(Lv10); When a NonMinion enemy crits me and deals DMG.
Any other allies with this Tattoo can make a Basic Attack Vs then as a Free Action.

  Ghost Strike Ki Focus(Lv2); When I make a Melee attack vs Insubstantial, if I have CA I ignore Insubstantial.
  Devastating Ki Focus(Lv5); DMG rolls for Implement and Weapon Attacks, Rolls of 1 and 2 count as 3.
  Iron Body Ki Focus(Lv10); If I hit an enemy, I gain Resist All VS enemy or 2+Ench(2)= 4, Until END of my Next Turn.

Just assume any 'tools' listed gear he freakin has.

Cash Etc:  lots.
Coins: ???
Total GP Value: ???

Char BG:

Smash Chart:
wooden door 13
reinforced door 16
barred door 20
iron door 23
adamantine door 27
force portal 30
wooden portcullis 21
iron portcullis 28
adamantine portcullis 35
wooden chest 16
iron box 23
adamantine box 30
rope bonds 21
iron chains 28
adamantine chains 35
wooden wall(6 In) 25
masonry wall(1 Ft) 35
stone wall(3 Ft) 43?

Smash wooden chest 16
Smash iron box 23
Smash adamantine box 30
Burst rope bonds 21
Burst iron chains 28
Burst adamantine chains 35
Break through wooden wall (6 inches thick) 25
Break through masonry wall (1 foot thick) 35
???? Stone Wall (3 Ft).  43?