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Welcome to Mittens' Dungeon

21:33, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)


Paela, level 2 Halfling Assassin
Age: 23, Height: 4' 0", Weight: 80 lb.
Initiative +5, Perception 16, Insight 11, Normal vision
HP 26; Bloodied 13; Surges 7; value 6
AC 18; Fortitude 14, Reflex 16; Will 17
Speed 6
[M] ???? (Standard; At-Will) * Basic Melee
+0 vs. AC; 1d10+0 dmg
[M] Assassin's Shroud (Standard; At-Will) * Close Burst 10
Target: One enemy you can see in the burst
Effect: You subject the target to your shroud. If any of your shrouds are already on the target, you subject it to an additional shroud, up to a maximum of four. The shrouds last until you use this power against a different enemy or until the end of the encounter.
    Before you make an attack roll against the target, you choose to invoke either all your shrouds on it or none of them. If you invoke your shrouds, the attack deals 1d6 damage per shroud, minus one shroud if the attack misses, and all your shrouds then vanish from the target. This damage roll never benefits from bonuses to damage rolls, and is in addition to the attack’s damage, if any.
    Level 11: 1d6 + 3 damage per shroud.
    Level 21: 1d6 + 6 damage per shroud.

Special: You can use this power only on your turn and only once per turn.
[P] Shadow Step (Standard; At-Will) * Personal
Requirement: You must be adjacent to a creature.
Effect: You teleport 3 squares to a square adjacent to a different creature.
    Level 11: Teleport 4 squares.
    Level 21: Teleport 5 squares.

[M] Inescapable Blade (Standard; At-Will) * Melee weapon +2 reach
Special: The attack ignores cover and superior cover.
+8 vs. AC; 1d8+1 dmg
[M] Leaping Shade (Standard; At-Will) * Melee weapon
+8 vs. AC; 1d8+5 dmg. If you didn’t invoke your shrouds on the target, it takes 1 extra damage for each of your shrouds on it.
Level 21: 2d8+dex dmg, and 2 extra damage for each of your shrouds on the target.
[P] Second Chance (Immediate Interrupt; Encounter) * Personal
Trigger: You are hit by an attack.
Effect: The attacker must reroll the attack and use the second roll, even if it is lower.
[P] Shade Form (Minor; Encounter) * Personal
Effect: You assume a shadowy form that lasts until you make an attack roll or until the end of your next turn. While in this form, you are insubstantial, and you gain vulnerable 5 radiant. In addition, you can make Stealth checks to become hidden if you have any cover or concealment, and you can use cover granted by your allies both to become hidden and to remain hidden.
Sustain Minor: The form persists.
[C] Distracting Illusion (Minor; Encounter) *  Close burst 10
Effect: You create the illusion of a Medium creature of your choice in an unoccupied square in the burst. The illusion is silent but moves and acts as though it was the creature it appears to be. Creatures that closely examine the illusion can make an Insight check to discover the illusion for what it really is. The check is opposed by a Bluff check that you make when you create the illusion. The illusion lasts until the end of your next turn.
Sustain Minor: The illusion persists until the end of your next turn, and you can move it up to 6 squares.
[R] Shadow Darts (Standard; Encounter) *  Ranged 5
+6 vs. AC (Make three attack rolls. If any of them hit, resolve them as a single hit, and all of them must miss for the attack to miss); 1d8 cold damage if one of the attack rolls hits, 2d8 cold damage if two hit, or 3d8 cold damage if three hit.
[R] Targeted for Death (Standard; Daily) * Ranged 5
+6 vs. Will; 3d8+5 cold dmg.
Miss: Half damage.
Effect: Until the end of the encounter, whenever you use assassin’s shroud against the target, you subject it to two shrouds instead of one.
Alignment: Good; Languages: Common, Dwarven
(* = Trained in that skill)
12 Acrobatics*, 1 Arcana, 6 Athletics*, 10 Bluff*, 5 Diplomacy,
1 Dungeoneering, 2 Endurance, 1 Heal, 1 Hist, 1 Insight, 5 Intimidate,
1 Nature, 6 Perception, 1 Religion, 10 Stealth, 10 Streetwise, 12 Thievery
Str 10(0) Dex 18(4) Wis 10(0)
Con 12(1) Int 10(0) Cha 18(4)
Equipment: S.A.K., Leather Armor, Ki Focus, Khopesh, Chatkcha, Sling, Dagger, Disguise, Money (18gp)

Rituals: None.

01) Sneak of Shadows (MC Rogue), Gained Thievery skill.
02) Sly Dodge (MC Rogue), Chose Bluff skill.

Future Feats:
Brutal Shroud

Character description/personality:
While Paela's personality is jaded and a little defeatist, he doesn't really let it show in conversation so much. He wants friends, but equally wants people to not really know him. So he is cautious about who he talks with, how much he talks with them, and is slow to develop relationships. He also has a loss of self identity due to the number of personalities he has come up with for infiltration missions. Thankfully, he doesn't have multiple personality disorder or anything. But he is confused and insecure about who he is and even what he is.

Combat tactics:

Character background:
Paela grew up in a thieves' guild and was treated same as any guild orphan. In his early teens, though, his prowess with sneaking and curiosity beyond just who has enough money for the next meal got him spying on the guild master one time. He was caught, but too late. He already learned about the guild's assassins. But he wanted in. And the guild master knew he could trust Paela well enough. So Paela got trained. Over the years, the boy became a man. The man became callous. And what he did in those years, only he knows. He got fed up with it all and left the city, never to return. He now wanders the world, looking to find meaning...

XP earned: 0