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03:45, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)


Trace, level 1 Warforged Vestige Pact Warlock, with Guardian Theme
'Resurrected' 14 yrs ago. Originally died 28 years after being 'born' over a hundred years ago.
 Height: 6’1” Weight: 275lbs.
Initiative +2, Perception 10, Insight 10, normal vision
HP 35; Bloodied 17; Surges 10; Surge value: 8
AC 19; Fortitude 16; Reflex 18; Will 15
Speed 6

Warlock's Curse Damage: 1d6 (At-Will, minor action once per round)
Prime Shot is +1 to attack rolls if none of Trace's allies are closer to the target.
Primary Vestiges:
   Vestige of King Elidyr
Pact Boon: One ally adjacent to Trace gains a +2 bonus to all defenses until
the end of Trace's next turn.
Eye of Vestige (Augment): One ally who hits the target before the end of Trace's
next turn can roll a saving throw.
   Vestige of Zutwa
Pact Boon: The bonus to attack rolls from Trace's Prime Shot increases to +3
until the end of Trace's next turn.
Eye of Vestige (Augment): Trace gains his Prime Shot bonus against the target
until the end of his next turn.

[M] Eldritch Strike (Standard; at will) * Arcane, Weapon
Target: One Creature within melee weapon's reach.
Mage's Bastard Sword +1: +9 vs. AC; 1d10+6 damage and slide the target 1 square.
Wrist Razor: +9 vs. AC; 1d4+6 damage and slide the target 1 square.
This power counts as a melee basic attack.
This power uses Constitution for its modifiers.

[R] Eyes of the Vestige (Standard; at will) * Arcane, Implement, Psychic; Varies
Target: One Creature within Range 10.
Rod: +7 vs. Will; 1d6+6 psychic damage. Choose the target or a creature
within 3 squares of the target and within the target's line of sight. Trace
places his Warlock's Curse on that creature; if the creature is already cursed
by Trace, Trace can deal his Warlock's Curse extra damage to that creature
instead of to the target.
Vestige (Augment): See the Eyes if the Vestige Augment entry for the primary
vestige or daily power that grants access to a vestige.

Sensing Eye (Minor; at will) * Psionic, Personal
Effect: Choose one square Trace can see that is within 5 squares of Trace. Until
the end of Trace's next turn, Trace can determine line of sight from that square.

Warforged Resolve (Minor; encounter) * racial ability, Healing, Personal
Trace gains 4 temporary hit points. Trace may also make an immediate saving
throw against one effect that inflicts ongoing damage and can be ended with a
save. In addition, if Trace is bloodied Trace regains 4 Hit Points.

[C] Guardian's Counter (Immediate Interrupt; encounter) * Martial Close Burst 2
Guardian's Starting Feature ability.
Trigger: An ally within 2 squares of you is attacked and you are not included in the attack.
Effect: You and the ally shift up to 2 squares as a free action, swapping positions.
Trace becomes the target of the triggering attack, in place of the ally.
After the attack is resolved, Trace can make a basic attack against the attacker.

[R] Life Bind (Standard; encounter) * Arcane, Implement, Necrotic
Target: One Creature within Range 10.
Rod: +7 vs. Reflex; 2d8+9 necrotic damage. Until the end of Trace's
next turn, the target cannot regain hit points, cannot gain temporary hit points,
and takes a -2 penalty to saving throws.

[P] Swordmage Warding (Minor; daily)
Effect: Trace gains Swordmage's warding until the end of the encounter.
Trace gains +1 AC, or +3 AC if one hand is free.

[P] Charm of Hearts (Minor; daily) * Arcane, Charm
Effect: Until the end of Trace's next turn, Trace does not provoke
Opportunity attacks and he gains a +2 power bonus to all defenses.
Sustain Minor: The effect persists.

[R] Vestige of Mount Vaelis (Standard; daily) * Arcane, Implement, Thunder
Target: One creature within range 10.
Rod: +7 vs. Reflex
Hit: 2d8+6 thunder damage, target cannot walk or run (save ends).
Miss: Half damage, and target cannot walk or run until the end of Trace's next
Gain access to vestige of Mount Vaelis:
Pact Boon: One creature cursed by Trace and within 5 squares of Trace gains
vulnerable 5 thunder until the end of Trace's next turn.
Eye of Vestige (Augment): Trace's Eyes of the Vestige attack deals 1d6 extra
thunder damage.

mage's Bastard Sword +1 (Minor; encounter) * Item
Trace can expend an arcane encounter attack power to regain the use of a
martial encounter attack power Trace knows of up to the same level.
(Only eligible Martial Power is Guardian's Counter.)

Alignment: Unaligned Languages: Common, Draconic
2 Acrobatics, 10 Arcana, 1 Athletics, 7 Bluff, 7 Diplomacy,
0 Dungeoneering, 12 Endurance, 0 Heal, 10 Hist, 0 Insight, 9 Intimidate,
0 Nature, 0 Percep, 5 Religion, 2 Stealth, 2 Streetwise, 2 Thievery
Str 10(1)[2] Con 18(4)[5] Dex 12(1)[2] Wis 8(-1)[0] Int 18(4)[5] Cha 12(1)[2]
Modifiers are in (), while ability checks are in [].
Leather armor (Attached Component)
Mage's Bastard Sword +1 (Held in Right hand, +1d6 crit, Dagger prof. for prof.)
Rod Implement (Embedded Component in Left hand)
Wrist Razors (On Left Arm)
Wrist Razors (Embedded Component in Right hand)
Backpack (Attached component, Back)
2 Belt Pouches (Embedded components, left leg and right leg)
Desert Clothing (Worn)
Filter Mask (worn)
Fire Kit (In Left Leg Belt Pouch)
4 Survival Days for Living Constructs (Contains no food or water, in backpack)
5 Torches (In backpack)
Rope 50ft, Giant Hair (In Backpack)
Waterskin (in Backpack, carries 1/2 gallon of water)
Everburning Torch (In backpack when not in use)
Miner's Helmet (In Backpack when not in use)

Racial attributes: Warforged
Speed: 6 squares
Vision: Normal
Languages: Common, Draconic
Skill Bonus: +2 Endurance, +2 Intimidate
Living Construct: As a living construct, you have the following traits.
– You can us attached components and embedded components made for warforged.
– You don’t need to eat, drink, or breathe, but this doesn’t render you immune to any effect.
Unsleeping Watcher:
– Rather than sleep, warforged spend 4 hours refraining from any strenuous
activity. You need to spend 4 hours in this state to gain the same benefits
other races gain from taking a 6-hour extended rest. While resting in this
low-exertion state, you are fully aware of your surroundings and notice
approaching enemies and other events as normal.
Warforged Resilience:
– You gain a +2 bonus to saving throws against ongoing damage.
– When reduced to 0 hit points, you are less likely to die. When you make a
death saving throw, you can take the better of your die roll or 10. You still
die at the normal negative hit point total.
Warforged Mind: You gain a +1 racial bonus to your Will defense.

Class attributes:
Armor Proficiency: Cloth, Leather
Weapon Proficiency: Simple Melee, Simple Ranged
Implements: Rods, Wands, Light Blades, Heavy Blades
Bonus to Defense: +1 Reflex, +1 Will
Skill Training: Arcane, Endurance, History, Intimidate

Rod Expertise (Trace gains a +1 feat bonus to implement attack rolls made with
a rod. When holding a rod, Trace gains a +1 shield bonus to AC and Reflex. The
bonus to attack rolls increases to +2 at 11th level and +3 at 21st level.)
Blade Initiate [Multiclass Swordmage]: Gain Training in Arcana, can use swordmage implements, and can once per day invoke the Swordmage Warding class feature as a minor action. (+1 bonus to AC, or a +3 bonus to AC if one hand is free.)

Regional Benefit: Crystal Cloister (Counts as Windrise Ports +1 language
and add one skill to class list, adds Draconic and Endurance.)
Other Background Elements: Pivotal Event - You Die, Remnant Legacy (Vestige),
Wrongs to be Righted, Brother in Battle, Self-Improvement Expert (These backgrounds
offer no benefit but help explain the character's history

Character description/personality:
Social Interactions:
-How do others perceive you in social interactions? Brooding
-How optimistic are you? Confident
-How trusting are you? Loyal to friends, hesitant at trusting others.

Decision Points:
-How assertive are you at a decision point? Confident
-How conscientious are you about following rules? Careful and somber
-How empathic are you? Macabre and distant

Dire Straits
-How courageous are you in dire straits? Aggressive
-How do you feel when faced by setbacks? Somber
-How are your nerves? Does not fear death as have already died once.

-Has a male personality.
-Has a rough voice.
-Remains distant and somewhat oblivious to things that he is not concerned with.
-Is patient and believes vengeance is best served when least expected.


Trace wears light tan dessert clothing that covers nearly all of his body. He
wears gloves with a loose long sleeved off-white shirt with a hood that does
not interfere with the light brown backpack that is attached to Trace's back.
The design of the shirt conceals how the backpack is attacked to Trace's back.
His pants are light tan and have two pockets with flaps, which provide access
to the two embedded belt pouches Trace has in his legs. Trace wears two light
brown boots. Trace wears Wrist Razors made of bone on his left forearm, and has
a second set of Wrist Razors embedded in his right forearm. Trace also has a
mace made of stone and bone that rests on a belt loop on his brown belt when he
is not holding it in his right hand. Trace's head is mostly concealed by his
hood along with a a matching filter mask and an off-white cloth scarf that
conceals much of his face. Trace's eyes and nose are obscured by the slitted
goggles he wears to protect his eyes from being blinded out in the desert. If
you look closely at Trace's face you do catch traces of what appear to be ruby
red eyes behind the goggles. Trace also has a rod implement embedded in his
left arm that can pop out into his hand thanks to his loose sleeves.

If someone was to see Trace without his desert clothing they would see:
The surface of Trace's body is mostly obsidian with Jet (lignite) located at
his joints. Tracer's skeletal structure is comprised of petrified redwood that
has been darkened along with various crystals with white alchemical mixtures
combined with sand and silt that serve as bodily fluids. Trace has Ruby eyes
while his body also has smoky white quartz highlights on his body.
(OOC description, Trace sort of looks like a Shadow Stormtrooper with red eyes
and a more skull like head as opposed to the somewhat enlarged helmet on a

Character background:

Fourteen years ago, Trace was found walking towards the Crystal Cloister from
the Crimson Savanna. While the elders in the village recognized who Trace was,
they noticed he also was different and had a conversation with him behind
closed doors. What was said in that conversation is known only to Trace and the
elders, but whatever it was, they allowed Trace to remain in the village
despite knowing how he returned from the dead as it was believed that Trace had
died out in the Savanna over a hundred years ago.

What Trace has kept secret from most of the Crystal Cloister is that he was a
town guard that had died out in the Savanna and made a pact with the Bleak
Guide who resides in the Grey in order to return to life. What Trace admitted
to is learning new abilities, although he was injured during his time in the
Savanna and has forgotten much of what happened before his departure as part of
a group into the Savanna all those years ago. No one else from that group had
ever returned to the village. Trace knows he gave up an aspect of himself to
the Bleak Guide, and that he has a large 'hole' in his memories, including what
happened to the rest of the group he had traveled out with. However when Trace
wonders about what happened in the Crimson Savanna he always gets the
impression that he is better off not knowing, he knows he willingly gave up
those memories for a reason even if he can no longer remember what that reason
was. What Trace has admitted to is being led back out of the Crimson Savanna by
what appeared to be an eldritch lantern, which Trace knew to be a manifestation
of the Bleak Guide, but refused to reveal that to the general population, and
the Elders agreed that such knowledge was not necessary. Trace knows that the
Elders will keep their end of the bargain to let him stay in the village so
long as he keeps his end of the bargain and never uses defiling magic, as they
taught him how to use his powers as a preserver. Even with the bargain in
place, there are those in the Crystal Cloister that do not trust Trace and
suspect he betrayed the others to insure his own survival. What Trace does not
know is that the Elders had scried to learn of the fate of Trace's group and
learned that there was a traitor in the group, a Warforged who was once Trace's
best friend, and that everyone in the group perished out in the Crimson Savanna
trying to stop the traitor who had become addicted to using defiling magic with
Trace dieing shortly after dealing the fatal blow to the traitorous defiler.
The Elders suspected that Trace gave up his friendship and lost all knowledge
of the traitor since when questioned about the traitor, Trace claimed to have
never met or heard of him.

Since Trace's return from the desert he has worked to protect the village and
its interests, even though there are those in the village who are weary of his
presence. Thus when the Elders sent out a request for volunteers to lead an
expedition into the east, Trace was one of the first to volunteer.

XP earned: 0

Money: 0 pp 75 gp 3sp 4cp 6 Residuum. Weight 73/100lbs.