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Welcome to No Guts, No Galaxy.

13:20, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)

Leon Magnus

Name: Leon Magnus
Call Sign: Zeus
Gender: Male
Age: 22

Appearance: While not the tallest or biggest man, Leon is certainly a very handsome man. His incredibly fit body along with his rather rough beard make it easier for women to fall for his charms. Brown eyes that can look soulful when he wants them too, and his roguish grin certainly help in that department as well. While he most often wears a jumpsuit outside of the cockpit, when in town or on leave, he will often wear close fitting jeans and long sleeved shirts. Over this he has a red racing jacket, giving him a rather cocky appearance even when outside of his fighter. Strapped to both thighs and harness are a pair of auto pistols, worn as if he were some sort of gunslinger.

Personality: There is no doubt that Leon thinks highly of himself. Actually, that might even be an understatement. Leon Magnus thinks he is a god among men, more specifically a sex god among men. A notorious womanizer, Leon has had multiple infractions and write ups throughout both his cadet and service period, all of them dealing in some way with a woman. Far from monogamous, it is a surprise that there has yet to be an in heritance issue due to his philandering ways. While he is the heir to the control of an entire planet, Leon certainly doesn’t seem to care about the power, or for that matter the responsibility, that his position gives him, instead dressing and acting as if he were “slumming it.” In fact, the only thing he seems to care about more then sex or flying is his younger sister, Rebecca.

Background: The son of the Viscount of Summit, Leon never seemed to be very involved in his father’s responsibilities or schemes. As a youth he was a bit of a wastrel, and most definitely a scoundrel, with at the age of 10 he was sent to Military School for his brattish behavior, there he got over his temper tantrums and instead turned to womanizing. The only thing that truly seemed to strike a cord with him was the thought of flying Aerospace fighters. This alone gave the Viscount hope that his son would find some discipline, and he did. He found it in the massive amount of reprimands and demerits he achieved at Sommerset Military Academy. In truth, he should have washed out in his first year, but his talent alone kept him at the school, until his final year he finally crossed the line by sleeping with the wrong girl. Almost impossible for him to gain a position among the regular military, he was able to find a berth in the 12th Star Guards, due to their criteria of ability over character. It is unlikely though that he will ever see a higher position or command, which he certainly seems to enjoy.