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Welcome to Star Trek: Gamma Quadrant

02:41, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)

Ens. Nia Razvan

Physique: Nia appears to be an athletic human woman of European decent.  Her porcelain skin is pale, almost white, made to
appear more so by the dark hair that frames her angelic face.  Her soulful blue eyes are so bright they almost seem to glow, and
her black hair reflects light casting various shades of reflective color in the highlights.  Extremely tall by human female standards,
Nia is thin and appears to be very fit.  As a whole her appearance could be described as ethereal.

Personality: An exotic beauty, Nia does nothing to enhance or flaunt that beauty.  Her rather conservative appearance
sometimes seems out of place with her adventurous attitude.  The truth is Nia is simply uncomfortable dressing up or more precisely
isn’t sure how to.   As a result she wears her uniform whenever possible and is quite comfortable in it.  Her civilian clothing
seems to mimic the same over all sleek style of Star Fleet uniforms.

Having lived a rather sheltered life Nia finds herself uncomfortable in social situations, especially those dealing with men.
She is most comfortable in a working environment where she displays confidence in her more than capable abilities.  Especially
when flying.

Background: The Child of a Federation Ambassador and Star Fleet Officer, Nia's mother was a first generation Human-Yattho
hybrid who retained the Yattho gift of prophecy.  The same gift was not fully passed along to Nia and seems to manifest only during
situations of excitement, passion or danger.  Even then the glimpses are brief and manifest more as gut feelings.  It is a gift
that has made her a near prodigy as a pilot.

Because of her parents work Nia’s family was often separated for long periods of time.  During those times of separation Nia
lived with her very protective mother.  Sheltered in her youth by her Mother Nia has always been an adventurous spirit, much
like her father.

When she was just a Child Nia displayed her fist manifestation of the Yattho gift of prophecy, dreaming of her father’s disappearance.
Because she was young and the process of receiving the prophecy was so unlike that of most Yattho, it was ignored.  Years after the
Dominion War the Prophecy came true.  When Nia turned 17 she had a second prophetic dream involving her father.  She dreamed that she
had found him wounded but alive.  In the dream Nia was wearing a Star Fleet Uniform.  She joined Star Fleet the following Day.

At first academy life was difficult for Nia.  She worked hard to overcome the physical limitations of her race and was aided greatly
by her room mate cadet Victoria Fynn, an Earth born human who became Nia’s closets friend.   With Victoria’s help Nia began to adjust
to her life in Star Fleet.

Where Nia began to truly excel was in pilot training.  Her natural instinct and over all ability took her to the top of her class.
It was during this time it became obvious that Nia had some measure of the Yattho gift of prophecy.