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18:34, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)

Celeste Benoit

  Name:Celeste Benoit
Age: 21
Age Apparent: 21
Race: Warlock
Years as a Warlock: 10ish - mostly self taught

Appearance: With blonde hair, blue eyes, and natural toned skin Celeste could be considered to some an American Beauty, though she doesn't seem to think so. The length of her hair had been long and flowing over her shoulders through college until a recent post-breakup haircut shortened the length up above her shoulders, layers more choppy combined with side-swept bangs. Her 5'5" and 120lb frame is kept healthy and in shape with daily gym visits and runs to clear her head and her fashion sense is that of a typical early twenties female. Most of the time she can be found in jeans and a nice shirt and shoes, natural makeup applied to accentuate her eyes and lips and a few accent pieces to bring the outfit together. On weekends or lazy "home days" she can be found in shorter gym shorts or sweatpants and a tank top or t-shirt and slippers, erring on the side of comfort while out of the view of her peers.

Area of Expertise: Memory Charms, Potions/Salves, and Minor Parlor Tricks
Primary Applications: Most of her skills are mundane and seem like parlor tricks. She does however have some skill in the art of healing and suggestion/manipulation of memory, mostly through potions or incantations.
Secondary Skills: --
Profession: Student - Philosophy/Pre- Business Law at LSU

Personality: Celeste is an easy going and friendly young woman despite her somewhat quiet and reserved nature. She tends to be known as the mother hen of her group of friends, taking care of them when someone has had too much to drink or comes down with the flu. When in the library or set on a task she tends to hyper focus and tunnel vision sets in, sometimes not answering calls or texts for days but when at a party or social function she does her best to interact with as many people as possible. While not obsessive she manages to keep everything she owns organized and in its proper place.

Background: The name Benoit used to mean something in New Orleans, the oldest family members owning parts of the city for their own, at least on the books. It wasn't until Celeste's grandfather that the family with nearly everything almost lost it all. Gambling debts and bad investments sent the family fortune down the pipes in seconds compared to the amount of time it took them to earn it. It was then, worried for his reputation as well as the legacy of the family, that her grandfather bartered with an Episco. The agreement was simple, a daughter of the bloodline for the relief of the debts owed.

Celeste was the surprise gift granted to Phillip and Margorie Beniot and growing up she wanted for nothing. Like many young girls she played with dolls and stuffed animals, imaginary friends occasionally coming to visit or bidding her to wander off or take another cookie from the jar. Though as she got older she began to play less and read more, her imagination no less active just controlled more by words on a page and less by imaginary friends or dolls. From there it was only a slight leap into the world of witchcraft, magic, the supernatural and the occult.

Even with her growing knowledge it wasn’t until the day that her mother died that she learned she’d been sold, the last few days of strength and life sold for the ability to tell Celeste of the fate that waited for her and some of the reasons why. From that day on she began to read books on the supernatural and slowly starting to study on her own. She began to look through texts for loopholes, defenses, masking agents, anything that would provide her a loophole in the system to avoid becoming little more than a slave. It was that drive and keen sense of exploitation of the smallest details that lead her to start pursuing a career in business law more because it was what she’d become best at than any sense of desire.

She’d graduated from high school with the highest honors, acting as her class's valedictorian, one of the last things her mother saw before her death. The following fall she entered her Bachelors program having placed out of several social science courses. Despite her heavy focus on academia as well as her "side studies", she still made time for friends and parties, making sure she got the whole college experience.

Now in her senior year she hasn't taken her eye off the ball, having secured a coveted internship for her final term in the spring she decided to keep herself busy applying to law schools, keeping her skills sharp, and keeping aware of her surroundings just in case the debt her grandfather once made didn't come back on her.