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Welcome to City of Forbidden Desires (Anitaverse - Las Vegas)

11:06, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)

Nikolaus Nietzsche

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Overall Appearance: There is only one word to really describe Nikolaus and that is big, nothing is small about him. Standing well over six feet tall and weighing in at over two hundred and seventy five pounds, he is a mountain of a man. Despite his heavily muscled build he has the agility and reflexes of someone a lot smaller. Over the years he has collected an ever growing collection of tattoos and he takes pride in each and every one of them too. Due to time spent in "" form, his eyes have turned a golden amber like that of his beast so they add to his eerie aura. His tan is partially from his time spent outside but also from his nationality which is still in question really. He likes to keep his black hair buzzed rather short as it makes it easier to deal with, he likes no nonsense things.

Nikolaus feels comfortable in just about anything but he does dispise suits or anything that has to have an accompanying tie. Most often he will be barechested and in jeans that are well worn, usually with rips or tears but still in good shape. Only when running can he be found outside of a pair of hiking boots and then it is sometimes sneakers or barefoot, depending upon the mood. Anyone that looks through his clothes will find that he owns nothing but tees and a single leather jacket. Despite his natural aversion to it, he still likes to wear a silver necklace and sports a silver earring.

Nikolaus doesn't change too much in his hybrid form, retaining his height but his weight doubles making him appear bigger than he is as a man. Almost pure black in his hybrid form, his mane is long and flowing seeming a lot like hair in some ways. Five inch claws adorn his feet and hands giving him the added purchase that he needs when fighting as well as natural weapons. His tail is long and ends in a black tuft just like in his pure lion form, usually always in movement as if he is constantly aggitated or excited.

In his lion form, Nikolaus is almost pure black that matches the color of his human hair. Much like as a human he is large, larger than most other lions standing almost five feet at the shoulders and over eight feet in length. He is heavier than a normal lion or most other shifters as well and weighs in at nearly one thousand pounds. Heavily muscled he is not like most lions in that he doesn't expect the females to hunt for him as he runs alone and relies upon noone else.

Personality: Nikolaus has an aura of menace about him that might be part of his more animalistic side due to his nature but it is actually more than that. A bit of a "nutter" he has done things in his life that no normal person would do though some might think it. He has a nasty temper and a very short fuse to go along with it making for a very volatile man. Then there is another side of Nikolaus that can be caring though it is rare for anyone to see this side of him.

Nikolaus is actually highly intelligent despite the act that he puts on though not all of it is an act. Honestly, he is a bit mentally unstable and only pure aggression along with animal instincts have kept him alive for this long as well as out of trouble.

Character Model: Dave Batista


Orientation: Bisexual



History: Nikolaus is one of those few shifters that was actually born into what he was to become with his first shift at the age of twelve. Never having known his parents, he was left at an orphanage shortly after he was born and was raised under the Sisters of the Holy Light banner. As he grew older there were signs that something was not exactly right with Nikolaus and by the age of seven he was put into a mental hospital. This might not have happened but when he started to kill small animals for the pure pleasure of it, the Sisters got worried.

Life at the Martydom Institute was not an easy one for an adult and for a seven year old child it was even worse. Despite his obvious stability problems Nikolaus was very keen when it came to learning and he actually scored good grades in the "home" schooling he received. As time went on he started to grow into the beginnings of a very large young boy, obviously good genetics was leaving him fit and muscled. Most of his time was spent in a heavily drugged state simply because he had become increaingly hard to handle, aggressive. When he turned twelve though was when things changed, he changed and due to his "insanity" he tore through the institute with abandong. When the smoke cleared, twenty-one were dead and Nikolaus was concluded to be one of them as noone could find him...some of the bodies unidentifiable.

For two months a very large "" tore through the surrounding woods and fed upon the livestock that surrounded the area. When a certain lithe vampire came upon the then slightly feral young shifter, she took an interest in him and had been hunting for him. Her animal to call she brought him with her to her home and gave him a new life though he was changed from such a length in his animal form. Life was not that bad and his education continued, learning a few extra languages and combat. Due to what she wanted him for, Karina, made it a point to have him daily dosed with horse steroids thus increasing his muscle mass without the side effects. Being groomed to help her with the takeover of the city, she wanted to be the new Mistress of the city but she made one error....she struck out one night at "". At the age of eighteen, he had gotten more aggressive and the steroids had not helped with his attitude problem or his "insanity". Her burned down the whole mansion while she and the other vampires slept killing off a lot of the staff, leaving the rest to burn alive.

Over the next eight years he traveled from state to state as he never stayed in one place for very long since trouble seemed to find him. He joined a biker gang in Michigan, ran wild in Montana eating more livestock, got into a gang war in California and even started his own personal war with the Italians in Illinois. There was never any repercussions with the police as he never was dumb enough to leave any evidence or even witnesses to what he had done. Still, as he traveled he learned a few more things about life and himself...spending too much time in his animal form at times and having a good time.

Vegas drew him in like a moth to a flame since...."What happens in Vegas stays in Vegas" and it was "Sin City". He had a feeling that he would be able to enjoy his nature here and once again endulge his "interests".