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Welcome to In the Ruins of An Empire

01:54, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)


Demyan is a young man, remarkable in his deft use of the scimitar, his talent with arcane magic and his gentle charisma.

Sixteen winters old, he stands taller than most men, and his willowy figure conceals sinewy strength and the grace of a cat. However, his weak health is a constant concern for his personal blood-letters.

He is attractive with dark hair and soulful eyes. He is always impeccably dressed, and he devotes substantial effort in making sure that his clothes and armor are clean. This combined with his frail health leads to a great deal of joking behind his back from the rough men he leads.

Demyan, baron of Archinsk and boyar of Upper Rezel  (16 years old)

Lawful neutral

Bladebound 6/mastermind 1

Str 16 (+3)
Dex 17 (+3)
Con 11 (0)
Int 18 (+4)
Wis 14 (+2)
Chr 16 (+3)

Viridium scimitar: +8/+8 to hit (base, str, magic, weapon focus, twf), crit range 18-20, damage 1d6+5 (str, magic)
Viridium scimitar, arcane pool: +9/+9 to hit (base, str, magic, weapon focus, twf), crit range 15-20, damage 1d6+6 (str, magic)
Short bow: +8 to hit (base, dex, magic), damage 1d6+4 (str, magic)
Short bow, arcane pool: +10 to hit (base, dex, magic), damage 1d6+6 (str, magic)

Armor class: 10 (base) + 4 (chain shirt) + 3 (dex) = 17

Hit points: 39 (base) + 7 (tough) + 6 (class focus) = 52

Arcane pool: 2 (base) + 4 (int) + 1 (favored class) = 7
Inspiration pool: 4 (int) = 4

Fortitude save: 5 (base) + 1 (singlet) = 6
Reflex: 4 (base) + 3 (dex) + 1 (singlet) = 8
Will: 7 (base) + 2 (wis) + 1 (singlet) = 10

Magus favored class focus: extra hit points and extra arcane pool (two foci from nemesis feat)

alertness (when wielding scimitar)
combat casting
craft wondrous item
weapon focus (scimitar)

natural born leader


skull of the crusader
who is who in Rezel

acrobatics: 1 (rank) + 3 (class) + 3 (dex) - 1 (armor) = 6
bluff: 1 (rank) + 3 (class) + 3 (cha) = 7
climb: 1 (rank) + 3 (class) + 3 (str) - 1 (armor)= 6
craft (alchemy): 1 (rank) + 3 (class) + 4 (int) = 8
diplomacy: 2 (rank) + 3 (class) + 3 (cha) = 8
intimidate: 1 (rank) + 3 (class) + 3 (cha) = 7
knowledge (arcana): 1 (rank) + 3 (class) + 4 (int) = 8
knowledge (geography) : 1 (rank) + 3 (class) + 4 (int) = 8
knowledge (history): 1 (rank) + 3 (class) + 4 (int) = 8
knowledge (local): 2 (rank) + 3 (class) + 4 (int) = 9
knowledge (nobility): 3 (rank) + 3 (class) + 4 (int) +1 (trait) = 11
knowledge (religion) : 1 (rank) + 3 (class) + 4 (int) = 8
linguistics: 2 (rank) + 3 (class) + 4 (int) = 9
perception: 7 (rank) + 3 (class) + 2 (wis) + 2 (alertness) = 14
perform (oratory): 7 (rank) + 3 (class) + 3 (cha) = 13
profession (soldier): 7 (rank) + 3 (class) + 2 (wis) = 12
ride: 1 (rank) + 3 (class) + 3 (dex) - 1 (armor) = 6
spellcraft: 5 (rank) + 3 (class) + 4 (int) = 12
swim: 1 (rank) + 3 (class) + 3 (str) - 1 (armor) = 6
sense motive: 1 (rank) + 3 (class) + 2 (wis) +1 (trait) + 2 (alertness) = 9
stealth: 5 (rank) + 3 (class) + 3 (dex) - 1 (armor) = 10
use magic device: 1 (rank) + 3 (class) + 3 (cha) = 7

Languages: Common, Zuyevan, Hulean, Yechemid, Orc, Celestial

Special abilities:
alchemy (su)
arcane pool (su)
spell combat (ex)
spellstrike (ex)
inspiration (ex)
spell recall (su)
arcane accuracy (su)

Magus, second level spells known (memorize four per day)
alter self
brow gasher (memorized)
bulls strength (memorized)
frigid touch (memorized)
invisibility (memorized)

Magus, first level spells known (memorize five per day)
burning hands
clarion call
color spray
enlarge person
expeditious retreat
keep watch (memorized)
magic missile
obscuring mist
shield (memorized)
shocking grasp (memorized x2)
true strike (memorized)

Magus cantrips known (memorize five per day):
acid splash
arcane mark
dancing lights
detect magic (memorized)
disrupt undead (memorized)
disrupt looming undead (as disrupt undead, but touch) (memorized)
ghost sound
light (memorized)
mage hand
ray of frost
read magic
shocking jolt (as acid splash, but touch and electricity) (memorized)

Extracts known, first level (prepare two per day)
crafter’s fortune
cure light wounds
detect undead (prepared)
disguise self
endure elements
enlarge person
expeditious retreat
polypurpose panacea
see alignment
touch of the sea

headband of concentration +3
singlet of steeliness (occupies chest slot, +1 resistance bonus to saves)
masterwork chain shirt
belt of great constitution +2
intelligent viridium scimitar +2
masterwork war hammer
composite short bow +1 (strength 16)
katar +2
handy haversack
silk rope
antitoxins (2)
antiplague (1)
wand of shield (4 charges)
light horse (war trained)
20 arrows
1546 GP

scrolls of disguise self (caster level 2)
scroll of obscuring mists (caster level 1)
scroll of see invisibility (investigator list)
scroll of major image (magus list)
scroll of fox cunning (investigator list)
scroll of dimension door (magus list)
scroll of haste
scroll of tiny hut

potion of bears endurance (level 3)
potion of touch of the sea
potion of fertility (elvish)
5 potion of cure light wounds

In Hawk garrison:
black dragon scales
fossilized dragon egg

other spell book with:
wizard cantrips
burning hands
charm person
color spray
mage armor
magic missile