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Welcome to APS - Critter City

11:51, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)


Personal Info

Character Name: Samantha
Nickname(s): Sam, Sammy, Sammy-girl, Lil' Bit
Race: Hybrid; Wolverine
Age: Twenty-Five
Gender: Female
Appearance: Samantha is, as most of her kind are, incredibly small. She stands at a height of four foot seven and has a very petite frame. Her sex appeal is lacking when compared to other women seeing how her smaller body also puts her small bust and hips on an even more diminutive scale. At a first glance her orange hair is long and usually goes ungroomed leaving it a sort of 'feral' appearance. Her tail is long and of the same color which is undoubtedly from her human side. The wolverine's young body is accompanied by an equally young face which include a pair of wild, deep blue eyes, an elongated canine tooth which has grown to the point that it sticks out of the right side of her mouth even when closed, a tiny nose and two little ears perched upon the top of her head. Her skin is silky smooth except from the bottom of her feet and the palms of her hands due to her refusal of footwear and going about on all fours most of the time, and like most of her species her paws are giant for her size on all four limbs.

Her usual style of dress involves an assortment of t-shirts which change from day to day depending on what's been deemed 'still clean' and a pair of shorts picked out in the same fashion. She refuses to wear anything more, whether it be a hat, shoes, gloves, pants, jackets, ect..

Personality: Rebellious is putting it mildly, Sam has tried to stay the way she has been dating back to when she use to live in the wild. Even though she has given in on many issues, she still holds steadfast to other ones. She is short tempered, has no patience and doesn't take criticism too well. Her will to win is astounding and she is an extremely sore loser and will do whatever it costs so that she wins, regardless of what it is. Controlling the situation is important to her, especially when it has to do with herself. All of this together causes her to be incredibly reckless which has gotten her into trouble in the past and undoubtedly will in the future.

Background: Sammy lived in the wild almost through her entire childhood. She was snatched out of the wilderness at the age of seventeen, causing herself and her captor's many problems due to her instincts. During the course of the next seven and a half years she was constantly being moved from place to place, town to town. It was to the point that she had completely lost track of where she came from, however that doesn't seem to bother her much since there were constantly new experiences and sights to see. It took those many years for her to be 'housebroken' to where her trainer's felt comfortable to send her to a shop so that she could be adopted. She has been in Critter City for about half a year and has been trying to revert back to her old self, however the situation isn't permitting for her to do that.

Known History: Sam has a bad attitude when it comes to others and doesn't enjoy spending time with them, but she does break down from time to time when loneliness strikes. She has stiffed every single human who has attempted to get close to her in the most absolute rudest ways she can think of. A fight once broke out between her and a hybrid, however she thinks twice before doing such a thing once again from fear of punishment.

She has been recently adopted by Krystal Collins, much to Sam's dismay. Being a bitch kept most away, but apparantly Krystal lacks common sense and went ahead with it anyways. She has already had a rather humiliating incident at the Green Street Market not even an hour after being adopted and a few people saw her getting her face creamed by a bounty hunter outside of the apartments.

Homes: Azure Heights, Apartment 613
Money: 175 Coins


Favorite Food: Meat
What's that? Her other tastes? Find out yourself, she doesn't fucking know.
Eaten this Phase: 0/3

Health: 130/160
Energy: 2/10
Magic:  11/12
Fame:10, Rank 1

Bonus Exp: 263
Free Exp: 701

Strength:   18 (1,157, 1,900)
Mind:       4 (26, 500)
Acuity:    16 (00, 1,700)
Speed:      12 (568, 1,300)
Mysticism:       6 (00, 700)
Endurance: 16 (54, 1,700)
Sensuality:  4 (08, 500)

Focused Skills
Block, Strength Strike, Tracking, Throw, Intimidation, Wrestling, Sprinting

Artisan: 5 (18, 1,200)
Block: 10 (00, 1,100)
Dodge: 5 (43, 1,200)
Climb: 0 (46, 200)
Intimidation: 2 (131, 300)
Sprinting: 9 (434, 1,000)
Strength Strike:   12  (80, 1,300)
Throw: 10 (500, 1,100)
Wrestling: 12 ( 166, 1,300)
Harvesting: 0 (80, 200)


T - Shirt [Black]
Shorts [Blue]

Bag - Basic Pouch
1- Arena Ticket 3
2- Arena Ticket 3
3- Silver Net
4- Feldon Special Maid Dress - A frilled black dress with white apron and highlights, made of fine Alvadi Silks.  Rank 4 Outfit, +12 Dodge, +10 Mental Fortitude, +8 Appearance, +24 Magical Damage (Craft 82, Price 2,624)

5- Golden Shovel.  Technically a pick and a shovel, and they're just gold-colored; but hey, it sounds more dramatic this way.  Rank 3 Mining Tool, +15 Mining, Metal Element.

Excess Items:

Apartment 613:
Vest, Dark Red [Krystal's]

Alltongue, Fluent
Fuck Your Mother, Fluent

Owner: None
Pets, non-hybrid:

Zero: Asshole
Mazz: Fucking Die
Krystal: Annoying
Kaleena: Uncertain
Miss April: Unnerving
Jungoren: Uncertain
Catriona: Who?
Macha: Bitch
Rajah: An actual bitch
Ming: Aquaintance
Winter Pride: That one person from that one time with the nets and shit
Dejah: Slanty Eyed Bastard

Social Inspirations: 0/5

Elemental Bond

Cold Embrace - Rank 1
Type: Damage
Element: Ice
Magic: 1
Channeling: Grapple, +1 EP
Target: 1
Range: Melee Range
Skill: Wrestling
Elementus Points, 11: 10 Base, 1 Channeling, 5 Crippling x1, 6 Damage(Magical)x3
Effect: While in close proximity of your target, you draw the warmth from their body. 75 Magic Damage (30 base, 45 boosted), The technique is capable of causing grievous injuries to the target. If the target suffers Damage, they have an Injury Risk, difficulty 20 and gets +1 to the Severity roll.
Description: Closing in upon her prey, Sam emits a puff of frost from her lips, the ground accumulating tid bits of ice in her wake. After successfully latching onto her target a chilled, sharp pain rushes through their body as she draws warmth out from their own body and into her own. This often leaves paleness of skin, stiff clothing and the occassional icicle hanging off of the victim and Samantha herself. If injury occurs severe frostbite is often inflicted.
Exp: 400/10,000

Haask's Bulwark, rank 4
Power Block: 4/4
Perfect Block: 1/1

Scent, rank 2
Observation +6, Tracking +6, Vulnerability 25

This bonus applies to sensing a character that is currently using sneak. Additionally, if you have the scent of a particular item, you receive this bonus when trying to locate that item again. You must have had ample time to familiarize yourself with an item's scent in the phase, unless it has a particularly strong aroma.

This bonus applies when following a trail over terrain that holds a scent. If the target has a strong scent, you receive a +15 bonus to the roll.

If you run across a particularly foul or pungent smell, you have to make a Mental Fortitude roll or be Stunned; the difficulty is based on your Quality Rank. The difficulty to resist scent-based effects also increases by 20. Lastly, you can smell food and arousing scents at double the normal distance.