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Welcome to Magical Mysteries (HP World RPG)

22:35, 1st June 2024 (GMT+0)

Alistair J Ward

Name: Alistair Jace Ward
Nickname: A.J.
Age: 18 years old Born May 13
School: Salem Witches Institute (SWI)
Coven/House: Young
Occupation: Student

Wand: 16" Flexible Pine with a Serpent Scale core
Patronus: Bear
Bogart: Himself enraged and uncontrolled

Strengths: Half-Giant, Artificer, Elemental Magic
Weaknesses: Divination, Fight, Subtle Spells
Hobbies: Mountain-Man/Outdoor Enthusiast, Craftsman, Martial Arts (Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu, Kali, Kickboxing)
Merits: Half-Giant (Superhuman Strength/Toughness and Magic Resistance), Brave
Flaws: Overprotective, Completely Honest (unable to lie), Half-Giant Discrimination
Sexuality: Heterosexual but inexperienced (half-giant and was very driven at SWI)

At 8'6" and somewhere around 750-900 lbs Alistair looks like what you would get if you tried to transform a lumberjack into a prehistoric bear and stopped part way.  Clearly a half-giant from his build with black curly hair, dark brown eyes, and a short beard.  He is wearing enough flannel and denim to make a tent for a family with hiking books to complete the lumberjack look.

Alistair is smart and every inch the gentle-giant.  He is friendly, kind and honest to a fault; basically an overgrown boyscout.  Slow to anger when it comes to himself, he is fiercely protective of others.  His life goals have been to be a cop, fireman, or auror so he can defend others.

A muggleborn raised in the Kitsap Peninsula (across sound from Seattle) by his father Shayne Ward, a retired police officer, and his two older sisters Sarah and Tabitha (Child psychiatrist and Police officer respectively). It was quite a surprise to the family whe the invitation to SWI arrive, the family had not exhibited magic for several generations.

The Ward family is descended from Paul Bunyan Ward (the giant from American folklore) on his father's side and a wizardling line on his mother's.  The recessive genes from both parents came out full force in Alistair.  The addition of the gift of magic caused atavism (genetic throwback) of his giant heritage making him a "full half-giant".  While he was always big and strong like everyone in the Ward family (being in the 90th percentiles for height and weight), Alistair occasionally exhibited bursts of strength beyond human as well as "strange incidents" indicating his magical birth.  At 13 his gift and puberty fully manifested, he began growing at a prodigious rate.

Growing up, Alistair spent a great deal of time in the wilds of the pacific northwest with his grandfather and father and lead to his great love for the outdoors. He comes from a long line of cops, firemen, rangers, survivalists, and military men and has wanted to follow in the family footsteps.  After entering the magical world, his goal was to become an auror.

Throughout his time at SWI, AJ was friends with Jade and the others of the 8.  AJ studied hard and achieved high marks in all sorts of artifice (potions, alchemy, and enchantment), elemental magic, defense against dark arts, herbology, and care of magical creatures but his skill at non-elemental spells was weak.  He was unable to get high marks in charms or transformation he couldn't become an auror.

Unable to continue in his goal of becoming an auror and his size making it hard for him to live in the muggle world, AJ became lost and depressed.  Unlike his fellow classmate Jade, he decided not to go to the University of Magic right away.  Instead he set off to backpack across the wilds of Canada and "find himself".  While in the wilds he realized he was truly happy when making things and decided that after a year he would go persue advanced studies in artifice.

Recently an owl delivered news of the events at UoM and he has returned to help.

Coven: Young
Motto: Roberi Prudentia Praestat-- Prudence Excels Strength
Color: Blue
Traits: Truth, Loyalty, and Selflessness. A member of Coven Young will only fight until provoked.
The student who falls to Coven Young will typically be fiercely loyal, immensely patient, even tempered but passionate, and selfless, preferring to help those around them before themselves. Members of this Coven value truth and they will do whatever it takes to defend it. Woe be unto the person who lies to a Young, for they will usually find themselves with a new adversary. Although not quick to fight, students of Young will fight when they are provoked. Sometimes prone to timidity, Young students are typically quiet and thus have earned this coven a false fame of being pushovers.

Wood: Pine
A diverse wood which draws from all the elements earth, wind, fire and water. Seeks a companion with good intentions, a healer and protector. Excellent for healing, protection, purification and dispel work.

Core: Serpent Scale
The serpent is a mystical creature often misrepresented in literature. Dangerous and stealthy, the serpent was summoned to guard and defend ancient temples or places of power. They have the power to heal, poison or provide expanded consciousness, which would make a wise choice for one who wishes to brew potions or cast defensive spells. A serpent scale would make an excellent companion to woods that draw off the element of earth and water.