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Welcome to Heart of the Universe

02:04, 3rd June 2024 (GMT+0)


Name: Maverick
Age: 10
Archetype: Avenger
Symbol Attribute: Darkness

A pale boy standing about 4 and a half feet tall, Maverick has dark brown hair and green eyes. He usually wears dark clothing (see equipment) and rarely smiles. While he might seem almost average (save for his preference in attire), Maverick's appearance is one of intimidation. He has a general aura of "don't mess with me" despite being just a boy, having similar creepiness to him as child ghosts from horror films.

Height: 4' 7"
Weight: 70 Lbs.
Hair Color: Brown
Eye Color: Green
Skin Color: Light
Quote: "Better to be a live dog than a dead lion."

If described by D&D terms, one could call him Lawful Neutral. But that would be oversimplifying things. Maverick is a complicated individual who sees the worst in everyone first before he sees any good in them. He has a strong sense of morality and believes in sticking to his personal set of rules. But this isn't to say he won't waver. He actually has mapped out exceptions to every rule just in case. He also sees value in doing what many might consider morally grey or even wrong. Maverick's top rules are as follows:

1) Do unto others more than they do unto you. Whether good or bad.

2) Revenge is best served cold. It gives you time to exact it.

3) Treat every stranger as if they were potentially your worst enemy: with kindness and respect. The old saying "Keep your friends close and your enemies closer".

4) Respect your elders. Even if you hate them, at least recognize they are probably smarter than you simply by having been around the block more times than you.

5) Respect honest repentance. You probably have enough enemies as it is.

Note: Maverick's abilities are based off of dark magics and can be weakened by white magics and anything light or life related. However, due to the nature of Maverick's magic, "silence" spells that make him quiet do not effect his ability to use his powers. This also means Maverick can not use his light powers at the same time as his dark powers. He must turn of his dark powers while using the light powers. Should he try using a light power and a dark power, the light power will manifest while the dark power will not.

1.) Shadow Meld (Darkness) - Maverick can become one with shadows and transport from one shadow to another. The shadow has to be Maverick's size or larger, allowing him to be completely inside it. The distance, however, is limited to the same place (Such as being on a space station; Maverick could not move to a shadow on the planet below). He can also use this ability to simply become one with a shadow and not move anywhere. If he does this and light is shined on the shadow he is one with, Maverick will be "pushed" to another shadow location.

2.) Sickly Aura (Death) - Maverick has an aura he can emit whenever he wants to. This aura makes people around him sick and they feel it too. Nausia, weakness and sometimes dizziness are the symptoms accompanying this sickness. This pure death-blessed ability can not be resisted by those who resist magic but can be nullified by anti-magic places or abilities because of the way it works: The aura itself commands natural diseases and illnesses to focus their attacks around Maverick. The aura has a radius of 5 feet, but anyone coming within that 5 feet usually winds up so ill, they can't get much closer without keeling over from weakness, fatigue and throwing up.

3.) Psyonic Shields (Light) - Maverick is capable of manifesting force field that protects him from blows. They are capable of taking a cannonball point blank before they fail. This doesn't keep Maverick from being moved, however, and he can be shoved just as easily as he would be without them. Also, this ability is not magical, but psychic.

4.) Psyonic Reaper (Light) - A scythe of pure psyonic energy sharp as a razor can be brought into being by a mere thought from Maverick. Due to being made of the same energy as the force fields, this scythe is just as sturdy as them.

5.) Blood Oath (Death) - Maverick's hatred for his enemies is such that he is willing to harm himself on purpose if it means making his enemies suffer. When Maverick harms himself, he can channel this harm to someone else, making them share in the injury. Once that person is harmed, Maverick can choose to either be healed of the injury or do something to the injury to make it worse (Such as pouring salt on it). If Maverick uses this ability and kills himself, the power will be so great his enemy will die. If Maverick is healed, the other person affected by this power is not healed. They must be healed separately.

6.) Telapathy (Light) - Maverick can communicate to people through telepathy, but his ability to do so with non-telepaths is somewhat weak. Obviously, telepaths pick up on his telepathy quite fine.


1.) Sneaking - Very very sneaky. About ninja level. Maverick is very able to make himself scarce when need be, though heat scanners will pick him up obviously. His sneaking ability allows him to be more quiet than an ant walking on cotton.

2.) Geologist - Maverick loves and collects rocks. He knows many facts about different kinds of rock, including fictional claims and rumors.

3.) Astronomer - Maverick has memorized many star formations and could duplicate the locations of most of the stars in the sky on a piece of paper. He can tell what time of year it is and what time of night it is just by looking at the night sky. He can also predict full moons, eclipses and other such celestial events.

4.) Astrologer - Along the lines of his astronomy know-how, Maverick learned about astrology and what kinds of studies went into that. He knows what certain things mean.

5.) Wise - Maverick learns from OTHER people's mistakes and seems to think like an adult more often than not.


1.) Stealth Dependence (Darkness) - Maverick relies so much on his ability to sneak and disappear that without those advantages at his disposal, he is extremely vulnerable. The challenge is to find and corner him, but once you do, he's got little defense compared to most around the Heart of the Universe.

2.) Child (Nature) - Due to being a little kid, while he may have powers, none of them include boosting his strength or stamina. He gets just as winded and lifts just as much weight as any 10 year old without powers would. This means his only defense are his force field and running away (either with his feet or his shadow meld power).

3.) Dissonance (Darkness) - Maverick has a hard time separating sounds. If there is enough white noise going on, it would be hard for him to focus in on a conversation and hear what is being said.


1.) Clothing (Mundane) - Maverick wears loose, black clothing: A tunic, jogging pants and a cloak.

2.) Stealth Shoes (Mundane) - Made to form-fit his feet and feel more or less like slippers, Maverick wears these only to protect his feet. They are designed to be as stealthy as their wearer, therefor it is as though Maverick were in a pair of socks for purposes of sneaking.

3.) Sapphire Gem of Order (Magic) - Maverick wears this gem on his shoulder guard, which is attached to his cloak. It warns him when someone of Chaos alignment is nearby.

4.) Parchment Scarf (Magic) - Maverick wears this scarf around himself. It rests on his forearms and around his back under the cloak. The scarf has all kinds of glyphs on it, which are from the old tongue of Darkness and spell out the list of rules mentioned in Maverick's personality. Whenever Maverick can get someone to swear an oath to him, the parchment remembers and binds that person to said oath. The person must state a penalty for breaking the oath. If they do not, the scarf will simply show Maverick where that person is, immediately informing him when someone has broken their oath. If a penalty was stated, however, then instead of Maverick tracking the person down, that person will suffer the penalty they swore upon.

5.) Dagger of Haunting Past (Magic) - Maverick carries a dagger that has an odd effect. When it hits, slices or otherwise connects with Maverick's opponent, the dagger causes any sins or dark secrets of the opponent to surface and inflict extra pain. For example, a small sin like stealing someone's drink would feel like a pinch and thus probably not hurt compared to the slicing of the blade (Unless your armor protects you. In that case, you'd still feel a pinch). A large sin, however, like betraying a loved one (cheating on your wife or turning your best friend over to powerful, cruel people), would feel like passing a kidney stone. The dagger can only bring up one sin at a time, however, and usually has to sift through the lesser sins first to find the larger ones. But this pain can not be gotten used to and each time the pain this dagger inflicts is felt, it is as though the person had not felt the prior attacks of the dagger.

5.) Dagger of Darkness (Magic) - Maverick is a dual wielder, so it goes to follow he would have another dagger. If this one connects, it causes the opponent's sight to darken some (but not blur). The darkening slowly returns to normal vision over time (one hit is recuperated from in 5 seconds), but it stacks on itself, allowing multiple hits to make the vision darker and darker until the person is seeing nothing but pitch blackness. Someone with the ability to see in darkness would have a resistance to this, being able to last 5 times more hits than normal.

Zeal for the Kingdom of Darkness is rarely found among it's self-centered citizens and Maverick's background is proof of this. His mother Alura, an agent of darkness, was the sort who was used to getting whatever she wanted. And when Alura found herself attracted to a man from the City of Order, she decided he was going to be hers. The man, named Kyle, was a psion who didn't have all that much power, but used his discipline to make his otherwise below-par power to be relatively formidable. He was attracted to Alura soon after she cast her spell of seduction, despite his mental defenses. However, under Kyle's insistence due to his near-worship of rules and regulations, the two of them got married.

Alura soon gave birth to Maverick and adored him. Where she merely was infatuated with Kyle, she actually loved Maverick, her own selfishness falling victim to the overpowering motherly instincts that melted her heart. She was still dark and selfish, but did everything she could to make sure her son would grow up a happy guy. Part of that meant she let Kyle continue to be with her despite whether she got bored of him or not. After all, Maverick loved both his mother AND his father. Along those lines, of course, Alura wanted to make sure Maverick loved her more than Kyle. Between her seductive power and ability to out-reason Kyle in matters of the heart (Kyle was a rather cold hearted individual), Alura was successful.

As time passed, Maverick learned how to use dark and psionic powers from his two parents. But something else came up that pleased Alura greatly: Maverick had strong Death power potential. To ensure her son would have whatever he wanted there, Alura sought out powerful beings from the Death Kingdom. It was only a matter of time and she found a lych who helped her with the development of Maverick's Death power.

While Maverick did not accept the idea of becoming undead like anyone from the Death Kingdom who wanted great power, he found a power that had been lost to many. Most any undead can wield some nasty powers such as the sickly aura Maverick now uses. But few, if any are able to use the Blood Oath that Maverick found. Perhaps it was Death itself rewarding Maverick for being willing to harm himself even though he knew there was no "safety net" to fall back on should he kill himself to harm another. Or maybe he was lucky. Whatever the reason, Maverick kept his power a secret at first.

Luckily, despite all the darkness, selfishness, seduction and death Maverick was surrounded by, his father was also a heavy influence on him with things like discipline, regulations, moderation, and best of all, using your head. Kyle also believed in morality, even if his heart wasn't all that warm. He believed that without morality, things fall to anarchy and disorder which was the antithesis of everything Kyle believed in. Now Maverick is wandering the realms in search of how to stop those who he considers a threat.