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09:03, 1st June 2024 (GMT+0)

Team Cherubim

Group: Light Elite

Name: Gabriel
Age: 18
Archetype: Team Commander
Symbol Attribute: Light
Height: 2' 10"
Weight: 28 Lbs.
Hair Color: Brown
Eye Color: Green
Skin Color: Light Tan Caucasian
Quote: "One person can make a big difference. A team can do just about anything."

Name: Carla
Age: 17
Archetype: Silencer
Symbol Attribute: Death
Height: 2' 10"
Weight: 27 Lbs.
Hair Color: Blond
Eye Color: Blue
Skin Color: Light
Quote: "."

Name: Stephen
Age: 17
Archetype: Scientist
Symbol Attribute: Nature
Height: 2' 9"
Weight: 28 Lbs.
Hair Color: Light Brown / Dirty Blond
Eye Color: Green
Skin Color: Yellowish tint
Quote: "Behind chaos lies order. Behind every problem lies a solution."

Name: Sparky
Age: 16
Archetype: Warrior
Symbol Attribute: Thunder
Height: 2' 10"
Weight: 28 Lbs.
Hair Color:
Eye Color:
Skin Color: Reddish tint
Quote: "I am unworthy to call myself a servant, but even more unworthy if I do not live for the Most High."

Name: Rainbow
Age: 15
Archetype: Illusionist
Symbol Attribute: Light
Height: 2' 8"
Weight: 24 Lbs.
Hair Color: Brown
Eye Color: Blue
Skin Color: Light
Quote: "Things are not always what they seem."

Name: Daniel
Age: 14
Archetype: Love Saint
Symbol Attribute: Life
Height: 2' 6"
Weight: 22 Lbs.
Hair Color: Blond
Eye Color: Brown
Skin Color: Fair
Quote: "Love and let love."


Gabriel - Leader type. Gabriel sees himself as responsible for everyone on his team and what they do. While he isn't a natural leader, Gabriel is responsible enough to do what needs to be done in order to lead his team. He isn't bossy, despite all this, and is constantly keeping his mind open for learning from his siblings.

Carla - In a word, melancholic. Carla never speaks out loud and thus doesn't talk about what is constantly making her sad, but her team knows what it is. Carla does not like taking life and yet, that is her power. Contrary to what her silence would indicate, Carla is actually not shy at all, helping Gabriel when she can with the team and how it works.

Stephen - Stephen is happy when he solves problems or is sitting in a bunch of plant life. Really, he's a nerd who happens to love nature. He's a tad passive, allowing even his younger siblings Sparky and Rainbow to boss him around.

Sparky - Dark. Sparky has seen things no other cherub has lived to tell about. And Sparky intends to not tell about it either. Sparky is a classic case of an abused person who wants to take out the abuse on someone else, but he would never ever dream of abusing his siblings. Sparky loves hating evil and will fight harder than any other cherub when confronting demons or other such dark beings.

Rainbow - Rainbow is a happy girl and a girly girl. She loves her power, especially since she can use it to display rainbows, butterflies, sparklies and ponies. You get the idea. Rainbow is also a hard worker, cheerfully giving of her energy to help people with any task.

Daniel - Daniel loves many and dislikes few. His focus is on redemption and so he quite frequently tries to play with Sparky to help him feel closer to the others. Daniel believes every evil person has the potential, no matter how evil, to become good. He's always willing to give out hugs and such. As the youngest of the siblings, Daniel is also a tad pampered and doesn't really understand the hardships his oldest siblings endure.


1.) Flight (Wind) - All the cherubs can fly.

2.) Teamwork Power Blast (Light) - The cherubs can all give of themselves and put that power together into one major blast of light energy. This blast is pure holy light, thus having no destructive power except vs darkness and undead. Death aligned opponents would feel quite an ouch too, but not as much. This beam of pure power has the ability to banish hundreds of undead minions at once and would bring any vampire to their knees. The cherubs can use this power together once per day, but it doesn't hamper the use of their other powers.

1.) Blink (Light) - Gabriel can teleport short distances (about 10') in the blink of an eye. He can do so three times every 30 seconds in any way he wants (teleport, wait 3 seconds, teleport, wait .00001 seconds, teleport a third time), but once his three blinks have been used, he must wait for the remaining number of seconds before he can do this again.

2.) Powerball (Light) - A ball of pure, holy light. Gabriel can fire these as many times as he wants. They are especially potent against anything unholy or undead. Otherwise, they do slightly less damage than a fireball might. However, they have no effect against holy, light or life oriented objects or even people who have strong light or life tendencies.

3.) Shine (Light) - Gabriel can create or be a light source, shining as bright as a helicopter searchlight if need be. This light is not artificial and thus, has the same features as actual daylight.

1.) Decay (Death) - Carla can make someone die by touching them. She must also will it to happen, so Carla can touch people without killing them. The death is not instantaneous, however, and requires Carla to keep physical contact. Depending on the stamina of the opponent, it could kill them in 2 to 20 seconds. The decay happens at a rate of 6 months worth of decay per second maximum. Carla can also control the decay to be slower.

2.) Silence (Darkness) - Carla is able to essentially hit the "mute" button on someone. Once activated, the muted person can not speak or even make a noise at all for 5 minutes. They can try, of course, but would only move their mouth with nothing coming out.

3.) Return to Form (Life/Order) - When damage is done, be it to a person or object, Carla can return the target of this power to what it was just seconds before. The longer the person has been afflicted, the harder it becomes. But beyond 30 seconds, the target is beyond the point where Carla can help it return to what it was half a minute ago.

1.) Prophetic Smarts (Order) - Stephen is highly intelligent, but he focuses on chaos theory, making him able to predict events to some degree. He's no psychic, but psychics could swear he is.

2.) Nature Boy (Nature) - Stephen can command plant life to do whatever he desires. Along with this, Stephen is able to make plants grow at incredible speeds and he can talk with animals, who also do as he says though to a lesser degree.

1.) Red Lightning (Thunder) - Sparky can create, shape and use electricity in a raw form. Whenever he does, it appears red instead of the usual blue or yellow people are used to seeing. It has a numbing effect and can stun someone while doing some damage.

2.) Tough (Earth) - Sparky is very tough and can take a beating well.

1.) Illusions (Light) - Rainbow can create images that are not real. While she can sustain these illusions, she can not make the illusions solid or cause someone to disappear... so if she made an illusion of a demon that surrounded herself, and she decided to stick her arm out, it would look like a cherubs arm was sticking out of a demon.

1.) Love (Life/Light) - Daniel is capable of loving anyone. His love is so great that people who normally hate life or light aligned people may actually think twice about hating Daniel. If not, they run from disgust. Daniel has a love aura that makes those around him who have no resistance to such a thing feel comforted by his presence and somehow know that things are just that much better with him around. This same aura allows Daniel to instantly tame normal wild animals such as a wolf or bird. Not that they'll do whatever he asks.. he can't TALK to them. :p

2.) Light Beam (Light) - Daniel can produce a beam of light! It has no destructive property whatsoever, but a dark aligned person might find it quite annoying. Really it's a "divine flashlight".

3.) Kiss will make it better (Life) - A kiss from Daniel can heal the wound he's kissing. A scratch will heal in a matter of seconds. A gaping wound, hours. And so on.


1.) Teamwork - All the cherubs have worked together so well and so often that doing things to compliment each others' actions is second nature to them.

1.) Leadership - While Gabe may not have been a natural born leader, he has developed the skill out of necessity and has gotten decent at it.

2.) Fencing - Gabriel as actually quite adept with the sword, but rarely uses it, feeling his powers are safer to use on people.

1.) Sewing - Carla can repair clothes well enough for the clothing to be good as new.

2.) Florist - Carla knows from the different kinds of flowers when pertaining to events. Such as a red rose being frequently used for romance while a yellow rose means you want to be friends. ( )

3.) Singing - In an angelic voice that can take someone's breathe away, the otherwise silent Carla is capable of singing very well. She only sings privately when she is praying or having her alone time with God. Her siblings have heard this singing and understand why she usually doesn't sing unless alone since it is her offering to God.

1.) Nimble Fingers - The mechanically inclined Stephen has very nimble fingers, allowing him to make a microchip bare-handed. But usually, he's busy making flower crowns or something.

1.) Chain Combat - Sparky knows how to wield a heavy chain as a weapon and uses it with great skill.

2.) Mental Resistance - While his mind is still just as open as the next person's mind where a psychic is concerned, Sparky has learned how to keep his thoughts garbled so as to confused psychics. But the skill he does well is resisting torture or other such physical means of entering his mind.

3.) Mind Over Matter - Along the lines of the "Mental Resistance" ability, Sparky is able to ignore most pain and brushes it off. If someone smacked him in the face with a wrench, it would feel like a hard whack from a pillow to Sparky.

1.) Artist - Rainbow is an artist and usually uses her illusions to create her art.

2.) Organizer - While you might think this skill would be Stephen's, Rainbow seems to be the one who really enjoys organizing things. "Oh that? That's in the lower-right shelf, second from the bottom." She always knows where stuff is kept and helps organize all her siblings' stuff so it's all easily found.

1.) Friendly - Daniel is outgoing and friendly. He has a knack for it.


1.) Disorganized Morale (Death) - Should one of the siblings fall, the others will start to panic and thus screw up more. They usually retreat when this happens, taking the fallen cherub with them.

1.) Weight of the World (Darkness) - While Gabriel is a good leader, he is guilty of the same mistake a number of caring leaders make; He keeps a lot from his team so they don't have to worry over it. This causes Gabriel to carry more weight than he should and quite frequently gets him into trouble.

2.) Proud (Darkness) - Gabriel has developed pride that even he isn't aware of. A touch egotistical, Gabe thinks he and his team can take down anyone of the opposing faction. This has also gotten him to subconsciously believe himself the most powerful of the siblings. It may be true, but whether it is or not, it is arrogant to think such a thing. What makes this such a bad weakness is that Gabriel doesn't even realize it.

1.) Silence (Darkness) - Carla is silent for reasons she only discloses to her siblings in quiet whispers or charades. She believes strongly in keeping quiet and will never say a peep.

2.) Reluctant to Kill (Life) - Ordinarily, this wouldn't be considered a weakness. But considering what Carla is capable of, this pretty well keeps her from using her power. The only exception she makes to the rule is if it is a choice of the enemy dying or one of her siblings dying. But when she uses her power and kills someone with it, it makes her very sad for a long time (3 days), making all the cherubs take a break from missions until Carla gets over it.

1.) Logic Minded (Order) - Stephen thinks any problem can be solved thinking logically. So, quite frequently, he winds up believing his solutions to be better than even Gabe's. It also winds up causing the other cherubs to put faith in a plan that they don't even understand.

1.) Anger is a Gift (Fire) - Sparky believes his hatred is a gift from God to make him an avenging angel of the Lord. Unfortunately, this also means he's brash and has a short fuse.

2.) You're Grounded (Earth) - Due to the nature of Sparky's power, should he be stuck fighting an opponent who is either Earth aligned or has Earth powers, he'll be at a disadvantage.

1.) Fantasy Minded (Chaos/Darkness) - Rainbow has a tendency to have her head in the clouds and make up stories in her head that, thanks to her power being so second nature, sometimes come true and fool even her.

2.) Nightmares are BAD (Darkness) - Akin to the "Fantasy Minded" weakness, this one is where her powers go active while she is asleep. Rather than day-dream inspired illusions, Rainbow can have dream inspired illusions. Her nightmare inspired illusions have the odd ability of becoming real and not just illusions. While her siblings believe this is a sign of Rainbow's potential, the only way to stop such horrific illusions is to wake Rainbow up. Thankfully, Rainbow rarely has nightmares.

1.) Naive (Darkness) - Daniel does not understand a great deal of the ways of the world, how it works and who he should and should not trust. He takes people at face value and doesn't understand why anyone would lie.


1.) Celestial Clothing (Divine) - The cherubs all wear clothing that is durable and stubbornly stays clean.

2.) Halo (Divine) - Each cherub has a halo. It is incredibly durable, but serves no other purpose besides being a status symbol and glowing in it's gold color.

1.) Light Sword (Divine) - Gabriel has a sword that he can unsheathe from subspace. So usually, nobody sees this sword.

1.) Hour Glass (Divine) - Carla was given this hour glass when she was assigned her great power. It tells her how many sands have been spent and how many sands have yet to be spent in someone's life.

1.) Leaves (Mundane) - Stephen always carries pieces of nature with him.

2.) Clipboard (Mundane) - Stephen carries this with him to formulate solutions to problems.

1.) Heavy Chain (Mundane) - Rooting him to the world, Sparky carries a standard heavy chain to keep himself from having his head too far up in the clouds. This is what he usually uses.

2.) Divine Heavy Chain (Divine) - Sometimes, the normal mundane chain isn't enough to harm an opponent. Sparky uses this chain in those cases.

3.) Custom Clothing (Mundane) - For the same reasons he has for carrying a normal heavy chain, Sparky wears a set of custom clothing that are not divine like his siblings' clothing.

1.) Flower Collection (Mundane) - Rainbow has a collection of flowers back home and quite frequently picks one to take with her on a mission. She and Carla work on this "garden" together whenever they are off missions.

1.) Spirit Bow (Divine) - The bow itself is insubstantial and thus can not be destroyed. It is made of pure energy and can shoot arrows of love. Like Gabriel's sword, Daniel can pull this from subspace. The love arrows can cause whoever is shot to be overcome with the feeling of falling in love with the first person they see. If the person is resistant, it will cause them a feeling of calm.

Trained to be the next set of elite warriors of Light, the cherub team were a bunch of siblings born to a pair of heroic angels. However, something went wrong when their third child, Sparky was taken and kidnapped into the realm of darkness where demonic creatures and scary monsters tormented him day and night. For years. Later, however, the siblings came to Sparky's rescue and managed to break him out of there. Now, they all work together to fight for what's light... but with the odd boy out, things will be interesting for this group of angels in training.




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