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09:58, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)


Name: Timothius
Age: 25
Archetype: Healer
Symbol Attribute: Life

Covered in white fur, Timothius appears to be an anthropomorphic cat of some kind. But he also has wings like a dove. He has a bushier tail than normal cats, suggesting what kind of cat he is (Turkish Angora). He has hazel eyes and somewhat long bangs.

Height: 5' 5"
Weight: 110 Lbs.
Hair Color: White
Eye Color: Green
Fur Color: White
Quote: "Life is beautiful."

Timothius is a kind guy who likes making friends. He's a gentle soul who wouldn't normally hurt a fly, but will do what he has to in order to stop evil from prevailing. He has a strong preference to healing instead of fighting. He loves his friends a lot, but should his friends get in an argument, he tends to keep quiet rather than take sides. This is because his greatest fear is losing friends. He decided long ago to give his opinion only if asked or given permission to.


1.) Flight (Wind) - Timothius can use his wings to fly. He can reach speeds of approximately 90 MPH if flying straight. Flying takes less effort than walking for him, so he can fly for hours.

2.) Healing Touch (Life) - People who touch Timothius (It has to be direct physical contact with an actual part of him, so touching his clothes isn't good enough) instantly receive a healing factor much like Wolverine's for as long as they are touching Timothius. This is effective all the time and he has no control over it. Even if he is unconscious, the effect remains. If the person is fully healthy, they will get a feeling of ecstasy to some degree, feeling like a million bucks.

3.) Child of Light (Light) - Should anyone use dark or death attribute powers on Timothius, he is immune. For instance, Cloak (From Cloak and Dagger comics) can not teleport Timothius. Even if the power has ordinary implications like mind control, if it has a dark source or origin, Timothius is immune. But if someone with dark origins punches Timothius in the face, he isn't immune to that since punching is not a special power. Likewise, if a person with dark origins uses a non-dark spell or power on Timothius such as earth magic or wind magic, Timothius is not immune. This attribute is treated as a spell-like effect that is always active.

4.) Banish (Light) - When Timothius uses this power on dark or death aligned people or undead, there is a strong chance that person will be sent to another realm. If it doesn't, it will cause extreme pain and damage.

5.) Cure Undead (Life) - Timothius can cause an undead to return to being a living being. He can use this once per day. If this is used on someone who's flesh has not been restored, that person will not be effected due to not having a body capable of sustaining life, but this power will cause enough damage to instantly knock out or kill such an undead (The less flesh they have, the more ouch this causes). This means vampires can be turned into living beings, but it does not mean they lose their powers (Blade was a living being with vampire powers and needs, after all).

6.) Holy Day (Life) - If given the opportunity to pray for 6 hours, Timothius can grant himself protection from all attacks by anything without a faith. It need not be his belief, but without the blessing of a deity of some sort, beings affected by this power cannot seem to harm Timothius. The effect lasts about 8 hours after praying.

7.) Remove Curse (Life) - This spell removes a curse from any object Timothius touches while praying.

8.) Truth (Order) - For 2 hours, Timothius can tell when someone is lying. This power can only be used three times per day.

9.) Rest in Peace (Light) - Any dead body that has this power used upon them cannot be used for necromantic effects and the body itself doesn't decay and cannot be destroyed by unnatural forces. The effects of this power lasts for 400 years.(i.e. cannot be risen from the dead, made into a zombie, arms cannot be sawed off, etc.)

10.) Ressurect (Life) - Breathing life into the dead is no small feat. If Timothius can get to the body of a being that has died withing the last hour, he can bring the being back from the dead. Both Timothius and the revived target will feel the ill effects of death, however, and both will required a good night's rest and a hot meal. The normal effects include sickness, loss or reduction of senses, loss or reduction of abilities, extreme hunger and/or fatigue, pain in head or chest, and trouble breathing.


1.) Ariel Acrobatics - Timothius knows a few fancy tricks for showing off in the air. In a desperate situation, he may even pull off something amazing to save his or someone else's skin (Like folding his wings mid flight to dive through a small hole, then spreading his wings to continue flying).

2.) Art - Timothius is an artist. He likes drawing anime/cartoon style.

3.) Music - Timothius can write music and has composed hundreds of tunes. He's not popular, though, and has not published a single tune. He's a decent singer as well, but tends to be shy about it, complete with stage fright.


1.) Double Trouble (Chaos) - Due to being a bane to the darkness and to death by being a being of both life AND light, Timothius has made twice the number of adversaries than normal and is hunted even more than twice as much as the other 10 rulers.

2.) Non-Violent (Order) - While Timothius certainly has the ability to be a powerful weapon against darkness or death, he tries to avoid violence as much as he can. Timothius understands the need for it and will use it when necessary, but his hesitance could cost precious few seconds needed to win in a given battle.

3.) Life's Charge (Life) - As the ruler of the attribute of life, it is Timothius' sworn duty to uphold all things concerning life. This means if an enemy asks for healing, he must heal that enemy. Nothing says he has to do it the moment he is asked, but he must eventually heal the person who asks. Timothius would do so anyway, regardless of his duty, but it bears mentioning since everyone who is familiar with the charges of the rulers would know this and take full advantage.


1.) Ruler's Ring (Divine) - Every ruler of an attribute gets this ring. The ring can teleport their owner and anyone he or she touches to the owner's respective city's throne room. It can not teleport anywhere else; not even the place it just came from. The ring is somewhat sentient, understands when it is in danger it can not handle and will warn their wearer to leave if such danger occurs. Should the ring get destroyed somehow, it will vanish just before destruction can overtake it and it will teleport to its respective ruler's throne room unharmed.

2.) Ruler's Crown (Divine) - Each ruler has their own crown shaped for their position. Whoever wears this crown is respected by everyone to some degree and anyone of the same alignment is bound by law to obey the wearer's every command. It has the power to stay on the head of it's wearer no matter what until the wearer willingly takes it off and gives it to someone. It also has the power to protect it's wearer from any form of mind control, even giving it's wearer reminders to not take it off when they are tempted by words.

Life: This crown represents life and appears as a golden halo, hovering above the head of it's wearer.

3.) Armor of Light (Magic) - As a gift from the ruler of light, Timothius received this set of armor in order to be better equipped for battle should Timothius need it. When Timothius leaves his throne room, he wears this. This armor has runes inscribed on it and protects Timothius from physical harm to some degree. The armor also has a special ranking on it, giving Timothius the honorary title of "Royal Captain" in the forces of Light. This allows him to command members of the Army of Light below the rank of Captain. Finally, the armor has the wonderful property of weighing very little. It's light weight allows Timothius to fly and move as though he was wearing thin pajamas.

4.) Sword of Light (Magitech) - As part of the Armor of Light set, Timothius was given this sword. It gives it's wielder the ability to use it without harming themselves with it, no matter what level of skill the person may have. It has the ability to cut even insubstantial things, allowing it to be used very effectively on ghosts, undead and other such creatures. Though it's use as a sword is just as good too. It is a two-handed sword, about 5' 4" in length including the handle.

5.) Shield of Light (Magic) - While this is technically also armor and part of the Armor of Light set, this shield is listed seperate due to it's properties. The shield is capable of creating a protective barrier much like a 6' x 6' wall in front of Timothius or an ally within 30 feet of him. The protective barrier can withstand the equivalent of a TNT blast before it breaks. The barrier also is completely immune to dark powers. However, the shield stays up for 3 minutes and then can not be re-summoned for another 5 minutes.

For as long as Timothius can remember, he's always loved to live and let live. A captain in the Army of Light had married a humble woman from the City of Life and Timothius, their son, was the result. As Timothius grew, he continually showed compassion even for things people didn't notice or frequently overlooked. And yes... even for evil. He hoped he could bring the dark into the light or at least be friends somehow. Timothius longed for peace and strove for that goal. As if fate itself answered his prayers, Timothius soon learned he was chosen as the heir to the throne of Life. He gladly accepted the role and was given rulership when he was only 16. His tutors taught him the ways of life and his new responsibilities. It was the beginning of a new rule in the City of Life. Timothius continued with his goal and began peace talks. But the opposing factions were too caught up in their own agendas to listen much and Timothius was frequently targeted for assassination. People didn't want peace the way Timothius wanted it. And due to inexperience, Timothius frequently stepped on toes he didn't mean to. However, in the process, he also earned the respect of people he wasn't even trying to earn respect from. As such, Timothius got a strong friendship with the Ruler of Light and the people of Light. Presently, with almost a full decade of experience as a ruler under his belt, Timothius has learned the best way to help is to be back in the field on a regular basis. Still, due to the rules of conduct, Timothius is forced to restrain himself from too much involvement.