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Welcome to Supernatural- Hunters of 1890 *M for violence

06:53, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)

Kate Piper

Kate is 25 years old. She stands about 5 feet 3 inches tall with curvy hips that hint she's had one too many burgers. Her face is heart shaped framed by dark brown hair, layered in a short bob. She has big brown eyes rimmed with long dark lashes. There is a light spray of freckles across the bridge of her nose and cheek bones. Her lips are full and quick to smile.

For clothing Kate is wearing boot cut bluejeans and a fitted Ghost Busters t-shirt. Over the t-shirt she wears an unbuttoned red plaid flannel shirt and over that a khaki colored jean jacket. On her wrist she wears a glow in the dark Ninja Turtle wrist watch, the kind where the turtle shell flips up to show the time. On her left ring finger she sports a small but expensive looking engagement ring.

Kate carries a medium sized sling backpack that is well stocked with common things a Hunter might need. She also wears a shoulder holster under her jacket with a loaded Glock 19. She keeps two extra gun clips in her back pocket. She also carries a small can of pepper spray and a butterfly knife.

Personality wise Kate is pretty easy to get along with. She has a sarcastic humor and doesn't sugar coat things. If she thinks you are an idiot she will tell you. She has a hot temper and it's best not to piss her off because she can hold a grudge for a long time.

Kate comes from a long line of Hunters. At the age of 26 she's seen a lot of evil and has lost most of her family members to it. The only close living relative she has is a grandmother. About a year ago she met and fell in love with a man who knew nothing of her Hunting activities. He proposed and she accepted planning to give up her dangerous lifestyle for that of a wife and mother. On one of her last expeditions she found a strange symbol that transported from 2013 to 1890. Needless to say she's not very happy about it and would like to find a way home.