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Welcome to City of Forbidden Desires (Anitaverse - Las Vegas)

12:28, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)

Grant Carter

Full Name:   Grant Carter
Nickname:  Ghost (NSA codename), Adventure Time (friends)
Age:  37
Age apparent:  30
Gender:  Male
Sexuality:  Bisexual (prefers men, but if a job requires bedding a woman, he is game)
Occupation:  Army Ranger/ NSA Wetwork Agent (classified), Investment Analyst/Security Expert (public)
Languages:  English (native), Spanish, Arabic, Hebrew, Russian, French, German (see Powers)
Species:   Psychic/Slight Fae blood

Powers:  Physical Prowess (mostly related to being extremely agile and fast, but enough strength to break handcuffs and similar), Mind Blank (his training and natural resistance makes it next to impossible to read his mind or roll him in the short term, though with time he can be broken), Healing (knows some rituals that will rapidly heal him or another of most wounds, but is not automatic), Acute Senses (far above human, but less than a shifter), Photographic Memory (both for details and his aptitude for languages ), Greying (most people tend to not notice him, unless he wants to be seen)

Skills: Grant is one of the NSA's best agents, and is trained in a variety of combat skills - hand to hand, guns, knives and demolitions. He is fairly talented with computers and hacking, though in no way a professional - he can bypass most home users' security measures with ease, and corporate/local government with prep time.  His cover identity is an investment analyst, and has spent a lot of time researching the field to insure he can pull it off.

Overall Appearance:   Grant is a handsome man, well muscled and tanned. He dresses mostly in casual but functional clothing that gives freedom of movement for combat if needed. Usually he is in khakis and fitted dress shirts. When the occasion calls for it, he cleans up very well, and is as comfortable in three piece suits at a dinner party as wearing jeans and a t-shirt having beers at a neighborhood bar. When not actually on a mission, he wears a ring on his right hand, a platinum ring set with a large dark blue sapphire. He has no scars or tattoos.

Height: 6ft2in
Weight:  220lbs.
Eye Color:  Grey-Blue
Hair color:  Dark Brown
Hair Style:  Short, just a bit longer than a buzz cut
Complexion:  Tanned
Body shape:  Muscular, though not super bulky
Clothing:  Typically in business casual - khakis and polos, though usually wearing combat boots.  Tends to darker colors, and very little shiny other than the ring he wears.
Character Model: Ryan Reynolds

Basic Personality: Loyal, stubborn, attentive - these three words are often heard when others are asked to describe him. Though his training makes him stay reserved, to better not draw attention to himself, when he is comfortable with someone, he has a great sense of humor (though sometimes on the macabre side of things - blame his work) and will talk for hours on subjects that interest him.

Sexual Likes:  Energetic play, teasing/being teased, foreplay
Sexual Dislikes:  Quickies, degradation, serious pain
Sexual Strengths:  Attentive, adventurous,
Sexual Weaknesses:  Bored with simple sex

Merits:  Loyal when earned, compassionate when not "on the job"

Flaws:  Secretive, sometimes too focused

History: Born to wealthy parents in Boston, Grant was always an active child, one who it was difficult to keep under wraps. From the time he could walk, he was always exploring the world around him, be it the attic of the family home or the neighborhood he lived in, or the park across town. This led to several frights for his mother, who reported him missing four times... only to have him show back up three or four days later, unharmed and babbling about the adventures he had gone on during the missing days.

By the time he was in high school (at Boston Latin), he had settled down somewhat - meaning he never vanished for days at a time. But he had not stopped letting his curiosity lead him down strange paths. It was about this time he discovered his natural physical aptitudes, as well as his photographic memory. He came to the attention of Mr. Brooks, a high level NSA officer, who took an interest in the young man. He helped to direct Grant towards a college with a ROTC program, where he majored in Foreign Languages and Political Science.

When he graduated he commissioned in the Army, where he excelled and was admitted to the Ranger program. He spent several years in the Army, doing highly classified work in the field as a sniper and infiltration expert. Then Mr. Brooks offered him a job as an NSA agent directly, and enticed the captain with information to explain the odd things about himself. Grant couldn't resist, and has been one of the NSA's star operatives since. If there has been a hotspot in the last ten years involving the US, it is almost a given Grant has been there.

As part of the deal with Mr. Brooks, he was told that several generations back, his family had gotten entwined with the fae. It was this blood, which didn't necessarily show up in every member of the family, that gave him his extraordinary abilities. The NSA helped him further tap into his blood, letting him learn how to "grey" himself - making himself so visually and emotionally non-descript when he wanted that people didn't really notice him unless he did something to draw their eye. He also learned he could do some rituals, though he has only learned how to heal himself (and, to a lesser degree, others) of wounds, refusing to experiment with other possible spells - he fears he will risk his soul if he draws on too much power, and pull the attention of his fae ancestors or their enemies - he has met one full fae, and hopes to never meet another.

He has come to Las Vegas looking for someone - a missing asset that Mr. Brooks wants found. Another agent with the power to "grey" themselves, though to a much stronger degree than Grant can achieve, Michael Dorritt has information the agency wants to keep secure. With his own understanding of what Dorritt can do, as well as his resistance to being influenced mentally, Grant is the perfect operative to find the rogue. Unfortunately, Dorritt knows how to hidein conventional ways, as well - he has been an agent a decade longer than Grant, and has used his own connections and stashed money to keep himself out of the public eye. Grant knows it will be more luck than anything that leads to the two meeting, so he has settled in for the long game - waiting for Dorritt to slip up even slightly. He trusts Mr. Brooks's intel that Dorritt is in Las Vegas, and is concentrating on the city.

In the meantime, he has opened an investment firm (with a lot of seed money from the NSA through extremely carefully covered transfers and connections) to provide a reason for being here.  He also has a small but elite security firm, which gives him cover for looking into places he otherwise would have no business checking out. He is known in the town for being a bit of a party figure - though nothing out of control - as well as an adrenaline junkie. He is working on getting permission to base jump off the Stratosphere Tower, just north of the strip, but has met surprising resistance from both the owners and the city. Luckily, he loves a challenge...

Living or dead Family:
Max Carter (father - deceased)
Lizbet Carter (mother - lives in Boston)
Jackson Carter (brother - doctor, lives in Boston)