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Welcome to An Inconvenience Rightly Considered (3.5/Pathfinder)

07:36, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)

Euron Botley

Euron is a “conch”. That is the derogatory term for a dock-district native from Helve. Those in the dock-district have taken the term to heart though and speak fondly of being a “conch” now. Euron did not know his father, a sailor on a merchant ship that never returned. His mother, Edna, died when Euron was a teenager of a wasting sickness. He was quite close to his mother and her death changed him. A night closely following her death, Euron was drinking away his sorrow when he passed out on the sea-wall. The tide came in and he succumbed to the waves and drowned. Fate was with him that night as the Zealot of Roan, a weather beaten woman in her later years, saw him slip into the water. Using her faith she purged the water from his lungs and revived him. Since that time he became a follower of Roan as well.

Much of the lore or religion of Roan that is practiced in the dock-district of Helve is oral, as most of the people there cannot read or write. Therefore, it is passed down from person to person or during open meetings of the populace where a Zealot of Roan will often be asked to speak. Euron has learned to read and write from the Zealot; a woman named Darne. He decided to write down as many of the stories and beliefs as he could in a rugged leather-bound journal he “acquired”. He keeps this journal on his person except when it would not be prudent.

Euron is a good person, but his outlook on life is tempered with the difficult upbringing he had in the dock-district of Helve. For that reason, he does not frown upon certain activities that the more civilized "good" people would find poor form. He is a very serious lad that rarely shows emotion though he is known to smile as easily as any at good humor. However, he almost never laughs. As Darne is still quite hale and has no inclination to leave the “conch” people of the dock-district, Euron had decided to explore the world to see what the lands interior to the sea offer. The salt water still flows through his veins yet, and for that reason he always carries a skin of sea water when he can.