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Welcome to City of Forbidden Desires (Anitaverse - Las Vegas)

06:50, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)

William Booth

Full Name: William Booth
Nickname: Will
Age: 40
Age apparent: 35
Gender: male
Sexuality: Bisexual
Occupation: Bar owner and biker
Languages:  English, spanish
Species: Werewolf (Alpha)
Powers: all standard, Share Power, Taming the Beast, and Resist Moon's Call

Overall Appearance: William isn’t a small man. He has broad shoulders and big arms that earned from long hours working on cars and motorcycles when he was working in his father’s garage. He has dark eyes that match his hair. Stubble grows along his jaw and upper lip. He has a scar above his left eye with another on his right side just above his hip, that he earned in a fight that ended with him leaving home.
Height: 6’2”
Weight: 220lbs
Eye Color: Dark brown
Hair color: black
Hair Style: Short and messy
Complexion: Tanned
Body shape: Broad, muscular
Clothing: Dark jeans and either a wife-beater or a t-shirt that hugged his muscles just right. To tie the look together, he usually wears black leather biker boots.
Character Model: Kevin Smith

Basic Personality: He is protective of the people he views as pack. He is an open person and enjoys meeting new people. He is polite but can be rather vicious when he feels threatened.

Sexual Likes: Almost anything excepts for BDSM and Bondage
Sexual Dislikes: BDSM and Bondage
Sexual Strengths: Stamina, puts his partners needs before his
Sexual Weaknesses: puts his partner’s needs before his

Merits: He is protective of the people in his pack, He is truthful and very to the point, about most things he talks about. He care too much about the people close to him.

Flaws: He’s truthful, doesn’t trust many people, cares too much about people in his pack.

History: William grew up in Tennessee before moving to Vegas when he turned eighteen, wanting to get away from the bigotry his parents forced on him. Two months after he moved, he was attacked by a rogue wolf. At first he fought against the effects, only to fail miserably on his first full-moon. As time went on, he gained control over his wolf.

When he got enough control, he moved in to an apartment building off the strip and began to babysit his neighbor’s two year old girl for some extra cash. The girl was sweet and his wolf felt the never ending urge to protect her. He came to love the girl as if she were his own. He thought her everything he knew about bikes, wolves, and the importance of listening to those who were of higher rank and age.  When the girl was sixteen, her mother was put into the hospital. He had her live with him while her mother was hospitalized. They visited her mother every day for the year she was there until she died after Ria’s seventeenth birthday. Since he helped raise the girl, her adopted her legally to keep her close.

Their life went on well for a year until Ria was diagnosed with Influenza that was killing her slowly. None of the medicine that the doctors gave her worked. In a last attempt to save his daughter’s life, he offered to bite her. She took up the offer, not wanting to leave the world of the living. After the bite took hold, William moved both of them out into the desert and bought a bar so there was somewhere for them to live while Ria learned to control her wolf, without the issues of her going haywire and killing people.

Living or dead Family: Mary Booth-Mother
Jack Booth- Father