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Welcome to (DnD3.5) - The Fourth Son

09:49, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)

Wren Degrow

With a cursory glance, one can tell that Wren is a seasoned warrior, from the armor that he wears to the way in which he carries himself. Standing a full 6ft and his broad frame and unkempt blond hair, Wren might be much more intimidating if not for the an aura that makes all around him feel comforted and safe. Wren can be considered ruggedly handsome, with striking blue eyes and usually close shaven face that is free of any scars that one might expect of one in his profession.

His armor seems a bit old and worn, but carefully well taken care of, as if were an old heirloom that has been passed down to him. The standard he wears is that of 9 pure white swords backed by blood red cloth. At his side at all times is a likewise well kept Guisarme that Wren holds like an old friend. It seems to be his only weapon, as the man seems to have few worldly possessions beyond the armor and the long weapon.