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Welcome to City of Forbidden Desires (Anitaverse - Las Vegas)

19:13, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)

Michael Anthony Cade

Full Name: Michael Anthony Cade
Nickname: from his military days "Gears", his initials "Mac"
Age: 29
Age apparent: 29
Gender: Male
Sexuality: Bi-Sexual
Occupation: Gym owner, fight promoter
Languages: English, Spanish, basic Arabic
Species: Werewolf
Powers: All standard, Resist Moon's Call, Taming the Beast, Cosmetic Change, Quick Shifting, Partial Change, Block Master's Call, Feel the City, Summoning Cry, Slashing Aura (double slot)

Overall Appearance: Michael is a strange mix of imposing and forgettable. He is surprisingly quiet in most of what he does, and he doesn't make the normal noises people make to fill silences or spaces. This leads to him often being seen but overlooked at first.

But in terms of raw physicality, when you notice him, he is unforgettable. Michael stands six foot four inches, and weighs about 230 lbs, all of it muscle. He wears his  dark blonde hair about shoulder length, normally loose unless he is expecting trouble, at which point he pulls it back with a leather tie. His eyes are a dark blue, almost sapphire. He wears simple clothes, usually a t-shirt and jeans with combat boots. He has a black leather jacket he wears with  "Daniel Cade" on a name-patch on his right side.

Height: 6ft4in
Weight: 230 lbs.
Eye Color: Dark blue
Hair color: Dark blonde
Hair Style: Shoulder length
Complexion: Tanned
Body shape: Muscled, bulky
Clothing: Usually casual, but does have some very nice suits when needed
Character Model: Charlie Hunnam

Basic Personality: He is comfortable leading, but never needs to prove himself - without being submissive, he will defer to others without much fight if they have a valid point or are better equipped to take point at that moment. But he won't be rolled over - push him, and he will push back, no matter how much he wishes he didn't have to do it. As Ulfric, he focuses on building up rather than tearing down, and works to find consensus when possible - but he is not afraid to simply impose a decision when it is needed. He prefers to avoid violence, but does not hesitate when there is no other choice.

Sexual Likes: Playfulness, touching, decisive partners, being teased when he cannot do anything about it (be it they are in public or he is bound so cannot respond)
Sexual Dislikes: Anything extreme - all things in small doses
Sexual Strengths: Willing to explore, stamina
Sexual Weaknesses: Desire to please, large body can make him pull back out of concern for smaller partner (meaning he doesn't always just go for it)

Merits: Loyal to his pack above all, able to focus on a problem above all else until solved, not easily rattled
Flaws: Needs the sense of belonging in a group, needs to protect others over his own well-being, intense anger for drunk drivers (can lead him to sticking nose where it doesn't belong)

History: Michael grew up in a blue-collar neighborhood, with loving parents who both worked hard and imparted that lesson to their sons. He had an older and a younger brother, only a year or so apart from him, meaning they all grew up very close to each other. They never joined one of the gangs around them - they were their own gang, after all, and if one had a problem, they all did. Michael was relatively popular in high school, but he didn't make too many close friends, since no one could compete with his brothers for his time and attention.

All that changed when he was 17, though. His brothers were coming to meet him when the drunk driver hit the car they were driving. For the first time, Michael was at a loss for direction - he wasn't exactly a follower, but he had always known what he was doing thanks to his brothers (a trait he still has - he is definitely an alpha, but a very laid-back one, often seeming to let others make choices for him, when in truth he is simply finding he has no opinion or issue with the choice, so why fight about it?).

He was lost for the last few months of high school, though he still did well-enough to graduate. He was almost an easy pickup when the Army recruiter came to the school, since the Army could provide some of what he missed with his brothers' absence, and his dad had been in the Army. He did well, and was given what he thought was a strange combination of training in computers and mechanics. Strange, that is, until he was assigned to be the "gearhead" for a unit of Special Forces, handling most of their needs in the field. He laughed off their teasing him about his relatively low combat skills - but the immediate need had not left him much time for that, so he was often given a very protective shield when they were on missions, again playing to what he had lost with his brothers.

But that lack of combat training on the level with the rest of his unit is what led to being bitten and changed. They were actually on leave, the seven of them all out at a bar in Charlotte, NC. The group had accepted Michael's easy take on sexuality - he didn't care the gender of his partner, as long as they pulled at him somehow. But not everyone felt the same, and they ended up in a bar-fight with a rowdy group of bikers, a few of whom had seen Michael flirting with another guy and gotten worked up.

But the fight spilled over to others in the bar, including another young Ranger who had just been kicked out of the service for being a shifter. The other man's combat instincts kicked in, and his animal side responded. He took Michael to be a threat and fought back, including several bites Michael just wasn't quick enough to see coming and avoid. Three weeks later, routine blood-work for a deployment discovered he was infected, and he got the boot.

It was during this up-and-down time he called his uncle, Esteban, who had been his dad' best friend growing up. Michael knew that his uncle had been infected years before, and he needed someone to make sense of what had happened to him. It was such a whirlwind, and he almost lost his fight to keep his sanity... but then Esteban arrived, and things changed.

Michael spent months with the older man, learning how to control what he was, and discovering he was stronger than most other wolves. Esteban also took the time to teach his new charge about the niceties of Pack life - ranks, rituals, proper etiquette... all things that a young wolf had to know to survive.

The time also bonded the two of them - Michael had always looked up to the man who was as close as blood to his father, but now he was acting in a father-like role. Which was all the more important since Michael felt like he had somehow let down his real parents, though he couldn't have explained why. Esteban tried to tell him he was being foolish, but couldn't get through to the younger man. So he plays bridge between Michael and his parents, and makes sure they all know how the others are doing.

Michael eventually moved to Vegas, having learned and grown enough that he had to find his own way. The first thing he did was find the local Pack and join, following the rules Esteban had taught him. Surprisingly, he quickly became the Bolverk, a role he knew would require him do things the Ulfric couldn't or wouldn't do. He stayed in that role for a while, until thing went sideways without warning.

The Ulfric disappeared, taking most of his possessions with him. Michael looked into the vanishing act, but couldn't find out why it happened, nor where the other man had gone. Following Pack law, he "inherited" all the property and money left behind. Michael saw his only choice to be taking the role of Ulfric, unless another more worthy contender stood up - which they didn't.

Realizing he needed help, he called Esteban to come to Vegas as Bolverk - giving him full permission to speak his mind to Michael, he would keep the newly risen Ulfric on track. Michael is trying to follow a slightly less authoritarian path than most other Packs allowed, giving those under him permission to speak their minds unless and until a decision was made. He made it clear early that while he didn't want to use violence to enforce his word, he would not shy from doing so either.

Additional Details
Michael is very strong, but never feels the need to show it off, unless he is forced to do so, either to protect himself or others (and rarely, when the pack needs a show of force, which he hates doing but accepts as necessary). He almost never loses his temper, even in the heat of a fight or the rage during the full-moon (not to say he is not a riot of crazy and wild then, just much less blood thirsty and wild than most others are). He needs the pack mentality, though, having grown up with a very similar sense with his brothers. And he believes the structure helps keep the other wolves from getting too excessive in their embracing of their wolf side.

He will surprise anyone who tries to challenge him for power, though - he IS powerful enough to be the Ulfric, and while he might not be a super-soldier, the combat training he did get makes him a much cannier fighter than most shifters who haven't had to fight for their lives as a human before being changed. He is very comfortable with guns and knives, and is a surprisingly good shot with most guns. He has an intellectual side, and keeps up with the latest in computer networking and equipment, and shows a surprising skill with the software/operating side of computers, though mostly that is the result of no choice, being the "expert" on site in the field made him pick up that talent.