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Welcome to WFRP 2e: The Balance of Power

10:01, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)

Xavier Jaquelin

Xavier was born and raised in Parravon, the part of Bretonnia closest to both Athel Loren and the Empire. As such, he saw a lot of travelers from the Empire and was enraptured by the stories of conquest and valor even if deep down he did know that the truths were stretched here and there. Normally in Parravon, the children go off to be raised by some other member of their family to promote both adventurous nature and a feeling of turning into an adult. Xavier was no different. Setting off with only his horse and a few provisions, he went off deeper into Athel Loren to find the last known location of his uncle. Several weeks went by and Xavier only took what was needed from the forest to survive, as was taught to him by his father. Soon he came upon a small hut that was marked with the crest of his family. Sure enough, his uncle came out to meet him and over the remaining years of his childhood he learned both how to survive in nature and to respect it like it should be respected.

Years went by, the seasons changed, and he never did go back to his birth parent's castle. They were not worried, nor did they fret, for they knew that their son could just as well be adventuring into the unknown. Instead of adventuring, however, Xavier was still in his uncle's hut even though the former owner had passed away during one of the harsher winters. In the later months after his uncle's death, Xavier would continue maintaining his hut until--after pulling out an old and decaying tree stump--he found something that would change the course of his life. The tree had been planted over a very worn, very large chest. Digging and pulling it out took almost the rest of the day, but what he found inside made it all worth it.

The last rays from the sun glinted off of a fairly well preserved set of armor and weapons, the harsh reflection causing Xavier to wince back and shield his eyes. As it turns out, his uncle was once a Knight Errant, but gave up those days to settle down as a self-sustaining hermit. Taking up the armor, Xavier thought back to his days as a child, when he saw those knights. This was a chance to become one himself! And so Xavier has set off, wearing his uncle's worn and sturdy attire in his memory.

Adventuring wasn't all it was cracked up to be, however. Several years past as Xavier conscripted himself into whatever job that was hiring someone of his nature. Wandering knights were far too common in Bretonnia, so actual towns to save and creatures to smite were at a premium. Most of the times a knight would just ave to settle being someone's watchdog in a personal army for the rest of their career. Xavier was almost trapped in this lifestyle until he heard rumors of a country to the north still recovering from a chaos incursion from long ago. Maybe he could be of some use there!

It took a while to make his way to Kislev and to prove he was not a threat to the guards stationed there. He immediately headed towards the Bretonnian District to find a shrine to the Lady. He would pray for guidance to his next step. Little did he know exactly which way that step would take him...

Xavier is a kind soul and wishes no harm upon anyone that does not deserve it. Although eager to prove himself in battle, he has been to many different places of the civilized world and doesn't act like a green recruit. Because he was raised away from the social nature of most Bretonnians, he is rather unique in the fact that he does not act like he is above and beyond the common folk. In fact, when he found out that was the proper way to act among the nobles of his kind, he nearly renounced his heritage. Because of that, he has given himself the title of "The Penitent One", as a reminder to himself and everyone around him that he will attempt to make up for the misgivings of all of Bretonnia (a lofty goal, indeed).

The forces of Chaos have not been kind on Xavier. After being exposed to daemons and their kin, Xavier has hardened a bit. He still has the same ideals as before, but they are tempered by an understanding that one can only get by being shown something no one should have to bear.

*Picture taken from