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Welcome to Call of Cthulhu: Masks of Nyarlathotep

09:02, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)

Stanley Bishop

Stanley Bishop is a large man, a little over six feet and over two hundred pounds. At thirty eight, his once boyish good looks have succumbed to age and a bit of extra weight. Despite his size, Bishop's average looks allow him to go unnoticed, unremembered or mistaken for a salesmen. However despite being oddly forgettable, when needed the seemingly affable Bishop can project true menace and can be an extremely imposing figure.

Bishop favors a dark grey coat over a charcoal gray suit and a gray fedora. His clothes are well tailored but simple.

Stanley Bishop was born during 1886 to a working class family in New York's lower East Side . But Stanley's father was a chauffer for the rather weath off Elias family. Stanley often accompanied his father to work, and he and Jackson Elias, the son of his father's employer became close chums. But as they reached their young men they their lives began to move in different directions.

Having come of age hearing of the excitement and adventure of the Spanish America War, Bishop joined the Marines at a young age. He saw some action in Morocco and other small engagements. Due to some heroics and a bit of luck was commissioned as an lieutenant.

Home from the Marines, the young marine officer met Eleanor Elias, one of Jackson's cousin, despite some objections the two were soon wed. Hoping for a better future for Bishop, the Elias family pulled some strings to get the young war hero into college and law school.

Unfortunately, Bishop never had much success as a lawyer and when the war in Europe broke out, he left his failing practice and family behind, and volunteered to serve in the trenches during the Great War.

While Bishop saw many horrors while serving during the Great War, nothing prepared him for the loss of his wife and daughter during the influenza outbreak of 1918. Their death took a toll on Bishop, now a marine captain on the front lines, his heroics becoming more of a death wish.

With the war over Bishop returned home. Seeing his son was likely better off with his wife's sister, who had cared for him since his mother's death, Bishop left the child in her care. With his practice closed, and in far too dark a place to start anew Bishop took a job with the Pinkerton Detective Agency.

Between an inheritance from his late wife, his income from work, and some "after hours" activities he is quite comfortable. However, Stan lives a rather Spartan lifestyle. Stan favors simple but well tailored suits. He has a weakness for good food, and knows a good place to eat anywhere in town. He drinks but not to excess. If he has taken up with a woman since his wife's death he has been discreet.

As his son is in the care of his wife's sister, Stan lives on his own in apartment of a building he owns on the Lower East Side. He owns a couple of cars, one fairly new, the other a bit of wreck but mechanically sound.

For those who have known him a long time, they find Bishop has changed greatly over the years. Once a rather happy go lucky young man, his experiences during the war and the death of his wife and daughter have left him a rather dark. But unlike many who might be broken by such events, Stanley Bishop, like steel tempered in fire has become hardened from the tragedy. Those friends or family members who have gotten into trouble they have found Stan to be a reliable and resourceful ally.