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10:46, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)


Drayven Level 1 Dragonborn Warlock (Dark Pact)
Theme: Infernal Prince.

Initiative +0, Perception 10, Insight 15, Normal Vision.
HP: 22; Bloodied 11; Surges 6, Value 5
AC: 15; Fort 12, Reflex 15, Will 15
Speed: 6
Resists: N/A
Saves: +2 Vs Charm.

[M] Melee Basic (Standard; At-Will) * Melee Basic
Spear: +5 Vs. AC; 1d8+2 DMG.

[R] Ranged Basic (Standard; At-Will) * Ranged Basic
Eldritch Blast

[R] Eldritch Blast (Standard; At-Will) LV 1 * Arcane, Implement
Rod: +5 Vs. Reflex; 1d10+5 DMG, Range 10.
Special: Counts as Ranged Basic.

[R] Spiteful Glamor (Standard; At-Will) LV 1 * Arcane, Implement, Psychic
Rod +5 Vs. Will; 1d8+5 Psychic DMG, Range 10
Special: If the enemy has Max HP, 1d12 instead.

[R] Darkworm Feast (Standard; Encounter) LV 1 * Arcane, Implement, Necrotic
Rod: +5 Vs. Will; 2d6+5 Necro DMG, Range 10.
Hit: Target is Slowed, Until End Of My Next Turn.
Dark Pact Hit: At start of Target's next turn, they take INT(3) extra Necro DMG.

[R] Malicious Shadow (Standard; Day) LV 1 * Arcane, Cold, Conjuration, Implement, Necrotic, Shadow.
Rod: +5 Vs. Reflex; 3d8+5 Cold AND Necro DMG.
Miss: Half DMG.
Effect: I Conjure a shadow in an unoccupied tile next to target.
Shadow lasts until end of my next turn. Enemies next to Shadow grant CA.
While Shadow persists, I can use Secondary attack through shadow.
Sustain Minor: Shadow persists until End Of My Next Turn.
  [M] Secondary: Immediate Interrupt. Arcane, Cold, Implement, Necro, Shadow.
Trigger: Enemy willingly leaves tile next to shadow on it's turn.
Attack: +5 Vs. Reflex; 10 Cold AND Necro DMG, Immobilized until end of it's next turn.

[Racial] [CBL3] Dragon Breath [Lightning] (Minor; Encounter) * Lightning
Target: Everything in Close Blast 3.
Dragon Breath +6 Vs. Reflex; 1d6+0(2) Lightning DMG.
Special: +2/3/6 To-Hit, and 1/2/3d6 DMG per Tier.

[CLASS] Darkspiral Aura  (Interrupt; At-Will) LV 1 * Arcane, Necrotic, Psychic
Effect: When an Enemy cursed by you is reduced to 0 HP, Add 1 to your Darkspiral Aura count.
Your Count starts at 0, and resets to 0 after a short or extended rest.
Triger: When an enemy makes a Melee or Ranged attack against you,
you may use this as an Immediate Interrupt consuming all of your Aura points.
Hit: 1d6 Necro AND Psychic DMG to that enemy, for each point of your Darkspiral Counter.
This increases to 1d8 at Paragon, 1d10 at Epic.
Special: If this attack deals less than 12 DMG, your counter resets to 0.
If this attack deals 12 DMG or more, the triggering enemy attack is considered weakened
(Meaning it only deals half damage), and your counter resets to 1.

Alignment: Unaligned
Languages; Common, Draconic.
 0 Acrobatics, 8 Arcana*, 2 Athletics, 9 Bluff*, 4 Diplomacy, 0 Dungeoneering,
 0 Endurance, 0 Heal, 5 Hist, 0 Insight, 6 Intimidate, 0 Nature, 0 Percep,
 3 Religion*, 0 Stealth, 9 Streetwise*, 7 Thievery*
STR 14(+2/+2)  DEX 10(+0/+0)  WIS 10(+0/+0)
CON 10(+0/+0)  INT 16(+3/+3)  CHA 18(+4/+4)
Equipment:  Rods. Spears. Leather Armor.

Racial Attributes: Dragonborn +2 CHA, Choice of +2 CON/+2 STR. 6 Speed. Normal Vision. +2 History, Intimidate. Draconic Language.
Dragonborn Racial Power; Dragon Breath: STR, Lightning. See Power.
Draconic Heritage: Surge Value has a +CON(0) bonus.
Arcane Blood: Replaces Dragonborn Fury.  +1/2/3 per Tier Racial Bonus to Arcane DMG Rolls.

Class Attributes:
Armor Proficiencies: Cloth, Leather.
Weapon Proficiencies: Simple Melee, Simple Ranged.
Implements: Rods, Wands.
Defense Bonus: +1 Reflex, +1 Will.
Eldritch Pact ; Dark Pact: Dark pact gives the Spiteful Glamor At-Will.  As well as the Darkspiral Aura pact boon.
Prime Shot: +1 Bonus to targets no Allies are closer to than me.
Shadow Walk: On my turn, if I move at least 3 away from my starting position, I gain Concealment until end of my next turn.
Warlock's Curse: Once per turn as a minor action, I can place a Warlock's curse on the nearest enemy I can see.  Can be placed on multiple enemies. Once per turn I can deal extra curse Damage when I hit cursed with an attack.  1d6/2d6/3d6 Per Tier.
Darkspiral Aura: See power.

Theme Details:
Infernal Prince:
  Level 1: +1 Power bonus to  Fire attack rolls.  Hellfire Heart power.
  Hellfire Heart. Encounter ; NO ACTION.  Divine, Fear, Fire.  Trigger; I hit an enemy with an attack.
Effect: Triggering target takes 1/3/5+Best Mod Fire DMG. 1+INT(3)= 4 Fire DMG.  Until Start of my next turn, enemy takes -2 to-hit rolls to any attack that includes me as a target.

  Level 5: +2 Power bonus to Bluff, Diplo.  I can also on a roll of 5 or less against Humanoid, or natural targets, Reroll and take second Bluff or Diplo.
  Level 10:  The first time I become bloodied in an encounter, Hellfire Heart recharges.  Also, +5 extra damage if Hellfire Heart is used on the enemy who bloodied me.

Background Benefit: Cormyr (Wheloon); Add thievery to C list.  +2 Thievery. +2 Save Vs Charm.

Critical: N/A.

  Pact Boon can trigger when enemy is bloodied, but removes curse in the process (Feat Lv1).

Feats:  Bloodied Boon(Lv1).

Additional Equipment: Whatever.

Pile of cash

Char BG: