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06:47, 1st June 2024 (GMT+0)


Princess of Sorokand

Age: 20

Appearance: When poised next to old paintings or statues of her ancestress Ixtana, Xomiri's features find a near twin. Due to her mother's heritage, however, her eyes are dark green and her skin is a little lighter.

Xomiri has an interest in traditional Tezcatili clothing, which fell out of fashion in Sorokand over the last half century, and she insists on honouring their past by wearing dressed adorned with beautiful feathers and embroidery. Her typical headgear is a simple, but elegant gold-banded headdress with dark green and purple feathers.

Personality/Reputation: Xomiri is known to be an inquisitive young woman, perhaps a bit vain and demanding at times, but still quite sympathetic to others. She is rumoured to be quite capable with a blade, though does not practice in public. Some claim that she is an adept sorceress, but she does not publicly display those skills if she possesses them.

History: After her parents divorced, Xomiri was separated from her mother, who was taken back to High Friij by her parents. From the ages of five to eight, she became a ward of the Panjandrum and was able to spend time with her mother. After that point, her father took her home and instigated a rigorous tutoring programme over the next few years. Afterwards, he sent her to the courts of Qalik, Cayaj, Saedwin and Tasaikand. As a consequence of her travels, she became an expert in language and culture and collected a number of friends and allies across the continent. Even if her father was not always well liked, the princess generally found a warm reception.

For the first years of her life, Xomiri was the heir apparent. Legislation allowed for a woman to rule, but only if there were no men in her line with a strong claim. Even after her brother was born and publicly named the next in line to the throne, whispers went around speculating as to whether her father might change his mind, given that his first wife had been his favourite. But Xarakh was beloved of his father, by all accounts, despite his flashes of temper and demanding nature.

Xomiri has been betrothed three times and married once, only for a few weeks, to a Prince of Tasaikand, until their fathers quarreled and she was sent back to Sorokand. Her father's desire to find a powerful husband for her has led constant headaches, as he never seems willing to commit to anything and has even tried to break up marriages to increase his options.

Father: Shah Ixtan
Mother: Lady Vrianja vim Vraajna
Half-brother: Prince Xarakh