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Welcome to Brand New Days (Not Spider-Man related!)

02:43, 3rd June 2024 (GMT+0)

Millie Harrison

Currently wearing: A pair of black jeans, a tight blue shirt that more or less matched her new hair color and a black leather jacket on top

Name: Millicent "Millie" Harrison
Code Name: Surge (Not New X-Men's Surge. Just suck at coming up with names).
Age: 24

Millie has the ability to absorb electric energy from almost any source (power outlet, lightning storm, electricity based attacks, etc) into her body. That energy is then used to sustain her in place of food and water also to power up her abilities.

Electric Sight: She can see and feel electric currents and sources all around her whether they are wires running inside a wall, generators or even the bioenergy in other living beings.
Normally this sight overlaps with her normal one but a couple of things can happen to change that. If she doesn’t have any energy left she sees things just like a normal human but then the more energy she absorbs and stores within herself the more her “special” sight takes over and the better it gets.

Healing: Millie can recover from any injury or wound she might sustain. Cuts and scrapes disappear immediately and even more serious wounds like broken bones heal in a matter of seconds.
She doesn't need to be conscious for the healing to take place and she can keep it up for as long as there's energy left in her. Theoretically as long as she can tap into an energy source she can overcome any and all injuries.
As a side effect from this healing Millie doesn't need to eat, drink or sleep at all.

Enhanced strength/speed/reflexes: She is stronger than any normal person or even some other mutants. She can lift an average of 10 tons or can push herself to lift even more than that but keeping it up above that level becomes very taxing for her and can leave her drained.
Millie is also faster than any normal person and has super human reflexes.

Electric Touch: Her body releases energy through touch and she can use that to power up equipment using her own power reserves or as an offensive ability as anything and anyone touching her skin will get zapped and the electricity will also flow through whatever she might be touching or holding.

Her only control over this aspect of her powers is that she can decide how strong the shock would be so if someone were to touch her he/she would experience anything ranging from a small jolt and a tickling sensation to full blown discharge powerful enough to contract muscles and stop a heart. She can't turn it off completely.

Her touch, regardless of the intensity of the jolt, fries electronic or high tech devices. Grabbing her cellphone with her bare hands would turn it into a nice paperweight and trying to use a firearm would end up in all the bullets exploding due to the contact with the electricity.

Electricity likes her!. Normally, an electrical current/discharge wants to get to the ground as fast as possible and using the path of least resistance. That’s what nature says and how it is pretty much all the time. When she is around though electricity forgets all about the ground and stuff like that and *wants* to get to her. That’s not really a problem for her since she actually likes it but imagine walking around under a nice looking thunderstorm with a human lightning rod next to you... not good right?.

If she drains herself completely (for any reason) she turns back to a normal person with the strength and speed of an average young woman in her middle twenties. She can stay like this for a few hours without any ill effects but then the longer she stays like that the hungrier, sleepier and weaker she gets. After a couple of days she'll start getting tired after doing simple things like climbing a flight of stairs and after a week she won't be able to get out of bed and her eyesight will start fading too.

At first glance Millie stands out as a happy and carefree girl. She is outgoing, friendly, trustworthy and specially a very very touchy feely/hugging person... which is kinda weird since her powers makes touching her a problem most of the time.
Millie is also very confident about herself and her powers, she wasn't happy with them at first but had been living with them for several years now and has grown to like/enjoy having them and that shows on the way she acts and dresses. She wears jeans and gloves most of the time but she doesn't cover every inch of her skin. A skirt every now and then, Sleeveless shirts, tanktops she loves them and loves wearing them so she's just careful enough not to bump into someone by mistake.

She loves listening to music (lots of different styles) and would spend all day long with a pair of headphones on her head if it weren't that hard to find ones that wouldn't get fried as soon as she touch them. When she is at home (a small apartment she rents) she turns the music all the way up and sings along to it for hours and hours.

Physical Description:

Physical appearance:
Height: 5.1 feet.
Weight: 110 lbs.
Distinguishing characteristics:

Other Information
Hobbies: Walking outside on a stormy night. Singing.
Likes: Parties. Singing along to her music. Pizza and movies night!. Chocolate ice-cream.
Dislikes: Not having ice-cream. Grabbing her phone or MP3 player with her bare hands (5th phone so far). Her full name.
Sexual Orientation: Bisexual though kinda (very) inexperienced with girls.
Love Life: First steps towards a relationship with Ashley Rose
Relationship With Family: A long distance one.
With Friends: looooves her friends.