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Welcome to Savage Tide (Pathfinder, Mystara)

20:22, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)



Wildcat Companion

Neutral Small Animal (Wildcat)
Initiative +5 Senses Lowlight Vision, Scent Perception +5


AC 17, Touch 16, Flat-Footed 12 (+5 dexterity, +1 natural, +1 size)
HP 11 (2d8+2)
Fort +4, Refl +8, Will +1
Defensive Abilities :  +1 natural armor, small size


Speed : 50 feet
Melee : Bite +2 (1d4+1 plus Trip) and 2 Claws +2 (1d2+1)
Special : Animal Focus, Pounce, Sure-Footed, Trip


Charges and pounces on the nearest target at the beginning of battle, tries to flank with master if possible.


Str 12, Dex 21, Con 13, Int 02, Wis 12, Cha 06
BAB +1; CMB +1;CMD 17
Feats (1) :  Evolved Companion (Pounce), Sure-Footed
Skills (2) : Acrobatics +5, Climb* +5, Escape +5, Perception* +5, Stealth +9, Survival +1, Swim +1
Tricks (6+1) :  Attack, Attack "kupu", Down "kuwe", Flank "kinyu", Flee "kuto", Heel "kufu", Stay "kuka"
Special Qualities :  Link, Share Spells, Low-light vision, Scent, Pounce, Trip


Kibiti most closely resembles a small blue-eyed albino panther, though those knowledgeable about such matters can tell that is quite impossible, proof that the can must be spirit touched.

Built like the predator he resembles, he possess wickedly sharp claws and long fangs, with powerful muscles rippling under the thick glistening white hide that seem to shimmer in the light, and his eyes glimmer with an almost human like intelligence that seem to change color with his mood.